/ / Commercial director: duties, requirements and personal qualities

Commercial Director: duties, requirements and personal qualities

The Commercial Director is one of the key and significant figures in the management system of each enterprise. At the same time, there is no single understanding of what it should do.

It should be said, in some organizationsthe duties of the commercial director presuppose the management of marketing, sales, purchases, advertising, so the post may sound different, for example, the director of sales and marketing. In other companies, such a unit as marketing, he does not obey. If we talk about small organizations, then such positions, as a rule, they do not. There they simply recruit individual managers for different divisions, while the manager can take on the duties of a commercial director.

It is worth noting that the commercial director reports directly to the head of the company. This position plays a decisive role in the preparation, as well as the implementation of strategies aimed at the development of the enterprise.

In most cases, the tasks that applyto the sphere of sales, the commercial director decides. Its responsibilities assume the development of a sales plan, its implementation, as well as overseeing the marketing system, logistics and marketing. He must also keep in touch with shareholders.

In the event that the activities of a specificthe company is in production, then, first of all, the commercial director is responsible for the procurement of materials, supplies, logistics, transportation, as well as for relations with suppliers. If we talk about large structured organizations, these three areas are controlled by linear individual directors headed by a commercial director.


As noted above, the position of the Commercial Director is very multifaceted, therefore, his duties may include the following directions:

  1. Together with shareholders and the general director - working out of the plan of work (current and perspective) the organization, maintenance of an effective utilization of all resources.

  2. Development of strategies, search for new opportunities for successful development of the company in the market.

  3. Determination of the company's trade policy based on the analysis of the market and past sales figures, determining the geographical areas of the firm's work, introducing the latest sales strategies.

  4. The commercial director, whose responsibilities are quite versatile, is also responsible for the creation and effective training of the sales team.

  5. Management of the sales department, selection of distribution channels, management of the dealer network.

  6. Together with the marketing departmentThe commercial director must also develop assortment and pricing policies, various programs that can increase the company's sales. Successful implementation of these policies and programs is also the responsibility of the commercial director.

  7. Organization of logistics - packaging, warehouses,delivery and so on. Planning and forecasting of future needs, as well as creating a structure for efficient delivery of goods, search for suppliers of storage and transportation services.

  8. For uninterrupted cooperation with suppliers,for commercial purchases, the choice of services and suppliers, as well as for all coordination of supply issues, is answered by the commercial director. His responsibilities assume and complicity in the development of the organization's budget for the fiscal year.

Personal qualities

A candidate for such a high position, as a commercial director whose duties involve constant contact with people, must have certain personal qualities. Namely:

  • Ability to interact with people, sociability.

  • Qualities of the organizer and leader.

  • Strategic thinking.

  • High efficiency.

  • Ability to work with numbers and other data, analytical abilities.

  • Mobility, the ability to make decisions promptly.

  • Responsibility, initiative, focus on results.

  • High resistance to stressful situations.

  • Striving for self-development and growth.