Well-known cheeses Gouda and Edamer only a fewthe hard Dutch Maasdam cheese surpasses in popularity. His homeland is Holland, the city of Maasdam. Hence the name of the product. The manufacture of the product falls on the XIV century. The overseas product came to Russia at the time of Peter I. The king became interested in shipbuilding in Saardam, where he tasted the Maasdam tastes. The monarch liked the product and he issued a decree on the permanent importation of cheese into his country. And spread overseas wonders in Russia.
Hochma because of the cheese holes
The Maasdam cheese product has a number of smallperforated holes over the entire surface. Such is the technology of making cheeses of this class. So, these holes almost did not play a cruel joke with Peter I. The autocrat decided that the product was attacked by rodents, which is why he was very angry at the Dutch masters. After some time, the king realized that he was wrong. And when he tasted and enjoyed the delicate, slightly sweetened taste of the product, he became an ardent supporter of Maasdam.
Maasdam cheese: calorie content of the product, a description of the nutritional properties
Говорят, что Маасдам и сыр Эмменталь из Швейцарии - old rivals. Cheese-makers make the product in such a way that it looks like Gouda and Edamer cheeses. However, Maasdam does not look like other cheeses and has its unique shape. Some time after the ripening of the cheese, this becomes obvious. The product is formed under the influence of gases arising during fermentation. After a month of fermentation, the product acquires an exquisite aroma, which delights the taste of gourmets. Traditionally, cheese is made from natural cow's milk.
Outside the product is covered with a flat yellowish shell. Sometimes wax may appear on it. On the inside, the cheese consists of a hard mass with a touch of weak yellowness.
The calorie content of Maasdam cheese is 360 calories.From other nutrients we find in it protein (28 g) and the same amount of fat. As a percentage of the cheese contains 45 percent fat. If the calories of Maasdam, like fat, cannot be moved aside or disproved, the opposite can be said about carbohydrates. The product is characterized by their complete absence.
The secret of easy sweetness of the product in specificmicrobacteria. They are added to the product at a certain stage of production. Sometimes Maasdam cheese (the calorie content of the product is also caused by its basic components) is made from goat's milk. This unconventional know-how was suggested by a man named Weldheiser. One day at another breakfast from a sandwich and cheese, this gentleman had an unusual idea to make Maasdam goat cheese. In order to realize the groundwork, I had to spend about 2 years. As in the classic version, the same set of components is used for making Hommage cheese. In cooking, among restaurant dishes, Maasdam from Holland is very popular. It is served with olives or grapes for dry red wine.
For those who diets or do not want to typeoverweight, you should enter the search query "Maasdam cheese, calorie". There are sites where you can read about the number of calories consumed per 100 g of the product and find recommendations for eating cheese. For example, Maasdam cheese in combination with other foods.
Manufacturing details
Maasdam in the industry is made from cheesegrains. With a special temperature regime of about 56 degrees Celsius. It is also called the second temperature heating mode. Then, for a long time, the grain is partially dried, retaining the remaining moisture up to 40%. Next, the product passes the stage of monthly aging at a temperature range from 12 to 25 degrees. This temperature allows streptococci and lactic acid microorganisms to develop. During the second heating, propionic acid microorganisms are mixed with the cheese medium.
A number of other acids: acetic, volatile fatty acids and amino acids appear under the influence of fermented microflora.
At the moment this is all basic information aboutMaasdam cheese Caloric value of the product, the use of dishes in cooking, manufacturing, visible properties, etc. set out in brief. For extended details, refer to the relevant sources.