/ / The safety certificate is not yet valid: what to do?

The safety certificate is not yet valid: what should I do?

An electronic document allowing personalA computer or other device to install this or that application is a certificate. The document makes a number of requirements. Some of them will be discussed below.

The security certificate is not yet valid:what to do? An electronic document allowing a personal computer or other device to install an application is a certificate. The document puts forward a number of requirements for installed applications, depending on the operating system and, in fact, the device. Also on these factors depends on the validity of the certificate. The document contains useful information about the developers of the gadget and the certificate itself.

Security Certificate Errors

Security certificate not valid yet
After the user has become happythe owner of a new gadget, it may face an unpleasant problem, namely, security certificate errors when installing additional applications and games from the Internet. After a long search for the right sources of jumps and the necessary resources, the user may be confronted with the fact that the smartphone will start to write incomprehensible messages or will simply highlight: "The security certificate is not yet valid."

Перед тем как установить на смартфон нужное application, you must disable certificate checking. This action does not mean that you can now install a malicious application on your phone. The fact is that the developers of the gadget took care of it with the help of security certificates that prohibit downloading unreliable, and often all "existing" applications. Therefore, the user should allow download and installation of unreliable programs.

When you need to disable security certificates

It's necessary:

  • В случае если пользователь использует официальный software, in which you need to connect to the Internet for checking, which will lead to an extra waste of traffic and, possibly, will require setting up access to the network through a valid operator.
  • If the user uses unofficial programs whose certificate does not pass the security check and cancels the installation of the downloaded application.

The most common certificate errors

Security certificate is invalid
There are some of the most common mistakes your phone can issue. Some of them are discussed below.

1. The safety certificate is invalid.An error occurs if the user installs an application that is signed with an expired certificate. In order to solve the problem, you need to know the date of receipt of the certificate and transfer the time on the phone to the specified time. A good way would be the “spear” method, namely, transferring time to six months, a year, two years and installing the application one by one. You can also sign an unsigned version of the game with a new electronic document.

2. The certificate expired.An error occurs when installing an application that is signed with an expired certificate. To solve the problem, as in the previous case, you can only transfer time. Also help in unsigned version of the subscription "fresh" certificate.

The safety certificate has expired

The error occurs when working with new ones.certificates, often - with the difference in time zones. Also, the cause of the error is incorrectly set date and time in the phone. The day and year of commencement of the certificate have not yet arrived, so the user should move the time forward.

Security Certificate Errors
Error "Installing secure applications fromunreliable sources is impossible "says that the installed application is not signed by the certificate. To solve the problem, the user needs to receive an IMEI electronic document of his own phone and use it to sign the application. In some cases, you can sign the application online.

Certificate Error

Чаще всего встречается в случае, если приложение signed by an alien certificate or incorrectly entered by IMEI user. You need to re-sign the application under the new certificate, carefully checking all the data.

In order to quickly solve problems such as:The security certificate is not yet valid, an error, installation is prohibited or the wrong certificate, sometimes you may need to subscribe the application, which is carried out using a personal computer, or on a smartphone, using special programs. Recently, it became possible to use a universal certificate suitable for any phones. Also, the user can completely disable the automatic verification of certificates in the smartphone. To do this, you need to have access to system files and install and sign a security certificate. Next, you need to install modified files like installserver.exe, which disable the verification of security certificates in the operating system.

Validity of the safety certificate
Надеемся, что вооружившись новой и полезной information, any user, even a beginner, quickly and without problems will solve such unpleasant situations when the security certificate is not yet valid, the period has expired and other common problems.