/ / Brown spots on the body: what is it, the possible causes of the appearance

Brown spots on the body: what is it, possible causes of the appearance

Sometimes people have brown spots on theirbody or face. What is it and where do they come from, not everyone knows. Some start looking for information about them on the Internet or books, and some go to see a specialist. And the second option is correct. If there are dark, white or light brown spots on the body, you should immediately consult a specialist. Only he can put the correct diagnosis and, if necessary, choose the appropriate treatment.

The causes of the appearance of brown spots

brown spots on the body that it
Many people know the fact that for the color of the skinmeet special pigments, for example, melanin or carotene. In the event that any of them is produced by the body in insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive quantity, brown spots may appear (as such, only a doctor can establish). At the moment, several main reasons for their formation are singled out:

  • changes in the hormonal background;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • senile changes in the body;
  • negative influence of ultraviolet;
  • damage.

Thus, we can safely say thata signal about changes in the body's work and are brown spots on the body. What is it is now known, and therefore, it is necessary to talk about how to determine the correct diagnosis.

How to determine the cause of their appearance?
light brown spots on the body

Earlier it was said that to put the exactThe diagnosis can only the skilled expert. And here it should be specially noted that if brown spots appear on the body, then it is necessary to visit at once three doctors: an endocrinologist, a gynecologist and a gastroenterologist. Each of them will assign the surrender of certain tests and conduct their own examination. And already on the basis of the information received, an accurate diagnosis will be made.

But do not forget that in somecases of cause for concern simply do not exist. This applies to cases where brown spots on the body (which is what was described above) appear in pregnant women or in people older than 50 years. This is due to the fact that during the gestation of the child, the hormonal background varies greatly, which can lead to insufficient or excessive production of skin pigmenting pigments. The same applies to the appearance of pigmentation at an older age.

However, regardless of the reason for the appearance of brown spots on the body (what is it, it is now known), today there are several methods to get rid of them.

Methods for removing pigmentation of this species

there were brown spots on the body

So, after determining the exact cause of the formation of brown spots on the body, the doctor can advise a technique that allows them to get rid of them. To date, there are several:

  • Phototherapy. It is considered the most effective way in the event that the pigmentation was formed due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation or in the event that the spots are age-related.
  • Laser skin resurfacing. It is effective in almost all cases.
  • Chemical peeling of face and body.It is this technique that is considered to be the most effective today. It allows for several procedures to remove even the largest and oldest spots, regardless of the nature of their appearance.

It should be remembered thatbrown spots on the body (which it can be said only by a doctor) that appeared during pregnancy can not be removed until a child is born. In addition, in most cases after the delivery they disappear on their own.