/ / Work in a taxi: reviews of drivers "for" and "against"

Work in a taxi: reviews of drivers "for" and "against"

It has been observed that in times of financial crises, work on a taxi becomes especially in demand among applicants for additional income.

work in a taxi driver reviews
On the car earned earlier.In some cities, vehicle owners “bombed”, in others - “left off”, in the third - “taksovali”. Each word means that “unorganized” drivers worked on driving passengers. Today there are no private owners: they were swallowed up by the market. Taxi driver - work organized. They can work only if they are registered in a taxis (according to an employment record or contract). In most cases, all that taxi drivers can choose is a taxi fleet and a timetable for their work. However, many men and some women today are attracted to working in a taxi. Reviews of drivers in different ways characterize this type of income. Let's try to figure out how profitable and interesting this lesson is.

Work in a taxi. Reviews of drivers who like it

taxi driver job

Some come to taxis at the call of the heart.Drivers like first of all the fact that they can combine work in a taxi with their main profession. However, this may not be in all companies. Most often, the schedule allows drivers who work on their own cars. Taxi drivers say that they no longer need to look for clients on their own: there is a dispatcher for this. Self-respecting companies equip machines with all necessary: ​​navigators, mobile phones, intercoms. Dispatchers also pre-calculate the cost of the trip. The driver needs only to arrive at one place and take the passenger to another. Working in a taxi (driver reviews confirm this) allows you to significantly increase your income, but only if the company enters into a contract and carefully complies with its conditions. However, even in this case, it’s not about transcendental earnings. The average income of taxi drivers in provincial cities rarely exceeds 2 thousand rubles per day.

Work in a taxi. Reviews of drivers who do not like it

work on a taxi in his car

Some taxi drivers admit that they are forcedcarry passengers not by vocation, but because they can not find another job. It is their reviews that are most often negative (this does not mean biased). Taxi drivers indicate that firms usually have very high demands on cars. However, on bad roads, the car quickly loses its gloss, and repairs have to be done exclusively at their own expense. Many taxi companies collect a preliminary "tribute" from drivers, demanding money for "checkers", brand names, means of communication with the dispatcher. Taxi drivers are not satisfied with the fact that in some enterprises they have to pay a fixed daily amount: employers take into account only the fact of departure, but do not take into account the working time. However, in most localities there is not one, but not two taxis, and among them there is always the one where they care about drivers' incomes, their safety and working conditions. It is only necessary not to hurry with the choice of the employer.