/ / Protein how to take correctly and with maximum benefit

Protein as taken correctly and with maximum benefit

Protein as taken correctly and with maximum benefit
1. The meaning of proteins in human life.

Proteins (proteins) play in human life veryimportant role. Proteins are an indispensable building material for all cells of our body. It is known that cells in the body are constantly updated. And in order for this process to occur normally, amino acids are required, which are supplied by protein. And, therefore, there is a great need for proteins. Proteins can be obtained from whole foods: meat, dairy products, eggs, etc. If you paid attention to product labels, you know that manufacturers always indicate the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Consequently, this is the necessary information about the vital elements of nutrition. And it is very interesting to know: how to take protein? And to know the norms of consumption of these substances should be everyone who wants to preserve their health.
2. Types.

Recently, an increasing number of peoplejoins sports and active lifestyle. Those of them who are engaged in fitness, probably thought about the topic: how to take protein. Indeed, with increased physical exertion is required to increase the daily rate of protein intake. There are several types of this substance: it is a long digestible (casein) and fast or whey; milk protein is a cross between casein and whey protein. Which one to choose depends on what result you want to achieve. To decide on the question "protein how to take" it is advisable to consult with experts, for example, with a doctor or your trainer. There are different rates of consumption of this element. For athletes or people engaged in hard physical labor, this rate is 2g-3g of protein per 1 kg of weight. An increase in this norm is impractical, since extra proteins will simply “burn” in the body. The usual rate of consumption of protein - 1g per 1 kg of weight, that is, if you weigh 70kg, you need to get 70g of protein per day. To extract this amount from natural products you need to eat a lot of food, which, for example, is not always convenient for athletes. For these purposes, they use special protein shakes.
3. Effect on the body.

Consider the effect of protein on the body.It is known that an excess in the diet of proteins, as well as its deficiency, can lead to metabolic disorders and cause certain diseases. With a lack of protein ("protein starvation") in children there is a slowdown in growth, and in adults it is manifested by symptoms such as headache, increased sensitivity to noise, and decreased immunity. With an excess of protein in the diet, a high excitability of the central nervous system prevails, neuroses arise, and mental retardation in children is observed. When the content in the daily diet of more than 40% of protein foods increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, the acceleration of the aging process.
4. Methods of protein intake.

If you intend to seriously explore the topic of "proteinhow to take, we advise you to read the special literature on nutrition for athletes and get all the comprehensive information. And we will briefly consider how to use this energy supplement. The best results are given by the methods of protein shake immediately after training and for the night. If you need to increase strength and muscle volume, drink fast protein in the morning. Scientists have found that whey protein helps improve reactions at the cellular and hormonal levels. Also, whey protein increases the level of antioxidants and has an immune-stimulating effect, thanks to its balanced amino acid composition. It is recommended to take protein from 1 to 5 times a day, you can drink a protein shake and at night.
Do not forget that the use of proteinSupplements must be reasonably combined with the use of high-quality natural products. And then you will definitely achieve the desired results without harm to health!
Protein as taken correctly and with maximum benefit
Proteins (proteins) play in human life veryimportant role. Proteins are an indispensable building material for all cells of our body. It is known that cells in the body are constantly updated. And in order for this process to occur normally, amino acids are required, which are supplied by protein. And, therefore, there is a great need for proteins. Proteins can be obtained from whole foods: meat, dairy products, eggs, etc. If you paid attention to product labels, you know that manufacturers always indicate the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Consequently, this is the necessary information about the vital elements of nutrition. And it is very interesting to know: how to take protein? And to know the norms of consumption of these substances should be everyone who wants to preserve their health.
Recently, an increasing number of peoplejoins sports and active lifestyle. Those of them who are engaged in fitness, probably thought about the topic: how to take protein. Indeed, with increased physical exertion it is required to increase the daily protein intake rate. There are several types of proteins: it is a long digestible protein (casein) and fast protein or whey, milk protein is a cross between casein and whey protein. Which one to choose depends on what result you want to achieve. To decide on the question "protein how to take" it is advisable to consult with experts, for example, with a doctor or his trainer. There are different rates of protein intake. For athletes or people engaged in hard physical labor, this rate is 2 g-3g of protein per 1 kg of weight. An increase in this norm is not advisable, since excess proteins will simply “burn” in the body. The usual rate of consumption of protein - 1g per 1 kg of weight, that is, if you weigh 70kg, you need to get 70g of protein per day. To extract this amount from natural products you need to eat a lot of food, which, for example, is not always convenient for athletes. For these purposes, they use special protein shakes.
Consider the effect of protein on the body.It is known that an excess in the diet of proteins, as well as its deficiency, can lead to metabolic disorders and cause certain diseases. With a lack of protein ("protein starvation") in children there is a slowdown in growth, and in adults it is manifested by symptoms such as headache, increased sensitivity to noise, and decreased immunity. With an excess of protein in the diet, a high excitability of the central nervous system prevails, neuroses arise, and mental retardation in children is observed. When the content in the daily diet of more than 40% of protein foods increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, the acceleration of the aging process.
If you intend to seriously explore this topic,We advise you to read the special literature on nutrition for athletes and get all the comprehensive information. And we will briefly consider how to use protein. The best results are given by supplement methods immediately after training and for the night. If you need to increase strength and muscle volume, drink fast protein in the morning. Scientists have found that whey protein helps improve reactions at the cellular and hormonal levels. Also, whey protein increases the level of antioxidants and has an immune-stimulating effect, thanks to its balanced amino acid composition. It is recommended to take protein from 1 to 5 times a day, you can drink a protein shake and at night.
Do not forget that eating proteinmust be reasonably combined with the use of high-quality natural products. And then you will definitely achieve the desired results without harm to health!