/ Voluntary fire brigade. Federal Law "On Voluntary Fire Protection"

Voluntary fire protection. The federal law "On voluntary fire protection"

Fire risk increases daily asin everyday life, and at industrial enterprises, a large number of flammable compounds and materials, including natural gas, oil and its products, are used. High risk is created by energy-intensive and complex technologies, worn out buildings, communications, facilities, equipment. For many enterprises, in this regard, special fire safety requirements are being developed.

voluntary fire brigade

Causes of fires

Пожары на предприятиях, как правило, due to violations committed in the design and construction process. Equally important is the non-observance of simple safety measures by the staff, careless handling of hazardous substances and fire. Often violated the rules of operation of electrical installations and electrical equipment. The insufficient level of training of employees of enterprises and the public, the inability to quickly carry out evacuation, prevent the spread of the flame, localize its lesions leads to a large number of accidents and causes significant property damage.

Voluntary fire brigade

it specially formed socially-oriented association. It is created at the initiative of organizations and citizens. Its activity regulates 100-ФЗ "About voluntary fire protection". Associations are formed to participate in the prevention or elimination of fires, as well as the implementation of rescue activities.


100-FZ "On voluntary fire protection"provides for the possibility of pickingspecial units. They are the team and squad. The latter are an object or a territorial unit. The squads are directly involved in extinguishing fires. They do not have mobile weapons in service. Teams are also directly involved in extinguishing. However, these units have mobile weapons in service.

100 fz on voluntary fire protection


Federal Law "On Voluntary Fire Protection"contains a list of functions that units perform. They perform:

  1. Prevention of fires.
  2. Rescue of citizens and material values, assistance to victims.
  3. Participation in extinguishing.
  4. Emergency and rescue activities.

Employee Rights

They are also set Federal Law 100 "On voluntary fire protection". Employees who have posts established by staffing, members of teams or teams have the right to:

  1. Guarantees of health protection, life during the execution of their tasks.
  2. Compensation for damage caused by the performance of duties. Compensation of damage is carried out in accordance with the rules established by law.
  3. Participation as part of a squad / team or independently in extinguishing or preventing fires, carrying out emergency and rescue measures, rendering assistance to victims.
  4. Informing about the detected violations of regulations, rules in the field of fire safety of local authorities or units of the State Service.
  5. Submission to the territorial authoritiesand authorized agencies of proposals aimed at increasing the level of protection against fires within the boundaries of rural and urban settlements, at inter-settlement sites and in organizations.
  6. Perform necessary actions related toensuring the safety of citizens and the rescue of material assets, with the direct suppression of fires and carrying out emergency operations, in accordance with the law.

volunteer fire department this
Division staff are providednecessary means for individual protection. They are issued fire equipment for use in direct fire suppression. Funds are provided in the manner determined by the federal executive institution of power, which has the authority to solve problems in the field of security.
FZ on voluntary fire protection


Federal Law "On Voluntary Fire Protection"makes a number of requirements for employees of associations, members of teams and teams. They must be enshrined in the statutes or regulations on the activities of units. Voluntary fire brigade formed of citizens possessing the necessaryknowledge in the amount envisaged by the program of initial and further training. Workers are on duty (duty) on schedule. According to him, citizens arrive at the place of the call upon receipt of the appropriate message (of a fire or emergency). Voluntary fire brigade должна участвовать в тушении и оказании помощи injured If it is necessary to keep on duty during working or school hours, the schedule is coordinated with the head of the educational organization or enterprise where the squad or team member works, and is approved by the head of the department. Employees of which is formed voluntary fire brigademust follow the order establishedbylaws. They must comply with the rules of OT, observe discipline. Workers are required to keep fire equipment, tools, PPE and equipment in good condition. Members of teams and teams must comply with legitimate orders of superiors and the head of extinguishing the fire.

 federal voluntary fire protection law


The voluntary fire brigade is funded andreceives material and technical equipment at the expense of his own funds, donations, contributions, contributions of the founders. State and territorial authorities may provide additional support to the association. Financing and logistics can also be carried out at the expense of other means not prohibited by law.


It includes employee volunteerprotection, which consist of posts established staffing. As a member of the squad / team can be a physical person who has reached the age of 18 years and who, due to health reasons, is able to fulfill the corresponding duties Suitability to carry out activities related to the suppression of fires or the implementation of rescue activities. For personnel, the founders may provide a special form and insignia.

Federal Voluntary Fire Protection Act 100


Voluntary firefighters and unit workers,Those who do not have special vocational education must undergo training. Briefing is carried out according to the programs of the initial and subsequent professional training. They are developed and approved by the executive authorities authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety. The initial and further training of employees is carried out in units according to the rules established by the head. Their approval should take into account the peculiarities of protected structures and other objects, the specifics of rural, urban settlements, and inter-settlement sites. Training can be carried out on the basis of training points (centers) of the State Service and other organizations that have the appropriate license to study. Individuals who are part of the local public administration, or citizens who participate in associations created to solve various social problems at the place of study / work, are also briefed. Their training is carried out in the amount provided for voluntary firefighters.