/ / Warning signs for drivers and pedestrians

Warning signs for drivers and pedestrians

All traffic signs are divided into categories:prohibiting and warning, priority and prescriptive, as well as additional information. Each group performs its functions. The person driving the vehicle must be able to read them and correctly navigate. After all, every road user knows that a car is a means of increased danger.

General Characteristics of Marks

Что представляют собой предупреждающие дорожные signs? These technical means of organizing traffic on the roadway, like any other, are aimed at ensuring safety and increasing the traffic flow capacity. From the name of the group of signs it is clear that they warn the driver about approaching dangerous areas on the road. Consequently, the person driving the vehicle must have time to take appropriate actions for the setting. In the SDA, each sign has its own name and comment about its installation and coverage. It is he who explains the driver what precautions he should take.

Traffic regulations, warning signs: description

To list the whole group is meaningless.Signs of a large number, their study and description will take a lot of time and place. Collection of Rules of the Road contains their pictures and names. And in this article we will consider only the most difficult ones, which are often confused by novice drivers.

So, warning signs (photo below) have the appearance of a red triangle with a white background inside.

traffic warning signs photo

Signs 1.1-1.4.6 are installed near railway crossings. They report the presence or absence of barriers, the number of paths crossing the roadway. 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 report the boundaries of the level crossing. These signs have a serious meaning, because with their help the driver of the vehicle is warned that after their passage, special traffic rules at nearby intersections become effective. They must be observed, as almost all road traffic accidents involving a car and a train end in death. And due to the fact that the actual mass of the car is significantly lower than the mass of any railway transport, it is its passengers and driver that are in the greatest danger.

Seeing the sign "Intersection with the tram line",a person driving a car must increase vigilance. Carefully evaluate the traffic situation. After all, the sign warned you that there will be a tram nearby. And the mass of the latter is several times higher than the mass of any car. Therefore, in a collision, your vehicle will suffer the main damage. In any case, it is better to skip the tram, even if it breaks the rules.

road signs prohibiting and warning

Sign "Crossing equivalent roads"warns the driver that after a few meters he will drive to the intersection. There he has no advantages over other road users. At such intersections, the “right handicap” rule applies. That is, at the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver must skip anyone who moves to the right of him.

The roundabout reportsa section of the road with a carriageway on which the carriage is organized around the ring. It has certain rules. You should know how to enter / leave the ring, without becoming the cause of an accident.

Sign "Light regulation" warnsthe driver that he is approaching the section of the road where traffic lights are installed. Accordingly, for them, and will need to navigate when traveling. In reality, this sign is installed to attract the attention of the driver of the vehicle. For example, at a certain intersection or passage for pedestrians was not before a traffic light, but decided to install it now. In this regard, the corresponding warning sign is also installed, which will allow the driver to prepare in advance and properly pass the intersection of the carriageways. Also, this element will face the traffic light if it is in an unexpected place and is difficult to notice in less than one hundred meters.

Strangely enough, but cars continue to fall in the rivers, lakes, despite the warning signs "Swing Bridge" and "Drive to the embankment." Drivers simply do not notice or ignore them.

"Dangerous turns" - warning signs of traffic (photo below), reported about the nearby bends of the roadway, which must be extremely careful.

road signs warning photos

Ведь неправильная оценка обстановки может lead to the exit from the strip at best, at worst - to an accident. These elements of the road warn drivers that there will soon be one or several (indicated by a sign) dangerous turns. Overtaking on these sections of the roadway is strictly prohibited. This maneuver can be performed before the start of the turn or immediately before it. Otherwise, the vehicle manager faces a penalty of deprivation of a driver's license for up to six months.

Temporary warning signs

Technical means of movement organization cando not act constantly. Virtually every warning sign can be temporary. That is, it will be distinguished by a yellow background and is set in the event of any repairs, events, or for prompt changes in the situation in order to ensure safety. Permanent signs, as opposed to temporary, have a white background.

warning signs

There are certain signs that can be both temporary and permanent. And some will never be permanent.

  • Slippy road.
  • Emission of rubble.
  • Narrowing of the road on the right / left / on both sides (can be both temporary and permanent).
  • Men at work.
  • Dangerous shoulder.
  • Rough road.
  • Black ice.
  • Bilateral movement (can be both temporary and permanent).
  • Clogged on the road.
  • Seasonal migration of amphibians.

Sometimes permanent and temporary signs are installed on the road at the same time, the driver must be guided by the latter, as they are priority in this situation.

Pedestrian Warning Signs

Ideally, traffic participants outside transportmeans should know traffic rules on a par with drivers. However, this can only be dreamed of. After all, pedestrians receive minimal knowledge about traffic rules at school. After it, it is unlikely that someone will independently learn the rules.

 traffic warning signs rb

Pedestrians must necessarily know some traffic signs warning. Indeed, not only drivers, traffic police officers can fine. For pedestrians are important signs:

  • Crosswalk.Often, people are confused, believing that it means that in this place you can cross the roadway. It's a delusion. The sign only warns the driver about the imminent approach to a pedestrian crossing. Also, a person who sees this technical means of organizing traffic must understand that there is a designated pedestrian crossing nearby, through which he is obliged to cross the carriageway.
  • Children.Every child should be explained from an early age that this sign does not allow them to cross the road at the place of its installation. It is intended to warn the driver about the possible sudden appearance of children on the roadway, but does not allow them to go on the road.
  • Men at work.Often such places where work is carried out are not fenced, but only marked with signs. Therefore, both a driver and a pedestrian can easily fall into a dangerous place; it is worthwhile to be especially careful at night.
  • Railroad crossings. No matter, with or without a barrier, passing through this intersection, a pedestrian must necessarily adequately assess the situation and its capabilities.

Installation of warning signs

Every driver should know where is locatedThis or that technical means of traffic organization. So, warning road signs are located from a dangerous area inside the settlement at a distance of 50-100 meters, outside the city - 150-300 m. In some cases, they are supplemented with signs. These information signs can be of two types. The first indicates the length of the hazardous area. The plate has the form of a white rectangle with black edging, on the sides there are two up arrows, between which a number is indicated. This figure indicates the duration of the hazardous area. The second sign indicates the distance at which the place, about which the sign warns, will begin. It looks the same as the previous one, but without the arrows at the edges.

Duplicate characters

В группе предупреждающих знаков есть несколько pieces that are duplicated. That is, the first is installed at a distance outside the settlement in 150-300 m and repeats twenty to fifty meters before the beginning of the dangerous section.

  • Railway transport with a barrier.
  • Drawbridge.
  • Railway transport without a barrier.
  • Departure to the embankment.
  • Children.
  • Road works (repeated in the city, but directly in front of the dangerous area).

Action area

Warning signs extend exclusively to the hazardous area. There is no strict measurement of this group. After all, their main goal - to warn the driver about approaching something.

traffic rules warning signs

An exception is the case when the sign is installed with a sign. And it indicates the duration of the dangerous area.

Difficult situations with warning signs

Even a novice driver, this group of fundstraffic arrangements do not cause problems. After all, these signs do not prohibit anything, but warn in advance about dangerous areas on the roadway. Therefore, the driver, seeing any of them, must take appropriate measures, that is, increase his vigilance and slow down, which later, if necessary, will allow him to brake unhindered.


Warning signs do not prohibit anything, so in no case can they be violated. That is, no penalty you are not entitled to write.

However, do not let your guard down. After all, these signs warn us about the upcoming dangerous areas on the road. And now there is a violation of traffic rules and get a hated penalty is very simple.

traffic warning signs

Road warning signs RBportrayed, set and have the same meaning as in the Russian Federation. Therefore, drivers of neighboring countries use almost the same traffic rules.