Office work is a characteristic directionactivities of most enterprises, organizations and private companies, which involves the collection, processing and storage of all documentation. From the correctness and literacy of the preparation of papers depends the efficiency of receiving and processing information, and this leads to the timely adoption of effective solutions. Accordingly, in the state of any business entity there is a clerk, whose duties extend to the maintenance of document circulation. What is the responsibility of the clerk?
Characteristics of the profession

The clerk, whose duties may beranging from paperwork to making operational decisions, is in demand on the labor market at all times. He can work in any company where there is a workflow. For today, according to the legislation, every enterprise, irrespective of the sphere and form of ownership, is obliged to have properly issued supporting documents on activities and finances, and their management is the responsibility of the clerk. They come to this profession from related posts: dispatcher-operator, secretary-referent, office-manager or employee of reference service. A good clerk is an irreplaceable specialist and a reliable assistant to the head. The clerk, whose duties have long outgrown the banal design of documentation, can become a personal assistant to the head. A specialist in this profession is primarily an employee who is responsible for the organization and storage of company records. Most often he works in the office and is guided by tax, civil, judicial legislation. In small firms, the clerk, whose duties extend only to the filling of papers, performs his duties alone. It is possible that he and the secretary are one person. In large companies and corporations in the state there are several employees of this orientation, who process papers on a specific range of issues.
Functional duties of the clerk

His main duty is to maintain the company's workflow, he:
- Accepts, correlates, sorts, sends all business papers and letters;
- conducts business correspondence;
- maintains their records in special journals and monitors the non-disclosure of sensitive information, and also controls the timely and proper execution of documents;
- prepares all necessary materials for the manager and business meetings;
- organizes the work of the archive.
Requirements to be met