/ / Warning "Server certificate expired": causes and solutions

Warning "Server certificate expired": causes and solutions

Probably, it is not necessary to say that the majorityusers of computer systems, one way or another, faced an unpleasant problem when, at the entrance to the site, instead of the expected opening of the page on the screen of a monitor or mobile device, an error appears indicating that the server certificate expired. With what it is connected and how to deal with it, now it will be considered.

What does the presence of a safety certificate indicate?

In general, the availability of certificates "issued" to the volumeor another web resource, prepared for the user or the Internet surfer can say a lot. As a rule, the most important thing is that the site has a legal owner (natural or legal person), which, if there are problems on the site or even if the certificate has expired, it can be determined quite easily.

the server certificate has expired

The second point is that the usersees in front of him is not a one-day site or a phishing page, but a serious Internet resource that assumes a long-term existence. In terms of the security of the computer system of the site visitor, a certificate and certifies that this resource can be trusted entirely, which is most often due to the fact that the user will have to enter his registration data there, which will be reliably protected from prying eyes.

Server certificate error: possible reasons

Causes of such disruptions can beenough. However, the most common sources of warning messages such as "Expired server certificate expired" are the ones most often mentioned:

  • inconsistency of the system date and time of the computer or mobile gadget to the real one;
  • incorrect actions of the web developer of the site, who really forgot to renew the certificate;
  • blocking resources by browsers, antivirus programs or Windows protection.

server certificate error

On the effects of viruses penetrating into thesystem, now we are not talking. For the most part, this applies to cyber attacks on the sites themselves, after which the existing electronic document is replaced with an invalid server certificate. However, the user by and large in this case, nothing is threatened (unless, of course, do stupid things and try to go to the site at any cost). It is better to contact the owner of the resource by sending an e-mail.

The server name does not match the certificate: how to understand this?

As for errors of this type, most likely,they only testify that the certificate was forged. In other words, this is the so-called spontaneously signed "linden", which has nothing to do with the official certification.

Simply put, such a simple way is createdphishing sites whose owners or developers are trying to access confidential visitor data (logins, passwords, PIN codes, bank card numbers, etc.).

But most often this is due to incorrectsettings of mail servers or e-mail applications that can use secure connection protocols such as SSL or TLS. But now we will not go into the details of programming, but let's take a look at the simplest cases of fixing the "Server certificate expired" error.

The easiest way to fix the problem

The simplest thing that can be done is to pay attention to the time set in the system. If the user sees that the date and time do not coincide with the real ones, you should change the settings.

the server name does not match the certificate

But only do this not in Windows, but in the BIOS.There is a special section of settings in which these parameters are usually called System Time / System Date (sections of settings in different versions of the BIOS and from different developers may differ). How to proceed? Just set the correct values, save the changes and reboot the computer or laptop.

Invalid server certificate

In mobile devices everything is much easier.The date and time change in the settings quite simply. Even a reboot is not required. As it is already clear, errors of this type arise exclusively with active connection to the Internet. If the site was visited earlier, and is currently viewed offline, nothing like this will happen.

Security settings for antivirus, firewall and browser

Often, the system issues a message stating that the termthe action of the server certificate expired only because this resource is for some reason blocked by security modules (antivirus, firewall, browser or all together).

the server certificate has expired

In antiviruses, this is most often Avira,although this is not the only package. What to do? Yes, just try to temporarily disable the protection and attempt to enter. If everything is fine, you will need to add the resource to the exclusion list.

The same goes for the firewall, only here the browser is blocked. As already clear. Putting it on the list of reliable programs helps to eradicate the problem.

server certificate error

As for browsers, in either of them followsgo to the main or advanced settings menu, select the appropriate security settings, and disable the system check. But, in principle, at your own peril and risk, you can accept a certificate to enter the site or simply ignore such a message, but only if you completely trust this resource, and before failures were not observed.


Here is briefly and all that concerns the problemelectronic certificates. It did not specifically address issues related to programming or web development, as well as the problems of setting up e-mail clients, since these are very specific topics that require detailed explanation and some initial knowledge.