Red spots on the body can become a symptomvarious skin diseases or an allergic reaction to a particular substance. Of course, self-medication often leads to a worsening of the situation, so it is advisable to show the rash to the doctor to determine the diagnosis accurately.
First of all, red spots on the body - this is a cleara sign of urticaria, at which blistering gradually develops. The cause of its appearance can be food products, medications, a reaction to taking antibiotics, the presence of a virus in the body, increased sweating and others. As a rule, when the source is eliminated, the rashes occur without any special treatment. Effectively helps with allergies or eczema infusion of flowers of the windmill. For its preparation, take 1 tablespoon and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Cooled infusion use 100 ml to 5 times during the day. In a similar way, you can prepare an infusion of chamomile, which is taken as a tea (can be added with sugar or natural honey). Often allergic rashes are advisable to eliminate, taking antihistamines in combination with local treatment of rashes. Do not scratch the spots and do not mask them before visiting the doctor with any medications (zebra, iodine, furacilin, etc.), as this can make the work of a specialist difficult and cause the wrong diagnosis.
If red spots on the body are accompanied by itching andburning, it can become a signal of pink lichen, which occurs when the exposure to too long or too low a temperature, as well as with a latent infection. Often, the disease manifests itself in the autumn-spring period, when there is an exacerbation of many diseases. For the treatment of pink lichen, cabbage leaves can be used, which must be previously smeared with sour cream. Such compresses should be applied to the affected parts of the body until the leaves dry completely. Then repeat the procedure.
Red spots in the child may indicatethe initial stage of chicken pox, rubella or measles. An experienced specialist in pediatrics and dermatology will be able to accurately establish the disease and prescribe the optimal treatment, taking into account the age of the child and its features of physical development.
In adults, red spots are oftenappear when poisoning with alcoholic beverages or chemicals, as there is an excess of toxic load on the liver. In this case, it is necessary to neutralize the effect of harmful substances and maximally rid the body of their contents (droppers, enemas, gastric lavage, etc.). After this, it is necessary to restore the body's functions.
If red spots on the body are a symptomlupus erythematosus, then you can apply the prescription of traditional medicine. To do this, you need to take nettles, plantain, cranberries and birch in equal proportions. To this collection, add tansy, St. John's wort, dandelion roots, sweet potato, mother-and-stepmother, mountaineer and oregano, then carefully mix the herbs. 2 tablespoons of the collection will require 2 cups of boiling water, which should be filled with grass and leave to infuse. Cooked decoction take 50 ml 3-4 times a day for one and a half months.
The most serious and dangerous pathologies, withwhich appear red spots on the back, are the secondary form of syphilis, mushroom-like mycosis, Lyme disease and some other infectious diseases. All these conditions require the supervision of a doctor and compulsory treatment. Without these measures, the process will only worsen, increasing the negative impact on the human body.