/ / Nasal congestion: home treatment

Nasal congestion: home treatment

There are many highly effectivepharmacological drugs to eliminate the effect of nasal congestion. However, medications contain an abundance of chemicals to which the body can react in different ways. As practice shows, it is much safer to use proven folk remedies for the treatment of nasal congestion. Most of these methods can have a gentle effect on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

В нашей публикации хотелось поговорить о причинах and treatment of nasal congestion. Let's find out which methods of traditional medicine look the most effective for eliminating the problem at home.


It is extremely important to determine the prerequisites forthe occurrence of a pathological condition before proceeding to the treatment of nasal congestion without a cold. The causes of the problem may be as follows:

  1. Deformity of the nasal septum is a factor thatcauses the development of dry rhinitis without mucous discharge. The violation may be congenital or acquired in the course of life. The essence of the trouble lies in the trauma of local tissues, which are beginning to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses. The result is the creation of barriers to the free passage of air, as well as the formation of puffiness.
  2. Allergic reactions are another common.cause nasal congestion. Treatment in this case involves the restriction of human contact with substances that can cause specific, negative reactions of the body. We are talking about plant pollen, animal hair, food, and other allergens.
  3. Dry indoor air is a provoking factorwhich is reflected in the oppression of the functions of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Against the background of the phenomenon, a fertile soil is created for the development of rhinitis, which may be of a bacterial, allergic or viral nature.
  4. Hormonal changes in the body - usually such processes lead to blockage of the sinuses in pregnant women, adolescents or women before the start of menopause.
  5. Reaction to medication - chronicnasal congestion can be formed with the abuse of drops narrowing blood vessels or unreasonable use of other pharmacological drugs without medical supervision.
  6. The growth of polyps - leads to difficulty breathingthe appearance of tumors in the tissues of the upper respiratory tract. The problem can be formed during traumatic effects, the development of chronic inflammation, as well as pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Blockage of the respiratory tract by a foreign body -a rare cause of nasal congestion in adults. The treatment here is to remove the stuck object. As a rule, this is noted among young children, who put small physical objects in the nose, invisible to their parents.

What is the danger of nasal congestion?

nasal congestion causes and treatment

Chronic nature of the pathological conditionbecomes the basis for the occurrence of serious complications. A person begins to suffer from a deterioration in his sense of smell and taste. Over time, the problem may turn into otitis, which will affect the quality of hearing.

If dry rhinitis has an allergic nature,there is a risk of forming bronchial asthma. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a complex therapy aimed at removing the inflammation of local tissues and preventing acute attacks of respiratory failure.

Nasal congestion causes everydaydiscomfort in the form of fatigue, the development of depressive states, apathy. However, the greatest danger is the probability of impaired blood circulation in the tissues of the brain membranes. Such a pathological condition is life threatening. Considering the above, it is extremely important to carry out the treatment of nasal congestion in a timely manner.

Sinus sinewing with salt water

Крайне эффективным методом лечения заложенности nasal at home looks like washing the conductive airways with saline. The method has been practiced for centuries by folk healers to eliminate such pathological conditions. Sea salt is rich in iodine and minerals that strengthen blood vessels and decontaminate mucosal tissues.

Как осуществляют такое лечение заложенности носа?In a liter of boiling water dissolve a few teaspoons of sea salt. The resulting solution is poured into the kettle, the tip of which is placed in the nostril. The container is slightly tilted so that the fluid passes through the nasal sinuses and pours out of the other nostril.

The application of the method looks like a safe solution.if necessary, treat young children. However, at the beginning of such therapy to eliminate the effect of nasal congestion in a child, parents should note the body's response to the procedure. If such actions only exacerbate swelling of the mucous membranes, it is probably due to too saturated a concentration of saline, which should be diluted with water.

Thuja Essential Oil

nasal congestion without rhinitis causes and treatment

Вытяжка из хвойного растения оказывает выраженное a positive effect on the functioning of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, slowing the progress of inflammatory processes. Thuja essential oil is rich in active substances that are natural antiseptics. Regular use of the product stimulates the immune system, which allows you to deal with the occurrence of the effect of nasal congestion with temperature drops and sudden changes in weather conditions.

Чтобы полностью устранить проблему с помощью Thuja's essential oil will have to spend about a month. Every day, about 8-10 drops of healing composition are instilled into the sinuses. The procedure is performed 3 times a day. Treatment continues for several weeks, after which they take a short break. Next, repeat the treatment regimen, which allows you to consolidate positive results.

It is worth noting that the essential oil of thuja shoulduse to treat nasal congestion with caution. The procedure is not recommended to be combined with the use of pharmacological drugs for a cold. In order not to harm the health, it is necessary to consult with your doctor once again before starting the therapy.

Kalanchoe juice

Successful treatment of nasal congestion in an adultHome conditions can be done with the juice Kalanchoe. The plant contains a whole mass of active substances that differ in anti-inflammatory properties. Instillation of the drug in the nose makes it possible in a short time to eliminate the effect of swelling of the mucous membranes and markedly facilitate breathing. Kalanchoe juice has excellent bactericidal qualities. Plant components slow down the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which contributes to the disinfection and regeneration of local tissues.

How to apply the agent in the treatmentnasal congestion? To prepare the healing composition take a few leaves of the plant. Such raw materials are thoroughly crushed using a meat grinder or crusher for garlic. The resulting mass is placed in a piece of gauze and squeeze the juice. The liquid is diluted with water in equal proportions. The finished composition is instilled with a few drops in each nostril. The result is the emergence of the urge to frequent sneezing, which makes it possible to unblock the nasal sinuses and rid the airways of an abundance of accumulated mucus.

Onion juice

nasal congestion home treatment

A good remedy for the treatment of nasal congestionis the juice of onions. The application of the solution makes it possible to disinfect local tissues and bring out the accumulations of mucous masses. At the same time, onion juice has a rather pungent character. Therefore, it is recommended to use the substance in moderate amounts in order to avoid burns of mucous membranes.

In order to treat nasal congestionthe method uses a bulb of medium size. The root is cleaned from the husk, and then carefully crushed. Squeeze juice from the pulp. The substance is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2. Using a pipette, 1-2 drops of the solution are instilled into each nostril. The procedure is performed several times a day, as soon as there is a strong nasal congestion. If onion juice causes unbearable discomfort when it comes into contact with mucous membranes, the product is further diluted with water.

Ginger, honey and lemon

The mixture of substances presented allows to facilitatebreathing with chronic nasal congestion. The tool has a powerful disinfecting effect on the mucous membranes. The components of the medicine nourish the local tissues with beneficial substances, stimulating cell regeneration.

How to perform the treatment of nasal congestion withoutrhinitis by this method? Ginger root is peeled and ground with a blender or meat grinder. The same is done with lemon. The ingredients are combined, after which a tablespoon of honey is added to the composition. The tool is harvested for the future, keeping in a non-metallic container. The product is covered with a lid and kept in a cold place. When manifestations of nasal congestion, a teaspoon of healing composition is dissolved in a glass of boiling water. Use the medicine at bedtime and immediately after waking up.

Mutton fat

nasal congestion in a child

Quite an effective solution to combatnasal congestion looks like the use of lamb fat. To eliminate the problem, take a cotton swab. Last dip in the tool. Then carefully process each nostril. The procedure is carried out daily, shortly before bedtime. During the night, mutton fat qualitatively softens the tissues of the sinuses, which helps to relieve swelling and inflammation.

Warming up the nose with a boiled egg

A great solution to unlock topthe respiratory tract looks like a warming up of local tissue with a boiled chicken egg. In this way it is safe to perform the treatment of nasal congestion in a child and an adult. To prepare the preparation, the egg is boiled for a few minutes, wrapped in a towel and applied to the sinus area. The procedure is performed for 10-15 minutes. As a rule, a marked relief of breathing is observed already at the beginning of warming up. It is recommended to resort to the method every time a nasal blockage effect occurs.

Beet Juice

adult nasal congestion treatment

Beet juice is a well-knownpopular solution for unlocking nasal breathing. The method is safe and great for eliminating problems in adults and children. The tool perfectly removes puffiness and makes it possible to normalize the functioning of the mucous membranes.

В целях приготовления лекарства свеклу очищают от peel and pass through a juicer. The resulting liquid defend at room temperature for an hour. Then the juice is diluted in equal proportions with boiled water. Before performing the procedure, the nose is thoroughly blown out, eliminating the airways from accumulating mucus. Next, the healing solution is instilled into each nostril by 2-3 drops. The solution is applied every time there is a deterioration in breathing through the nose.

Inhalation using boiled potatoes

Treatment of nasal congestion without rhinitis candue to the use of inhalations on the basis of boiled potatoes. For cooking means take several large-sized root crops. Potatoes quality boil without peeling. Water is drained, and the resulting mass is carefully kneaded. Then inhale the vapors for 5-7 minutes, settling over the container and covering the head with a towel. The solution contributes to the expansion of blood vessels in the tissues of the nasal sinuses, which makes it possible to unblock breathing.

Plantain infusion

nasal congestion without rhinitis treatment

The use of plantain infusion is goodoption, when the cause of nasal congestion is hidden in the body's allergic reactions to certain stimuli. To prepare the medicine, use a fresh collection of plants. The leaves of the healing herb thoroughly crushed. About one tablespoon of such raw materials is poured with a glass of boiled water. Then wait until the liquid has cooled to room temperature. Ready infusion filter through cheesecloth. The resulting composition is instilled into the nose with a pipette 3-4 times a day, spending a few drops of money on each nostril.

Mustard compresses for legs

When dry nasal congestion is often resorted toapplication of mustard plaster. This treatment option looks rational, since an impressive mass of active points is concentrated on the feet, the stimulation of which activates the work of individual organs, including the restoration of the functions of the nasopharyngeal mucous membranes.

In order to unlock nasal breathing on the feetimpose on mustard plaster. Wear warm socks from above. Then placed in bed under the blanket. In this position, remain for 10-15 minutes. To avoid excessive irritation of the delicate skin of the feet in children, the duration of the procedure is halved.


nasal congestion causes and treatment in an adult

So we looked at the causes of nasal congestion.no rhinitis, home treatment. It should be noted that in our publication far from all recipes of traditional healers are presented that potentially make it possible to solve the problem. We have selected only proven, most effective and gentle therapy methods. Regardless of the choice of one or another method of treatment, it is important to consult with your doctor about the safety of its use in a particular case.