/ / Tachograph - what is this device? Installation of the tachograph and the law on its application

Tachograph - what is this device? Installation of the tachograph and the law on its application

На многочисленных автолюбительских форумах и this kind of resources increasingly emerges the name of such an unknown device, like a tachograph. What it is, what functions the device performs, and why install it, you can find out by reading the relevant documentation.

which tachograph to install

Tachograph - what is it? Instrument Overview

What you need to know first? First of all, it is necessary to answer the question: the automobile tachograph - what is it? What makes this device, and why is it needed if there is a regular speedometer?

A tachograph is a control onboard measuring device that ensures compliance with the requirements regulated by the AETR (European Agreement, which streamlines the operation of vehicles).

The device is designed for continuous display andsimultaneous registration of indicators such as time, car speed, mileage, work schedule (periods of rest and labor) drivers.

Кратким ответом на вопрос про тахограф:what is it - will be a comparison of the device with the so-called black box in the aircraft. More accurate information can be obtained by a detailed review of the functions and characteristics of the device.

What does the installation of the tachograph?

Installing a tachograph is not a problem. Depending on the size of the device can be placed in the slot under the speedometer or radio.

Daily recording of information can serve for the following purposes:

  • Accurate registration of mileage and speed.It is no secret that when calculating values, standard speedometers rely on their program, which does not always correspond to exact values. The calculations take into account the effective wheel circumference (how much it takes for a full revolution), which makes it possible to quite accurately determine how many turns are carried out per kilometer. The standard speedometer performs calculations a little differently, and the end result may differ significantly.
  • Dispute resolution.Not just irrefutable evidence is the information for which the SKZI tachograph unit is responsible. What it is? Encrypted data that cannot be falsified. The information will help to prove to the driver that they are right for the staff of the road patrols and to defend their interests in the event of an accident.
  • Conducting accounting reports.The data obtained from the tachocard or electronic tachograph, provide clear information about the work of the staff. It is possible to calculate the time of work and rest of the driver up to a minute, which helps in assessing the effectiveness of the staff’s work or for calculating the earnings of the enterprise.
  • Организация работы предприятия.Since the data provided by the tachograph cannot be falsified, some aspects of the activities of enterprises can be clearly structured. Thus, the requirements for the maintenance of vehicles indicate that the inspection should take place no less than every 10 thousand km. Indicators tachograph can not be "wound" or in another way to shift the frequency of checks.

Tachograph - what is it?

  • Security guarantees.One of the points of the AETR is that each driver must carry a tachocard with him in the last 28 days. With the device, you can fix any movement of vehicles, which significantly reduces the risk of unforeseen situations or helps to thoroughly understand them.
  • Implementation of additional functions.Asking: "What is a tachograph?" - first of all, drivers want to learn about the practical use of the device. In addition to its direct functions, the device can be used as a speed limiter or for switching on / switching equipment modes at specified speeds.

Выше приведен далеко не полный список задач, that help tachographs solve. The law prescribes the installation of equipment on virtually any vehicle that carries passenger and cargo flights in order to be able to control the situation on the roads.

Features of the tachograph

Indeed, what are they?Having decided to install a tachograph, it is necessary to consider the main features. Namely - the design of the device, its components and the main elements. It is necessary to supplement the answer to the question: tachograph SKZI block - what it is, and what this detail is responsible for.

Главный «конек» измерительного прибора – наличие non-volatile memory, due to which data is recorded in real time, and the received information can be stored for years. The probability of unauthorized access to the memory elements of the device is reduced to almost zero.

Install tachograph

To receive the recorded information, you must have 4 special keys or smart cards. The latter include the following types of cards:

  • Driving - to store data regarding the movements of a particular driver for the last year.
  • A car dealership or workshop card - for setting up a tachograph, making changes to its functionality.
  • Company or company card - for storage andreading all kinds of information about upcoming and completed flights, about other data relating to the cars of a particular company. Among other things, smart cards of this type are designed to prevent the dissemination of company information.
  • Инспекторская – для считывания информации с driver cards. Allows you to get acquainted with all the violations that occurred in the reporting period (speed, schedule). It helps to eliminate or eliminate malfunctions of the equipment (power interruptions, incorrect operation of the sensors).

In search of an answer to the question: tachograph with SKPI - what it is, we can say with confidence that this device is intended not only for fixing the main indicators, but also for reliable information storage.

Tachograph model selection

Not every digital device, let alone analog (switch), fits the clear standards put forward to devices in the framework of the AETR project.

A number of manufacturers, including European developers and domestic enterprises, received proper certificates:

  • VDO trademark and Continental Automotive GmbH;
  • Stoneridge Electronics products;
  • the latest innovations from EFKON AG;
  • precision instruments ACTIA;
  • technology "Incotex" (model "Mercury TA-001" and above);
  • devices "STROKE" SM 10042.00.00-13 and SM;
  • KZTA (tachograph "KASBI DT-20M");
  • CJSC "Meter-Auto" (tachograph "TCA-02K");
  • ATOL company (Drive 5 tachograph);
  • INTELLIK RUS LLC (tachograph "EFAS V2 RUS).

Before you decide what tachographinstall, it is useful to get acquainted with the registry FBU "Rosavtotrans". There you can find a complete list of models of equipment allowed for use in Russia.

In what cases it is necessary to put tachographs?

First, install the instruments onauto companies engaged in various types of commercial traffic. There is a whole list of vehicles in which the dashboard is necessary to mount a tachograph. Laws require devices to be installed on buses and other modes of transport, based on the number of seats, the maximum weight, and the type of content transported.

Tachograph - what is it? A photo

Whether it is necessary to put a tachograph or not can be understood by the following criteria:

  • Number of passenger seats.If the number of seats without a driver is more than eight, then without installing the device is necessary. This classification of vehicles includes any auto category M2 and M3.
  • Vehicle tonnage.Installation of the device is considered mandatory for any vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons. This classification may include any auto category N2 and N3.
  • When transporting dangerous goods (explosive or active chemical compounds).

These conditions are valid only for commercialtransportations on which it is necessary to establish tachographs. The rules have many points and exceptions, and to make sure for sure, they should be carefully re-read.

When should you be afraid of fines?

The main regulatory document to followrely in this case - Federal Law No. 196 with subsequent amendments. It deals with traffic safety, signs methodological base, allowing to achieve optimal performance.

Since April 1, 2013 legal entities and privateentrepreneurs are responsible not only in the absence of equipment, but also in non-compliance with its existing standards. For example, a penalty is provided for the detection of a malfunction, overdue maintenance, or due to the driver’s noncompliance with work and rest hours (workday — no more than 8 hours, continuous driving — no more than 4 hours).

In this case, fines for drivers and management differ significantly. If in the first case it is about 1-3 thousand rubles, then in the second the penalties are much more - 5-10 thousand rubles.

Do not forget about the list of faults,for which threatens financial punishment. For a broken tachograph, you can pay not only removal from the state. vehicle numbers, but also the location of the car in the penalty area (in the case of transportation of highly hazardous substances).

Maintenance and configuration of digital tachographs

После того как вопрос "Тахограф – что это?"we have considered from all sides, the operation of the device does not begin to seem less complicated. Even the installation of the device itself becomes a practically unsolvable task for car owners.

Tachograph calibration - what is it?

В случае любого сложного ремонта транспортного means it is necessary to carry out an additional check of the accuracy of the control device. Verifications have a certain frequency, but can be carried out with any suspicion of a malfunction of the equipment.

On numerous forums quite often one more question is asked: what is a tachograph calibration? It will be useful to find out also why this procedure is needed and what stages it consists of.

Reasons for configuring devices

Tachograph calibration, sometimes calledcalibration, and sometimes adjustment, verification or verification, is performed not only after their direct installation. The main objective of this procedure is to make the device readings as accurate as possible. In this case, it is necessary not only to take into account all possible errors, but also to take into account the numerous factors causing deviations (installation features, external causes).

In this case, the device should as accurately as possible record the performance of a particular vehicle, which means that it is necessary to synchronize and adjust the parameters.

Cases in which verification is necessary

Tachograph calibration is necessary in severalcases. In case of late examination, the device may show incorrect indicators, and possible deviations from the norm will gradually worsen.

Tachograph with SKZI - what is it?

The control device must be checked in the following cases:

  • After initial installation.This procedure is performed after the equipment receives the registration number. It gives you the opportunity to verify the performance of the device and the accuracy of the indicators.
  • After reinstalling. If the device was transferred from one car to another, it is necessary to adjust it to the structural features of the new car.
  • In case of replacement of the registration number of a specific vehicle. In this case, the procedure is rather a formal one.
  • After repairing the tachograph itself, the connections or installation of new sensors Verification will provide an opportunity to make sure that the recorded readings are true.
  • In the absence of special seals and tags.Sealing allows you to secure all nodes involved in data manipulation, and the tag carries information about the instrument's performance. Without this data, the device cannot be considered as efficient as possible.
  • When changing the value of the coefficient of motor transport. This value is responsible for the magnitude of the output signal between the elements of the vehicle and the monitoring device.
  • If the effective circumference of the wheel changes or when tires are replaced. The procedure is necessary for accurate calculation of mileage and speed of transport.
  • If the exact time is in a hurry or lags by 20 minutes or more.
  • Two years after the last inspection.

Tachographs - rules

Своевременные проверки оборудования дают the ability to ensure the safety of the driver on the road, otherwise not only increases the risk of unforeseen situations, but also the possibility of material penalties.

Summary results

You can try to answer the question: a car tachograph - what it is, from several sides. The device must be installed on large-sized commercial vehicles.

The device makes it possible to ensure an adequate level of security, which is not difficult to believe, given how difficult it is (almost impossible) to distort the indicators recorded by the tachograph.

Contrast can be felt more strongly if we compare modern digital equipment with a bit outdated analog.

True, owners of switch devices will have (if they have not yet had to) change unreliable devices.

Experts say that control of speed and mileage is not the main function of the device. Special attention is paid to the ability of tachographs to control the schedule of drivers.

In this regard, some long-distance truck bikes may remain far in the past - no falling asleep at the wheel and departures for the oncoming traffic simply cannot be under the strict supervision of the device.

One can only hope that the rulesregulating work with this type of equipment will become more flexible. Too strictly there each item is registered, starting with the choice of models and manufacturers. After reading the ND, you can fully answer the question, the tachograph is what it is (the photo of devices can be seen in this article).