Thrombosis is a disease in which deep veinsthere are clots of blood, called thrombi. The danger is that such a clot at any time can come off and clog the vessel. Blockage of the pulmonary artery causes thromboembolism and can lead to death.

In normal conditions, the blood of a person is curtailed by wounds. If there is no damage, but the coagulation nevertheless occurred, a thrombus is formed. To be afraid of this follows those who:
- over fifty years of age;
- leads a sedentary lifestyle (especially this applies to the elderly);
- Suffers from overweight or obesity;
- recently underwent surgery on a large joint or in the abdominal cavity;
- takes combined oral contraceptives, which include estrogen;

Thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities can occur inpregnant women. This is due to the fact that blood clotting during pregnancy is better than in the usual state. The uterus is constantly growing, thereby hindering blood circulation. The risk of thrombosis in cesarean section is very high.
Symptoms of a blood clot in the leg
Thrombosis of veins is dangerous because it can firstflow without any visible manifestations. As the blood clot grows and rises up the leg, the lower leg swells and starts to ache. If your leg is suddenly swollen in the absence of physical injuries and injuries, immediately consult a specialist. He will conduct an ultrasound and assign a series of tests that will fix the problem. In addition, the doctor can send you to angiography - the so-called procedure, in which a special dye is injected into the veins. This is done in order to follow the movement of the blood clot.
If the symptoms of a thrombus in the leg are confirmed, the doctor,most likely, will prescribe to you anticoagulant preparations in the form of injections or tablets. Injections can be quite painful, so you should take care of an anesthetic beforehand. In the event that the thrombus is very large, special dissolution drugs are introduced into it. This procedure is called thrombolysis. There is another effective method of treatment: a cava filter is inserted into the internal vena cava. This is done in order to prevent the thrombus from reaching the lung. Cava filter, as a rule, is prescribed to those who have an allergy to medicines. If you find yourself experiencing all the symptoms of a thrombus in your leg listed above, your doctor will recommend two or three hours a day wearing compression stockings that can be purchased at a pharmacy. Wearing a stocking is also an excellent prevention of thrombosis.
How long does the treatment last?
This depends, first of all, on the degree of the disease.It is necessary not only to destroy the thrombus, but also to eliminate the risk of its re-emergence. Tune in to a lengthy process of treatment - most likely, it will last at least three months. In particularly difficult cases, maintenance therapy continues throughout life.
How to prevent thrombosis?

That's all. In this article, we described in detail the symptoms of thrombus in the leg and ways to prevent thrombosis. We hope that this information was useful to you.