/ / Fire safety for children

Fire safety for children

The fires in Russia, unfortunately, did not stop,the forests are burning, the houses are burning. Fire is a big trouble. The consequences of the disaster can be measured in money, but human lives, especially the lives of children dying in the fire, are priceless. Only strict, unconditional adherence to all fire safety rules can help to avoid material losses and human casualties.

Children do not read smart articles, but fire safety for children is above all. It should be provided by adults. Teaching children rules of conduct is the duty of all adults to adequate people.

Behavior rules

Fire safety for children is included in the educational and educational program preschool children's institutions. All available for young children forms and methods using a colorfulvisual materials educators conduct explanatory discussions about the rules of behavior. Fire safety for preschoolers is laid down in the first and the main rule, which says - you can not take matches in hands! This rule is not discussed, is not questioned. Further, adults, to the best of their abilities and imagination, can supplement and repeat this rule, fix it in the child's mind, contrary to the well-known proverb about the sweet forbidden fruit. Let the baby develop a principle - do not do it yourself and do not let this friend!

Fire safety for childreninvolves the prevention of playing in dangerous places, such as attics, cellars and sheds, walking in the dark at the time of construction of wood. Babies can be taught to use an electric flashlight.

Children and electrical appliances

In the life of a person from the very childhood surroundsset of electrical household appliances. Fire safety for children is directly related to electrical appliances. Children need to be prepared for the fact that electrical appliances included in the network are fraught with danger that household appliances often cause a fire, if not properly operated. From here there is one more rigorous rule - the game with electric heaters is dangerous for health and for life.

Behavior in case of fire

Sometimes it is not possible to prevent a fire, and yetthere is a fire. To such a situation you need to be ready always, to act confidently and quickly. Children also need to learn the rules of behavior in case of fire. So fire safety for children in practice can be shown. Knowledge of the most important rules and their application in this situation will save yourself and help your relatives.

Extinguish the fire must adults, but give a signalEvery schoolboy and an organized senior preschooler can worry. The child should know that the fire department number is 01, and on the cellular phone it is necessary to dial 112. It is necessary to call the service, clearly inform the address, first name and last name and wait for help.

If the fire started in the apartment, and there are no adults at home, you need to run away from the fire, necessarily shutting the door behind you so that the fire does not spread further.

If the door of the house was closed andit is impossible to get out, you need to shout out the window, call for help. It is certainly very scary to be in a burning apartment, but you can not hide in a closet, under a bed or other secret places, because it is very difficult for firefighters to find children in such places.

In the event of fire, clothing should fall to the floor oron the ground and ride until the fire is completely extinguished. When a hand is burned, it is necessary to substitute it under a stream of cold water and call for help from adults. If there is a fire in the entrance, you can not leave the apartment. You need to open a window or balcony (at least a window) and loudly call for help.

In the event of a fire in the house, do not use the elevator, as it can stop between floors and lock in a very real trap.

Let not peaceful fire frighten children!