/ / Hygienic certificate: why and how to get it

Hygienic certificate: why and how to get it

The hygienic certificate is provided forlegislation by a document. It shows that the type of activity, product or technical conditions (TU) meet the existing sanitary rules and hygienic standards. It is issued by Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Institutions upon completion of examination of technical specifications, product, production conditions. Sanitary and hygienic certificate can be obtained only after carrying out tests and providing a certain package of documents. At present, there are three types of this document: on the type of activity (catering, trade, etc.), on products, on TU.

hygienic certificate

A hygienic certificate must be obtained inmandatory order. If the object (process) is not included in the list determined by the normative act of the state, it can be obtained voluntarily. In the second case, the motivation for applying for this document is the desire to provide competitive advantages in comparison with similar goods and services. True, today the line between the mandatory nomenclature and ordinary products in certain positions is not entirely clear. One can assert boldly: all goods with which people contact in everyday life, as well as food products must have a hygienic certificate. In addition, there are things that can be examined only by federal structures (dietary supplements, household chemicals in the form of aerosols, medical products, etc.).

You can get a hygienic certificate for a period offrom 1 month. up to 5 years, the duration depends on several factors: the conditions of production, the type of products, information in the submitted documents, the position of the person considering the application. Examination is carried out in relation to products produced in the Russian Federation (new products or when certain conditions of production are changed) imported from abroad, as well as to the one that has expired the term of the certificate issued earlier.

obtain a hygienic certificate
The hygienic certificate is issued afterprocedure, which includes the submission of an application for registration, the establishment of the scope of expertise, the conclusion of a contract, the analysis of documents, the implementation of instrumental and laboratory tests, the decision, the issuance of an opinion and its entry into the Register. The lists of official papers provided for the examination of domestic and imported goods differ. Among them, the charter, certificates of registration, registration, regulations, technical instructions, certificates of inspection, certificates for materials and raw materials, a passport for the goods, lease contracts, a supply contract, etc. For foreign products, all documents of the manufacturer (supplier) must have a certified translation into Russian.
Sanitary and hygienic certificate

Examination of objects with study of conditionsproduction takes place on a voluntary basis, if the applicant so requests. Its result is a certificate for all manufactured products. Lists of documents provided by the applicant can be supplemented and refined with respect to specific products or manufacturing organizations. On the territory of our country, the survey is conducted by experts of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation.