/ / Indian onions - use in traditional medicine

Indian onion - use in folk medicine

Indian onions, or branka, or ornithohalum,or the caudal bird has long been known and popular with lovers of healing houseplants. In appearance, the plant is not very beautiful, very similar to onions, it is an onion protruding from the ground with large hanging leaves growing from it. Despite its name, Indian onion, in fact, has no relation to the onions used as food. Moreover, it contains toxic substances, so it can be used only for the preparation of various tinctures and decoctions, while adhering strictly to the recipe.

In the preparations of official medicine is not yetused Indian onions. Its use as one of the means of traditional medicine is associated with the treatment of many diseases, including for the treatment of joints and the treatment of injuries. Juice or preparations made from Indian onions are used only for external use.

For treatment, what diseases in traditional medicine are used Indian onions?

Its application by the majority of folk healers inas an anesthetic in the treatment of joints and radiculitis leads to positive results. Preparations from it are successfully used in the treatment of injuries, burns, tumors, suppurations, as well as the removal of edema in insect bites. Many of the traditional healers consider Indian onions to be the best remedy for treating the joints; tincture of it is made with fresh leaf vodka. Finely chopped fresh leaves are placed in a jar and filled with vodka, after which the tincture is aged for about 10 days in a dark place, then filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

In folk medicine for the treatment of outdatedradiculitis is a widely used Indian onion. The use of the leaves of the plant in this case is more effective than the use of tinctures. All you need to do is to rub a sore spot with a sheet, then wrap the sore spot with a woolen shawl. The active substances found in the sap of the plant are able to increase blood circulation in diseased tissues and relieve pain. It should be remembered that rubbing juice should not exceed two minutes, in order to avoid getting burned skin. Some healers use Indian onions in the treatment of severe injuries. The recipes in this case involve a combination of honey and plant juice. The composition of the mixture for grinding includes a spoon of honey, one egg and three crushed leaves of Indian onions. The resulting mixture rubbed the skin and apply a warming bandage.

The use of leaf juice for rubbing in the occipital and temporal regions of the head leads to a reduction in headache. With acute respiratory infections it is recommended to rub juice in the nose and eyebrows.

As a rejuvenating successfulused Indian onions. Recipes for sluggish skin, for whitening, cleansing the skin from acne - these are all the tools that lead to an increase in the popularity of Indian onions among the people. Indian masks are widely used as hair masks. The tincture is prepared as follows: crushed leaves are filled with boiling water and infused for an hour in a thermos. Then two spoons of tincture are mixed with 100 milliliters of peach oil. A warm mixture should be rubbed into the scalp, then wear a rubber cap and wrap the head for an hour.

It is not in vain to call the people "burning doctor"Indian onions, its use as a curative folk drug requires great care. Juice or preparations made from it can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, when you first use, you should perform a test on Indian onions. Be careful, never use Indian onions to treat children.