/ / Why does the thumb on my leg grow numb?

Why does the big toe grow numb?

the toe is numb
Many people know this unpleasant feeling whenThe big toe does not grow dumb, it gives a feeling of chilliness and tingling. Someone's numbness can go away in a few minutes, it's only necessary to change the position of the foot, the massage will not help another, or the injections. This is understandable: the causes and severity of such symptoms can vary greatly.

Why Dumb the big toes?

The reason can be simple to banality:a man has stayed or lain a leg. With a change in the posture and several kneading movements, the blood supply in the vessels of the limbs is restored, and the feeling of numbness or creep in the fingers passes. It can also be in uncomfortable shoes. A bad habit of throwing a leg over one's leg is also one of the frequent reasons that a finger on your leg is numb. By the way, this habit is harmful in itself: in this position the veins are squeezed, blood flow is disturbed, which can provoke the appearance of varicose veins on the legs and in the groin.

my thumb grows numb
Discomfortable sensations in the limbs can beare caused by a number of diseases. In the first place for the frequency of manifestations is the osteochondrosis of the spine. Often, the thumb on the leg grows numb if there is a herniated intervertebral disc. All these are links of the same chain: blood supply in the tissues of the spine is impaired, nerve roots in the lumbar region are impaired, painful symptoms are irradiated in the leg in the region of the thigh or foot. The medical name for such manifestations is radiculoneuritis. It is not ruled out that such a serious disease as tuberculosis of the spine.

One of the most dangerous causes is a metabolic disorder

the thumbs on the legs grow numb
Blood supply of limbs is difficult in case of failuremetabolic processes in the body. So, in diabetes mellitus, one of the alarming symptoms of neglect of the disease can be exactly repeated with varying frequency of numbness in the legs. If the finger on the leg grows numb, grows cold, loses sensitivity, it can be a signal for necrotic tissue, and this is one of the most dangerous complications of diabetes. That is why endocrinologists recommend that patients in the very first stages pay special attention to their feet: daily warm baths, a massage with olive oil or with a special foot cream. Almost always there are such symptoms, if a person starts gout. You can not rule out the likelihood of arthrosis.

the toe is numb
How to treat?

Banal advice:If the finger on the leg is numb, first you need to go to the doctor. A visit to the neurologist is necessary, since problems with the spine are within his competence. When there is a suspicion of diabetes, and even more so if this diagnosis has already been confirmed, it is urgent to contact the treating endocrinologist and describe all the symptoms, take the tests. An x-ray of a sore thumb can clear up a lot. One thing is clear: without attention, these signals can not be left in any case, as it is to rely on the eternal "and so it will pass" and self-medication.

Although the use of folk methods as ano one denies the support. Certainly, warm foot baths with salt, broths of medicinal herbs, essential oils help. Very useful are grindings and compresses with alcohol tinctures, for example lilac flowers, horse chestnut fruit. And, finally, all doctors recommend themselves to perform a set of special exercises for the joints. All this along with drug treatment should give the desired result.