Dioscorea Nippon - medicinal plant,which is a liana. It grows in the Far East and is extremely rare. The plant has many beneficial properties and is used to treat certain diseases. The most important thing is to collect the raw materials correctly and in time, as well as to prepare a preparation on its basis. What is this plant and what effect does it have?
Brief description of the plant
Dioscorea Nipponskaya representsperennial grassy liana. The length of the stems of this plant can reach up to 4 meters, but not more. The rhizome of the vine is horizontal. Its length can be about two meters, and thickness from 3 to 4 centimeters. From the main root deviate hard additional roots.
Stems curly, grassy and practically withoutgreenery. The shape of the foliage is broadly ovoid, located alternately, three-seven-lobed, fastened with small cuttings. It should be noted that Nipponian Dioscorea is a flowering plant. Its buds bloom in summer, in the second half. The plant is dioecious, so its flowers are same-sex. They are collected in the half-umbrellas. These inflorescences form axillary racemes. As for the fruits, then they are three-nested boxes in the vine. They ripen in late August - early September.
Nippon Dioscorea Microscopy
Usually as a medicinal raw materialapplied underground part of the plant. Microscopy of the rhizomes of the Nippon dioscorea shows that this part of the vine has a small cork layer. The cortex consists of tangentially elongated, small cells with non-lignified shells. At the same time in some of them rafid about 100 microns long meets. Such cells are oriented along the entire rhizome. Endoderm in raw materials is unclear. In the cylinder, located in the center of the rhizome, collateral conductive bundles are visible. On the periphery, they are smaller, and in the center - rounded and large.
Клетки паренхимы являются многоугольными.They fit snugly together. They also contain starch grains of various forms, as well as a diameter of 1.5 - 24 microns. Along with Druze often there are drops of fatty oil. The cell wall is lignified and has a large number of large pores.
Procurement of raw materials
The main germination of this plant -Primorsky Krai. There is a liana in the south-east of the Amur region and in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory. Nipponian Dioscorea prefers to grow on the edges and in the depth of broad-leaved rare forests. You can find it in the thickets of wormwood and shrubs, in the valleys of small streams and rivers.
For the treatment of certain diseases in medicineOnly the roots of the Nipponian Dioscorea are used You can harvest them either in the fall or in the spring. It was during this period that a large amount of nutrients accumulated in the roots. Leaves and buds can only be collected during flowering. Harvested, dried, and then stored raw materials in the usual way.
It is worth noting that when collecting roots in placemust remain more than 50% of all grown copies. It is forbidden to dig up plants whose height is less than one meter. At the same place re-harvesting is allowed only after 20 years.
Chemical composition of the plant
The roots and rhizome of Nipponian dioscorea contain the following substances:
- Steroid glycosides. The plant contains up to 80% tigogenin, diosgenin, dioscin.
- Flavonoids.
- Carbohydrates.
During the period of vegetative growth of lianas concentrationdata components increases significantly. It is worth noting that the seeds of Nippon dioscorea contain fatty oil, a large amount of vitamins and other organic compounds.
What properties does the plant have?
As pharmacognosy shows, dioscoreaNippon is used to combat some diseases. How the main substances of the rhizome act, steroid glycosides, have long been studied. Their most valuable action is anti-sclerotic. Many clinical trials have been cited, as a result of which scientists have found that steroid glycosides, in particular diosponin, can reduce the deposition of low-density lipoproteins and hyperchoterolemia in the arteries, liver, skin and cornea of the visual organs. Such substances can increase the ratio of compounds such as cholesterol and lecithin. Diosponin has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system as a whole, it allows to lower blood pressure, as well as expand peripheral blood vessels. Nippon-based Dioscorea preparations have anti-sclerotic and diuretic effects.
How do plant based drugs work?
Секрет действия лекарственных средств на основе Nippon's Dioscorea is pretty simple. Saponins, which are part of plant materials, are combined with cholesterol not only in the gastrointestinal tract, but also in the blood vessels. The molecules connected in this way are easily eliminated from the body. Due to this, the accumulation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels is prevented.
These substances have another uniqueproperty. Once in the body, saponins practically do not bind with the molecules of beneficial cholesterol, which is necessary for the production of sex and other hormones. As a result, the result is mostly “bad.”
What you need to consider
Saponins contained in the roots of the DioscoreaNipponskoy, able to enhance the effect of any drug that has a hypnotic effect. Such glycosides make breathing deeper, lower blood pressure, allow you to restore sleep phases, slightly increase the amplitude of heart contractions.
Such saponins have a low level of toxicity. This is another feature of them. However, such compounds can cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes.
Plant Based Drugs
Nipponskaya looks extraordinary in the photo of Dioscorea.beautiful. In traditional medicine, the plant does not apply in its pure form. Preparations are made on its basis. At the moment there are only a few such drugs: "Diosponin" and "Polisponin". It is impossible to obtain drugs from other varieties of Dioscorea.
It is worth noting that such medications are prescribednot only in the detection of general atherosclerosis, but also in coronary and cerebral atherosclerosis at the initial and more pronounced stages. Such drugs are widely used in the presence of diseases of the gallbladder and liver, as well as in hypertension.
What ailments
As already mentioned, drugs based on thisplants help with atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, gallbladder and liver diseases. Nippone dioscorea tincture allows to eliminate unpleasant sensations during exacerbation of chronic gastritis. In addition, this drug enhances the secretory function of the stomach. Nippon Doscorea medication is indicated for:
- hormonal age deficiency;
- insomnia;
- radiation sickness;
- heaviness in the stomach and bitterness in the mouth, caused by a violation of the digestive organs;
- chronic fatigue;
- ischemic heart disease;
- liver diseases;
- obesity and so on.
How to cook a decoction
In folk medicine, Dioscorea Nipponskayaused in the form of tincture and decoction. If there are no preparations based on such a medicinal plant, it can be prepared at home. The main thing is to keep the proportions. There are several recipes.
To prepare the broth must be crushed 20grams of dried Nipponian Dioscorea roots and brew them with 200 milliliters of boiling water. To torment the drug should be in a water bath for half an hour. After that, the tool must be cooled, drained and diluted with boiled water to the original volume. Take the broth should be up to 4 times a day for 2 tablespoons after meals. It is recommended to drink the drug with milk or jelly. This avoids irritation of the mucous membranes.
Recipes tinctures and infusions
To prepare the tincture, you will need 70%alcohol. Preparing tincture of rhizome. One part of plant materials need to pour 5 parts of alcohol. Infusing the drug costs for 10 days, shaking several times a day. Finished drug is recommended to filter and take from 30 to 40 drops before meals. To obtain the desired effect of such techniques during the day should be three.
From the flowers of plants and leaves can be preparedinfusion. To do this, you need 20 grams of crushed raw materials to brew 200 ml of boiling water. Insist on the medicine for 15 minutes in a water bath. In conclusion, the drug should be cooled and filtered. Take this infusion is recommended up to 4 times a day for 2 tablespoons after meals.
Who should refuse
Nippon dioscorea is a medicinal plant. Drugs based on it, like many drugs, have contraindications. It is not recommended to apply them at:
- bradycardia;
- hypotension;
- breastfeeding;
- pregnancy;
- chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach, accompanied by inflammation.
With extreme caution, Nippon-based Dioscorea drugs should be taken after a heart attack or stroke.