On pages of newspapers with announcements quite often it is possiblesee the phrases: "you need a merchandiser", "we'll take a merchandiser to work with a personal car, you can be a part-time student." But what is hidden behind this beautiful foreign word, and what functions will have to be performed by the employee, not everyone knows.
In some ways, the duties of a merchandisercoincide with the duties of the sales representative. Both are interested in increasing the sales of their goods, and, accordingly, in the growth of profits. On the other hand, the trade representative is more engaged in supply, but the layout of products in the store is the merchandiser.
On the one hand, his duties are simple:it is necessary to monitor that the goods of his company are present in a sufficient range, and also be placed on shelves in the established order. That's what most often there are problems. Among representatives of firms-competitors there is a present struggle for the best places. Ensure that his goods are not pushed to the farthest corner of the lowest shelf, where he is unlikely to see a passing customer, should be a merchandiser. Its duties also consist in establishing friendly relations with the management and employees of the store, in carrying out promo actions on the entrusted territory, tasting, decorating stands, controlling the shelf life of products.
Will not prevent him from driving and personalThe car, as the work of the merchandiser is connected with traveling. Typically, one person should visit 10-15 stores a day. Sometimes it is assigned to an area in a megacity, and sometimes a small city.
What else should a merchandiser do?The duties of this employee also consist in monitoring the prices of competitor products. As a rule, he must weekly or bi-weekly report on the firms-competitors: what products are presented, at what prices, what shares they hold. On its basis, management will decide on raising / lowering prices for its own products. Also, he should monitor the status of advertising equipment, for example, replenish the stocks of leaflets and monitor the smooth operation and cleanliness of exhibition stands of his company. Ensure the presence of posters, stretch marks, shields, if damaged or missing, this employee should replace them with new ones.
What skills and personal qualities shouldto have a merchandiser? His duties are to work with the goods and with people, and, therefore, he must necessarily be communicative, be able to clearly disclose the products to both sellers and buyers. Merchandiser should easily navigate in the product range, be attentive, responsible, conscientious and accurate. It will not be superfluous to have a pleasant appearance.
As a rule, this post is just a stepat the beginning of the career ladder. A person who for several years has successfully coped with his duties and carried out the set plan, can become a supervisor, in the subordination of which will be several merchandisers. Or become a sales representative - in this case it will be useful to all the contacts and connections. The work of the merchandiser assumes incomplete employment: four to six hours a day. The number of visits the higher authorities supervise on shop checks and periodically arranges checks. As a rule, the schedule of work is flexible - you can visit some stores in the morning, and a part - in the evening before closing. Employers usually require that the goods are put in order, and at what time it will be done - it does not matter. So this work is an excellent option for students both full-time and part-time.