/ / Characteristics of the employee from the place of work: sample, writing features and examples of compilation

Characteristics of the worker from the job: sample, writing features and examples of compilation

During his life, a person faces variousassessment situations. Most often, his personality is subject to a comprehensive study in cases of hiring, dismissal, transfer, enrollment in educational institutions and so on. In such cases, a characteristic is compiled - a description of the person’s business and personal qualities. How to make a characteristic from the place of work? Samples and examples of such documents - in the article.

characteristic of the worker from the workplace sample

Structural elements characteristics

In order to have a general idea ofas a characteristic of an employee from the place of work is made up, a sample of it should be on the table of each representative of the personnel department or manager. The main data that describes the characteristics of the work are:

  • working success, professional knowledge and skills, encouragement or foreclosure;
  • social characteristics of a person;
  • business and moral qualities of the employee.

In general, you can use the general structure, which should correspond to the characteristic of the employee from the place of work. The sample (or circuit) is as follows:

  • name of organization, date of drawing up, outgoing document number (if the characteristic is not written on letterhead);
  • FULL NAME. employee, date of birth, position;
  • education and stages of professional activity of the employee;
  • all sorts of rewards, punishments;
  • qualification, compliance with the position;
  • personal qualities of the employee;
  • the purpose or direction where the characteristic is being prepared;
  • the signature of the person responsible for drawing up the characteristics of the person and the manager, a round seal

It must be remembered that there are severalpotential structures that may be requested characteristics from the workplace. Forms, samples of such a document are best prepared in several ways, depending on the intended request - for law enforcement agencies, for educational institutions, for banking structures, for dismissal, etc.

characteristic from the work place of the medical worker

Employee skill level

The qualification of an employee, the assessment of his professional suitability in the characterizing document should be described:

  • all levels of education (with indication of specialty and period of study);
  • training;
  • self-education, participation in trainings, training programs;
  • publications and participation in scientific conferences;
  • career advancement and responsibilities;
  • introducing the new workplace.

Business qualities

Business qualities are personal characteristics,which help to successfully cope with the work. They also need to be considered when a characteristic is compiled for an employee from the place of work. The sample document may include the following items:

  • a responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • initiative;
  • interest;
  • result orientation;
  • purposefulness;
  • willingness to take risks;
  • the desire to improve their skills;
  • organizational skills;
  • level of self-organization;
  • motivation.

drawing up the characteristic from the place of work sample

Employee Social Data

Social information is data thatnot directly related to the workflow, but one way or another can affect the performance of labor functions by a person. For example, the presence of children in a woman can affect her periodic absence due to their illness, the length of the vacation or social benefits. Depending on the purpose, such data is often included in the compilation of characteristics from the work place.

The sample in such cases should include data onpossible disability of the employee and related contraindications, marital status and the presence of minor children, the presence of disabled close relatives and custody of them, the financial situation and the availability of additional places of work, etc.

sample and example of writing characteristics from the place of work

Psychological characteristics of the worker

In the sample and example of writing characteristics withplaces of work can include individual psychological data about the employee. This will provide a more complete picture of the person. These data include:

  • value orientations and moral qualities;
  • leadership skills;
  • features of thinking;
  • neuropsychic regulation (balance, resistance to external stimuli, endurance or resistance to stress);
  • the nature of communication with people (sociability, tact, friendliness, ability to work in a team);
  • way to act in conflict situations.

job description examples and sample

Characteristics from the place of work: examples and sample

Below is a sample of the characteristics, which shows the possible options, examples for creating a real document.


technical department engineer

Peter Petrov Petrov

Petrov Petr Petrovich, born in 1983,He has been working in the technical department (organization name) as an engineer since 2005. Before that, he was registered at the Employment Center and received social benefits for unemployment (worked in another organization / was a student).

Education - Higher (secondary, secondaryspecial, secondary technical), in 2005 he graduated (the name of the institution). During his work, Petr Petrovich has established himself as an enterprising, responsible (unresponsive / irresponsible / disinterested) employee. He was charged with the maintenance of the technical means of the enterprise, the maintenance of the website and relevant documentation. Petrov Petrov coped with his duties with enthusiasm and fully (did not cope at the proper level / carried out mediocre / carried out fully, but without initiative). Thanks to the analytical mindset and the desire to develop (due to carelessness / passivity / laziness / gaps in knowledge / unwillingness to develop his professional skills), he is put in reserve for promotion as the head of the technical department (will be demoted).

Petrov Peter is distinguished by discipline,upbringing and tact (failure to comply with the rules of labor discipline, for which he received a severe reprimand with entering into a personal matter / lack of tact in communication / rudeness / rudeness). It easily finds a common language with employees, can work in a team, has leadership potential (closed / noncommunicative / prefers to work alone).

Petr Petrovich is married, has a son (notmarried / divorced, has no children / pays alimony / evades payments). Contraindications to any type of activity does not have (has contraindications to ... / has a disability).

The characteristic is made at the place of demand.



characteristics from the workplace samples and examples

An example of the characteristics of a medical professional

A special place is occupied by the characteristic from the place of work of a medical worker. A sample document may include points reserved for feedback on the activities of a medic from his patients.



State Polyclinic № 1 in Kiev

Petrova Larisa Ivanovna

Petrova Larisa Ivanovna, born in 1991,is an employee of the clinic since 2013. The post of the nurse of the therapeutic department received after successful practice. Prior to that, she was a student at the Kiev City Medical College, which she graduated in 2013.

During her work Larisa Ivanovna showed herself asresponsible, initiative employee with developed practical skills and theoretical training. Her responsibilities include medical care for patients, monitoring the condition their health sanitationseparation, receipt and accounting of drugs. Larisa Ivanovna performs her duties efficiently and meticulously. Does not make mistakes in the work, always follows the instructions of the attending physicians.

In communicating with patients Larisa I. Petrovatactful and courteous. Especially easy to find a common language with children, knows how to calm and encourage the patient. Among colleagues enjoys prestige, has leadership qualities. In connection with this, the chief physician of the polyclinic (full name) decided to raise Larisa Ivanovna to the position of senior nurse of the therapeutic department.

Characteristics prepared at the place of demand.



characteristics from the workplace form samples

The characteristic on the worker from the place of work: a sample for the teacher

To characterize an employee in the field of education, one needs to have a sample in which the features of pedagogical activity are presented.

Such a sample, in addition to standard data, should indicate the following facts:

  • educational influence of the teacher on the younger generation, the use of innovative methods in the work;
  • academic success of students entrusted to him, which show the effectiveness of the work of the teacher;
  • psychological characteristics of a person that affect the development of his students;
  • the ability to find contact with parents, to convince;
  • the presence of strong organizational skills, creative approach to work;
  • extracurricular activities;
  • ability to work with documentation;
  • transfer of teaching experience;
  • own example of the younger generation.

teacher characteristics

This data will help to understand how human the teacher is with respect to children, is up-to-date in his educational activities, and whether he can be entrusted with the leadership of the educational process in general.