The concepts of "public administration" and "executive power"are not identical. Meanwhile, discussions are currently underway on their position relative to each other.
State administration, executive authority
Right, acting as a normative institution, includes various elements. Its key goal is to regulate social relations. Among the main areas stand out social management, public administration. Executive power defined as a relatively independent branch of this institution.
Category content
The essence of administration is focusedimpact of an authorized subject on an object. Executive power and public administration are connected with the implementation of activities in the process of practical and daily management of various spheres of public life. At the same time, the methods provided by law, forms and resources are used. Executive power and government are not opposed to each other. On the contrary, the first serves as a key link in administration.
Public administration can be defined intwo different aspects. First of all, it is an activity carried out by authorized structures of all existing branches and other organizations with administrative powers. In accordance with this approach, one can say that the state and all its institutions manage social interactions and processes. At the same time, they exercise their regulatory powers. If we consider the state administration in the narrow sense, then it can be described as a certain direction of administrative activity concerning the exercise of executive power. In accordance with this approach, it is defined as a separate type of work, which is carried out only by the relevant structures. In this case, the impact on relations in society from other branches is considered separately. Executive power can be described as an independent direction of state power. It carries out administrative and administrative activities through a complex of authorized structures. This work is carried out through the implementation of special functions, powers by means and methods enshrined in legislation.
The relationship between the concepts of "public administration" and "executive power"
Today there are several approaches tocomparative characteristics of these categories. First of all, the ratio of the executive and state administration is carried out according to their direction. The first has a politico-normative, and the second has an organizational-normative character. This causes the interpretation of the definitions of each category. In particular, public administration is viewed as an activity that really exists, and the executive branch as its component. It is implemented only in the framework of administrative and administrative work. It is worth noting that the executive branch and state administration differ in the sphere of their distribution. The latter is perceived much broader. The executive branch, in turn, is considered as a derivative element of state administration. It depends on him, because the level of his organization determines the effectiveness of its activities. At the same time, the opposite effect is noted. Executive power in government forms the basis of the organizational structure. It affects different processes in society.
There is also an opinion in science that executive and state administration - equivalent categories.This position is explained as follows. Replacing one category by another was due only to a change in the regime and a transition to a new historical stage. In Soviet times, the concept of government was used, and in the 1993 Constitution, the executive branch was enshrined. Meanwhile, these changes did not affect the actual content of administrative and administrative activities.
Key features
Public administration isregulating the activities of the government as a whole - executive, representative, judicial instances, prosecutors, etc. In the narrow sense, it represents administration. At the federal and regional levels, there are authorized structures that carry out state administration - executive bodies. In the framework of the practical application of legislation, this category is considered in a narrow sense. In this aspect, the following signs of public administration are distinguished:
1. These are administrative and regulatory activities related to the application of laws and other regulatory acts.
2Law-making is carried out within the framework of state administration. It consists in the fact that authorized structures, within their competence, carry out independent development and approval of rules of conduct that are obligatory for other participants in public relations. At the same time, they control the fulfillment of the adopted regulations and carry out law enforcement activities.
3. It is carried out everywhere where the need arises to ensure the implementation of legislation, the protection of freedoms and interests of citizens, that is, in key areas of public life.
four.Public administration is a continuous, systematic, ongoing activity. It is based on objective laws of the implementation of administrative powers. This activity is focused on ensuring public and private interests, freedoms and rights of citizens, security and public order.
5. It is carried out by specially authorized structures. They are formed both at the regional and at the federal level.
State administration is implemented in accordance withprinciple of legality. This means that the work of authorized structures is based on norms. Vertical (hierarchical, subordinate) and horizontal ties are formed in the state administration system. The first implies strict obedience, the second - equality. State administration is based on the principle of organization. This activity is characterized by a variety of forms, the complex of which ensures the steady, purposeful functioning of the entire administrative mechanism. On the basis of state administration, an extrajudicial procedure for the application of coercive measures is implemented. In particular, punishments are issued, warnings are issued, etc.
Key features
State administration implements the following main tasks:
1. Information support of the work of state structures. In particular, we are talking about the collection, receipt, processing, analysis of information necessary for administrative activities.
2. Modeling and forecasting of public administration systems, government agencies, work standards.
3. Planning. Оно представляет собой комплекс мероприятий, focused on the determination of proportions, trends, rates, qualitative and quantitative indicators of the development of certain processes in the system of state administration. Within the framework of planning, the development of tasks, directions and goals of administrative reforms is carried out.
4. Organization. It is a system formationpublic administration in accordance with the approaches and princes established by law. The organization also provides for the definition of the structure of the administrative and subordinate elements.
5. Disposition. It is an operational regulation.administrative relations that arise in connection with the exercise of powers by the competent structures and their employees. Order involves the provision of a regime of proper activity in the form of the adoption of relevant acts. They, in particular, are orders, instructions, instructions, rules and other.
6. Leadership. It is a definition of standards and rules of activity in general and individual procedures in particular.
Additional tasks
Public administration implements such functions as:
1. Coordination. This function involves the coordination of activities of different government agencies to achieve common goals.
2. Control. It is carried out to establish inconsistenciesor compliance of the actual state of the entire state administration system with the established standards and the appropriate level. As part of the control, an analysis of specific actions is carried out, the final indicators are determined and compared with the planned ones.
3. Regulation. It represents the use of methods and methods of management within the organization of the system and in the course of its operation.
4. Accounting It is a recording of informationwhich is expressed in quantitative form and indicates the results of the implementation of administrative powers, relations, availability of documents and their movement, which are essential for public administration.
Description of activities
As stated above, the executiveacts as an integral element of public administration. It is controlled by other branches and consists in the implementation of specially authorized structures of special functions stipulated by law. Executive power in government possesses a number of signs. In particular:
- It is an independent direction, which is in constant interaction with representative and judicial structures.
- Executive power is conditionalthe existence of the state. The implementation of various functions and powers in the country is impossible within any one branch. Administrative activities are carried out continuously, ensuring public order and security, defense, etc.
- The unity of the executive is based onConstitution. In Art. 11 it is established that the division of powers and subjects of competence of structures is carried out in accordance with the Basic Law, as well as federal regulatory acts.
- The key feature of power isresponsibility for all actions taken and decisions made. Its main purpose is the daily administration in accordance with the law to ensure and protect the freedoms and interests of the population.
- Due to the fact that planning is one of the tasks of state administration, it is one of the tasks of the executive branch.
Main directions
The executive authorities of the state administration of the subjects of the Federation implement various tasks. Among the main ones, the functions should be highlighted:
- Enforcement of constitutional provisions in countriese.
- Executive. It is directly related to the implementation of constitutional and legislative provisions.
- Human rights. This task involves the observance and protection of the freedoms and interests of the person and citizen.
- Socio-economic. It provides for the formation of appropriate conditions for the development of construction, administrative, political, socio-cultural management.
- Rule making Authorized bodies adopt legal acts within their competence.
- Security. This function means that the authorized structures are given the opportunity to apply administrative measures to organizations and citizens when they violate the requirements of the law.
Executive power is exercised:
- Regions of the country. They are the regions and territories, including autonomous republics and cities of the Fed. values.
- Russian Federation.
In the framework of interaction with authorized institutions, all subjects are equal among themselves.
The ratio of executive andpublic administration, therefore, acts as a necessary element of the analysis of the essence of each of the categories. Currently, there are many different approaches to this issue. Within each of them, concepts are revealed from various sides.