/ / Cadastral business: feature and order of registration

Cadastral business: feature and order of registration

Cadastral business includes a lot of papers thatserve as confirmation of the occurrence and termination of the land. By law, these documents are stored in the relevant authorities. They cannot be removed from the archive and deleted. Case removed from the register is transferred to the archive. Exceptions include documents with the status of "temporary". Over time, they acquire the position of "annulled", and within 3 years they are destroyed.

Structure of cadastral files

Cadastral affairs complement the cover, stitch andsealed seal. Accounting business is created after the procedure of registration of an application for the implementation of property accounting. There should also be a procedure for changes, correction of errors in the information, the introduction of new data.

cadastral case

Cadastral work

This type of work takes a large part in its field. Activities are carried out according to the laws of the country. It is performed to collect information, as well as its transmission:

  • in natural resource management;
  • on state control;
  • for scientific research;
  • to analyze and develop a plan;
  • for unscheduled work;
  • for pricing.

Cadastral work is performed by specialized companies that have permission to do so.

Cadastral principles

land cadastre

In order for the site to have a specific number, the following cadastral case documents are required:

  • statement;
  • property rights;
  • plot plan;
  • the act of carrying out land surveying;
  • certificate of the USR;
  • paper from BTI.

The site plan is created by cadastral service employees who have previously passed certification. All papers should be original.

Inventory list

Land cadastre includes not only cadastralbusiness, but also settlement plans in which there are data on borders of the territory. It also includes magazines with lists of numbers that are in the area. The cadastre includes a register of plots. It includes additional documents: books of censuses, tax certificates, lists of state lands.

cadastral case of land

Land cadastral business is necessary for each plot. It is considered to be a proof of territory availability. A case file includes:

  • Division. The procedure involves the division of the territory of the country to assign a number to each section.
  • Registry number. Each site has its own number for registry keeping.
  • Map or Plan. The document is a graphic image with a description.

Each plot must have a cadastral number.The state register contains information on land areas that have already been registered, as well as those that have ceased to exist. Cadastral business is closed when combining land with neighboring plots. After that it is inactive.

Documentation Rules

The cadastral case of the land plot is issued for:

  • determining the boundaries of the site;
  • land control;
  • real estate accounting.

The procedure is carried out by the Committee orLand Management. The first organization draws up the documentation of the target destination. It implies country house construction, a primary property or agriculture. In other cases, this work is performed by the organization of land management.

cadastral documents

To perform primary object accountingReal estate cadastral business does not need to open. A secondary need to create a separate property register. It is part of the CD. Documentation that was previously generated may not be suitable for all items. To resolve this issue, the case is transferred certified according to the rules.

Every land case has a personal one.number. It consists of the area code and the serial number, which is recorded in the book of accounting. To merge the plots, you need to get the cadastral case again. The number of the land and the case are the same. To get it, you can use the services of private firms that issue these documents.

Features of land accounting

To perform cadastral registration authoritiesauthorities, land owners, apply to companies that perform such work. For this, title documents for land and for land surveying are required. Everything must be properly decorated. For this can not be accepted documents that have erasures or postscripts.

get a cadastral case

The application is recorded in the book of accounting.The procedure involves checking documents, creating descriptions of sites, assigning numbers, making plans and creating cadastral files. Cadastral registration is carried out within a month from the filing of the application. After work, land plans are issued. The accounting procedure is completely free. Work on the implementation of accounting is subject to insurance.

The necessity of land surveying

Cadastral affairs open with performanceland survey procedures. Although according to the law, privatization can be carried out without fixing the boundaries of the territory, there can still be many cases where it is necessary to do this:

  • for the implementation of the purchase - sale;
  • donation;
  • renting out;
  • built houses

The survey procedure will help settle disputes withneighbors when disagreements arise over territories and areas of plots. When conflicts can solve the problem in a peaceful way, without going to court. After issuing a document with land and real estate, you can perform various transactions. Due to the availability of the necessary documentation, the plot can be sold, exchanged, donated. In this case, all transactions will be legal.