/ / How to find out the cadastral number of the land? Search for a plot by cadastral number

How to find out the cadastral number of the land plot? Site search by cadastral number

State registrationmandatory for any land, otherwise they will not be able to sell or buy. This means that a person must worry in advance about how to find out the cadastral number of the land plot. The presence in the certificates of such information is strictly mandatory for any subject of transactions.

As the address of the land indicatedpostal address or other generally accepted description of the location, allowing you to accurately determine the object in the territory of the corresponding registration district.

how to find out the cadastral number of the land plot?

By title documents is determinedsquare. The basis for calculating this indicator may be an act of a municipal or state body, a certificate, and so on. In addition, in such organizations will help to understand how to find out the cadastral number of the land plot.

What data can include a document?

search for a plot by cadastral number

Cadastral number must contain the following data:

  • number of the cadastral quarter;
  • number of the cadastral district;
  • the number of the district concerned;
  • the number of the site itself in the cadastral quarter.

Any plot located on the territory of the Russian FederationMust go through the registration procedure for this data. No matter what forms of ownership of the land in question, the permitted use and purpose in this case also do not play a special role. The map of cadastral numbers becomes the final document, which confirms that a particular object has passed all the necessary procedures. It contains textual and graphical forms for the reproduction of information, which are also recorded in the official papers of state bodies.

What should be indicated in the map itself?

  1. Encumbrances or restrictions on land, for registration of which the established procedure is used.
  2. Are there any real estate objects in a particular plot, as well as buildings, buildings and structures. Must be information about whether property rights are registered.
  3. Qualitative characteristics, including how fertile individual lands can be, are located in the same territory.
  4. Economic characteristics (how much is the charge for the land).
  5. Description of the borders and individual sections of the territory. This should be taken care of separately by those who are thinking how to find out the cadastral number of the land plot. Otherwise the documents will not be accepted.
  6. Permitted use and land category.
  7. Area and address.

How does the accounting work, how can it change in different conditions?

cadastral number map

The survey procedure may differ inwhether it was previously registered or not. For example, if nothing has been done at all, it will be necessary to do the following: make a cadastral map or a land management plan; make a description of where the borders are located; determine the coordinates of the territory. Land marks will need to be fixed on the terrain of the border. The main thing is to coordinate all the parameters. And it is better to understand from the very beginning how to find out the cadastral number of the land plot. This will help determine further action.

What to do if the registration took place before July 10, 2000?

In this case, the card that was issued earlier,valid from a legal point of view. To conclude a contract for the purchase or sale, it will be sufficient to submit a plan with the object number obtained from the district or local committee on land management and resources. True, it is also better to get a new sample document, for this you will have to contact the territorial office of the land cadastre. You can also find out how to organize a search for a plot by cadastral number. This will save some time.

how to find out the cadastral number

Cadastral value: what is it?

In today's market it is important not only to understand howto properly organize the search of a plot according to the cadastral number, but also to determine the corresponding value of one or another object. This is a calculated value, which is determined after the state assessment of the object has been carried out, taking into account the division into groups depending on the intended purpose.

Currently there is a specialinteractive map, where there is all the information available at any time. This indicator needs to be clarified for taxation and other purposes. In any case, the person must understand how to find out the cadastral number. Otherwise, the transaction will simply be impossible.

In which case the cost may vary, what to do with errors in this area?

This parameter may become different when the main set of information relating to the object is edited. For example:

object cadastral number

  • when organizing borders, the area changes;
  • the object itself moves from one category to another;
  • the permitted use does not refer to the kind at the very beginning.

As for errors, they are corrected onBased on a court order. At the same time it is important to organize information interaction. This is especially true of documents that passed from one body to another in the process.

Additional Information

In some cases, officials may requireprovide technical documentation that is directly related to the site. It is worth recalling that such documents are usually prepared even when creating a project at home. They consist of a topographical reference to the terrain, a description of the object, a detailed plan. At the same time the papers have legal force only after they have passed all the necessary checks in several government agencies.

In this and further documents are stored onlyin local offices of an organization, nothing is given to a person. But the information that relates to such a parameter as the cadastral number of the object, always remain open.

In general, this information is proofthe fact that the site is included in the general database, which is really available to almost anyone. In principle, the state acts of the old sample do not need to be replaced with new ones if the parcel is registered. It is enough to get a special certificate, which will indicate the relevant information.