/ / If a man is near, how to behave? Like a woman!

If a man is near, how to behave? As a woman!

Посмотрим правде в глаза, иногда мужчины говорят inappropriate things or commit acts and antics that embarrass and upset women. The girl would like the companion to calm down, make everything stop, but does not know how. To behave like a woman, beautiful and weaker sex - this is the best way out of an awkward situation. And how to do this, you will be prompted by ten good tips.

how to behave like a woman

one.Sometimes girls think that a man is able to read their thoughts or, for some reason, “knows” what she considers reasonable. In fact, how could he know her opinion on how to behave? As a woman, let him know what is acceptable for you in his behavior and what is not. This is the best way to get what you want from your man. If he does something that bothers you, tell him about it, and then explain why it is confusing for you. In the future, he will try to avoid the accomplishment of actions that grieve you.

how should a woman behave

2Reward him for improving his understanding of how to behave. As a woman, you know that the reward can be in the bedroom. But you can just touch him and smile. Small tokens can tell a lot and have a big resonance.

3. Treat him with respect.Always remember that your man is not a child. And he is not a villain. A man is an adult, having his own feelings and pride. Respect him, even if you think he doesn't deserve it. In this case, you will very quickly reach an understanding.

four.If you watch couples in love, you will see a common thing about how a loving woman behaves. She largely makes compromises. If you want a man to give way, perhaps you need to sacrifice something.

how does a loving woman behave

5. Listen to his arguments. Most often, men actually have reasonable reasons for “uncomfortable” behavior.

6.Sometimes women start to think that they are better than their men, simply because they do not act in a “foolish way” as their halves. Such a position may cause you to feel the guardian of the child. Your condescendingly ironic tone will slowly but surely lead to a cooling of the man’s feelings towards you.

7. Помните, что вы не его начальник.This is the main rule of how a woman should behave. If you tell a man what to do, then you are asking for trouble. Of course, your opinions and feelings are important, but it does not give you the right to speak with him in an imperative tone.

how to behave like a woman

8.Sometimes men have a very vague idea of ​​how their words or actions actually act on women. Instead of resenting and talking about hate, tell him that he makes you feel like he is undermining his authority in your eyes. If the conversation is completely frank, you will even find that some of your problems are nothing more than minor insults.

9. If you let a man know what he should do and how, you will have to behave like a woman in his perception.

ten.One simple thing that women often overlook is: a request, in a polite and respectful manner, to stop doing or saying what they find unpleasant. If you have not done so yet, try it. You may be pleasantly surprised at how your man controls himself.