In Soviet times, rent was soscanty, that no one paid attention to how the system of public services operates. At present, the situation has radically changed, and many owners of urban flats began to think about controlling the flow of water, gas and heat. In most cases, the installation of appropriate meters allows you to save significant amounts on utility bills.
Installation of heat meters is performed on a pipeheating. Often this device comes complete with thermostats, which allow to regulate the water flow independently. Thus, keeping in mind how much heat you consume, you can achieve that the real flow rate is much lower than the normative one. And in this case you will pay for heating, of course, is equivalent to a smaller amount.
The heat meter for the apartment can not only calculate the Gigacalorie, but also remember the flow for the past periods. By connecting it to a computer, you can access this data at any time.
The only drawback of this device can be calledthat it can not be installed in any dwelling. In rooms where heating is carried out using a vertical pipe system, the heat meter for the apartment is not recommended. In fact in this case it is necessary to establish not one device, but several. And this, in turn, can have a very negative impact on the pressure indicator in the pipeline. The fact is that the pipes create a hydraulic resistance, which leads to a violation of the normal water flow. Vertical refers to a system in which each window has a battery installed. The pipe, connected to it, is further carried to the neighbor apartment on the top floor.
Independently fix it to the pipe you,Of course, you can not. Carrying out this kind of work requires professionalism and the availability of the necessary tools. Installation of heat meters is carried out only by specialists. At the same time, a draft is drawn up, which must necessarily be coordinated with a municipal heating organization.