/ Dioscorea Caucasian. Use in traditional medicine

Dioscorea is Caucasian. Application in folk medicine

Dioscorea Caucasian application

Диоскорея кавказская, применение которой в currently limited due to its small area of ​​distribution and slow recovery, contains enough glycoalkaloids and steroid saponins. These are the very substances that are components of certain drugs. They are also steroid hormones. Some of them are produced by the endocrine glands of humans and mammals, and the other is related to the sex hormones of women. At one time, their medicinal properties were revealed. Immediately after that, they began to receive hormones from the glands of slaughter cattle. But since they are very small, they needed to recycle a huge amount of them. Then they began to look for other ways. It turned out that the compounds that can serve as the basis for the synthesis of corticosteroids, contains the Caucasian Dioscorea. In folk medicine, however, its use is still more common than in the official. As a medical raw material use rhizomes. Gather them throughout the growing season - from April to October.

Caucasian Dioscorea: tincture, pills

Со временем все же оказалось, что корневища plants do not contain enough diosgenin to produce hormone preparations from them. This is also irrational due to the fact that the raw material base of the Caucasian Dioscorea is limited. But on the other hand, the sum of saponins in the form of the drug "Diosponin" found another use. These tablets have been used to treat atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that the drug significantly reduces blood cholesterol, acts as a hypotensive agent.

Caucasian Dioscorea in folk medicine

Also, the drug "Diosponin" preventsdeposits of lipids in the aorta. Later, to satisfy the need for the drug, they began to produce its analogue. This medicine is “Polisponin”, which is the sum of water-soluble saponins from the Nippon dioscorea. This drug is also used to treat atherosclerosis. Produced and natural tincture of the Caucasian Dioscorea. It is used not only for atherosclerosis, but also for heart attacks, strokes, to improve the functioning of the heart, to prevent the formation of cancer cells in conditions of increased radiation.

Caucasian Dioscorea. Application with diseases of the stomach and intestines

There is evidence that drugs Dioscoreaeffective in the treatment of chronic gastritis. A famous old recipe, which was used to strengthen the stomach and intestines, relieve its inflammation, and also protect the kidneys. To do this, together with the rhizome of the plant, they boiled thin rice gruel and ate it.

Dioscorea Caucasian tincture
Caucasian Dioscorea. Application as an external agent

The dry rhizome of the plant is ground and applied to damaged areas during frostbite. The same remedy only in combination with ground seeds of castor bean perfectly helps with furunculosis.

Caucasian Dioscorea. Application with precaution

In no case should not exceed the dosage,specified in the instructions for the drug. To establish the susceptibility of the body to it, the first week is better to use half the desired amount. If necessary, the dose can be increased to the maximum acceptable. You also need to remember that the preparations of Dioscorea should be drunk only after a meal, as they irritate the intestines and stomach. As a rule, when observing the dosage side effects do not happen. But when it is exceeded, there may occasionally be a violation of the heart, an increase in pressure, the appearance of edema.