/ / Number of fire extinguishers per floor space: norms, standards and features of calculation

The number of fire extinguishers per floor space: norms, standards and features of the calculation

A fire extinguisher is considered one of the most basicoften found means of extinguishing a fire. Therefore, it is very important to know the number of fire extinguishers per floor space (you can find out the norms in this article).

A few introductory words

This unit is very easy to power,not possessing special skills. With it, you can easily cope with the initial stage of fires. That is why the fire extinguisher can be found in almost any building, starting with the warehouse and ending with public and industrial premises.

the number of fire extinguishers per standard room

Именно поэтому очень важно понять, какое You need the number of fire extinguishers per floor space, standards, types of devices, how to use and in what place it is better to install. Answers to these questions can be found in this article.

The correct calculation scheme

Not so long ago to ensure firesafety was to be guided by the "Rules of fire safety 01-03". However, now the most important document responsible for fire safety is considered to be the "Rules of fire regime." Taking into account the norms specified in this document, you will be able to protect your building from fires.

standard regulations of fire extinguishers

In order to understand how to properly place fire extinguishers in the building, you need to understand the floor plan, as well as take into account the special design scheme.

The number of fire extinguishers per floor space (the norms are specified in this article) is determined taking into account the following data:

  • the purpose of the building itself, as well as the performance of its functions;
  • definition of an explosion hazard category;
  • the area of ​​the object and its layout;
  • fire classification;
  • correct selection of fire extinguishers and their installation.

It is according to these points that the calculation is made. Therefore, you can not be guided by only one area of ​​the room to determine the desired number of fire extinguishers.

Object assignment

Под назначением объекта стоит подразумевать the functions that it performs. To do this, you need to establish whether your premises are public, or warehouse, or industrial. If the building is considered public, in this case it is not necessary to determine the category of fire hazard. This is done only for warehouses and industrial premises.

Layout of the source object

At this stage, the calculation is not so easy. However, the layout of the building must be considered on a mandatory basis.

standards for equipping premises with manual fire extinguishers

The number of fire extinguishers per floor space,the norms of which are specified in a special government document should be taken into account based on the layout of the building. In this case, special attention should be paid to the distance from the fire extinguisher itself to the possible area of ​​fire, as well as to the amount of the compound filling the unit itself.

Typical standards of fire extinguishers payfocus on the categories of premises. Based on this, the distance is determined. If you are going to install fire extinguishers in a public institution, then the distance from the device itself to the likely source of ignition should not exceed twenty meters. If the room has one of the categories A, B or C, then in this case the distance can be increased to 30 meters. For building category G - 40 meters, and category D - up to 70 meters.

Informal calculation method

Experts also recommend paying attentionon the amount of fire extinguishing agent in the fire extinguisher. Usually one kilogram of foamy substance is enough for twenty-five square meters. If the room is small and there is a possibility of small fires, then it is best to install a handheld portable fire extinguisher. But if there is a risk of significant fire, it is best to use mobile units.

Few nuances

The norms for equipping premises with manual fire extinguishers indicate that there must be at least two units on each floor. Fewer use is absolutely impossible.

calculation of the number of standard fire extinguishers

Вы можете устанавливать в вашем помещении как manual and mobile fire extinguishers. If you have several rooms of a small area, then to calculate the required number of fire extinguishers, it is allowed to summarize these areas and consider them as a single whole.

For a room category D, you can absolutely not install fire extinguishers, provided that the area of ​​the room itself will not exceed one hundred square meters.

If your building has a special automatic fire extinguishing system, then the required number of fire extinguishers can be reduced exactly twice.

Fire classification

Calculation of the number of fire extinguishers, normswhich are specified in this article, it is necessary to do also taking into account a class of the fire. This is done on the basis of the materials in the room itself. The most important thing is to determine what can cause a fire in the room and, based on this, calculate the required number of fire extinguishers. In office space, this may include wiring and solids. In chemical laboratories - metals or alloys. But in garages, car washes and gas stations - flammable liquids.

determination of the required number of fire extinguishers

It would also be nice to consider additional and secondary sources of fires. This could include, for example, finishing and building materials.

The right choice of fire extinguisher

Once the definition of the necessarythe number of fire extinguishers done, you need to choose the devices themselves. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the ability of the filling substance to cope with the fire. It depends on the brand of fire extinguishing agent exactly what type of fire this fire extinguisher can handle. However, experts also recommend giving preference to universal units.

These devices should be placed in a convenient and visible place near the exit at a height of no more than 150 centimeters.

Proper care of fire extinguishers

In order for the device to work properly and properly, it must be constantly monitored. To do this, there are special requirements for the care of fire extinguishers:

standard rules of ownership of fire extinguishers

  • Be sure to appoint a responsible person who will monitor the health of the device;
  • each unit must undergo a special periodic check, the results of which must be regularly recorded in the log;
  • while sending a fire extinguisher for recharging, it must be replaced with a similar device;
  • each fire extinguisher must have a sequence number; it is customary to apply it with white paint on the case of the device itself.

Some nuances when choosing a fire extinguisher

If you choose a water based device, thenPay attention to the temperature of the room. Unlike powder and carbon dioxide aggregates, in water devices the temperature limit is very small.

Powder extinguishers, though cheapercarbon dioxide, but they must be used very carefully. This is not recommended in premises with appliances, as well as in museums or archives. After all, powder dust very quickly fill all the cracks, and it will not be so easy to remove it.

Do not ignore the standard rules.fire extinguisher accessories. After all, not only the safety of your property, but also the lives of many people may depend on it. Therefore, treat with all responsibility to the selection and installation of a fire extinguisher. Believe me, it's better to protect yourself than to regret all your life about the consequences.