Nasal congestion

Nasal congestion - this, of course, is not the mostA serious problem, but it causes a lot of inconvenience. With a cold, breathing becomes difficult, some people have hearing problems, headaches, nocturnal sleep apnea (otherwise snoring), and sleep disturbances.

How to overcome the stuffiness of the nose? First of all, we need to find out what it was caused by.

The main factors of embedment include anyallergic reaction, adenoiditis, sinusitis and runny nose. It should be noted the natural narrowness of the lower, middle or upper nasal passages, nose trauma, nasopharyngeal tumors, curvature of the septum. By the way, if the complication is caused not only by infection, but also by any peculiarities of the physiological structure, then breathing becomes virtually impossible. These problems lead to sleep disorders, headaches, snoring and severe weakness.

Nasal congestion can be provoked anddrying of the mucous membrane. Such a phenomenon is regularly encountered by people who work and live in rooms with air containing heavy gas admixtures. As a result, the nasal membrane ceases to perform its protective function, namely, to detain all kinds of bacteria and viruses.

To identify the cause, you should visit a doctor,who will conduct the survey. Usually it includes otoscopy, rhinoscopy, and sometimes such procedures as tomography and x-rays. Moreover, with an appeal to a specialist, it is better not to delay, as nasal congestion can lead to undesirable complications - the subsequent spread of inflammatory processes, a vasomotor runny nose and so on. Usually they are accompanied by such painful manifestations as heaviness in the head, loss or loss of smell, as well as severe hearing impairment.

How to remove the stuffiness of the nose?The fight against colds should be comprehensive: the patient should use physiotherapy and medicines. Only in this case the treatment will be effective.

Medicines that are recommendedspecialists and are used to get rid of the common cold and other diseases, mainly they are sprays and vasoconstrictors. Such medications very quickly relieve congestion, "pierce" the nose and eliminate secretions. However, their significant drawback is that in many cases such medications are addictive and, unfortunately, have a temporary effect.

In order to increase the impact of therapeutic agents,appointed by a doctor with a runny nose, it is recommended to perform additional procedures. For example, washing with salt water at home (this is the most simple, affordable and effective effect), physiotherapy, inhalation and warming of the nasal sinuses.

Also often there is a stuffy nose without excretions, but also it is successfully treated.

To get rid of this phenomenon, one shouldkeep the sinuses moist inside and out. If you feel that the nose is clogged, start wiping it with a warm wet towel, and perform this procedure several times a day.

When you go to bed or just relax inbed, you always need to put something under your head, in order to keep it on the dais. This method, as a rule, helps the treatment, because it helps to remove excess mucus from the sinuses.

Кстати, если у вы решительно настроены избавиться from the stuffiness of the nose without a cold, then you will have to make some changes in the habitual way of life. A common cause of this unpleasant phenomenon is malnutrition. To find a way out of the situation, you should reduce the consumption of refined sugar. The thing is that its excessive amount violates the hormonal balance of a person, and this, in turn, contributes to the growth of a number of different bacteria. But do not worry much: refined sugar can be replaced by sweeteners that do not contain calories.