/ Sealing an electricity meter: who should do it and why?

Sealing an electricity meter: who should do it and why?

Thanks to the installation of the seal, the counter will bemechanically complete device. Also it confirms its serviceability. The seal serves as protection from the illegal electricity supply of the supplier. It must be installed on each working instrument. In order for this work to be done correctly, it is necessary to know the rules for sealing energy meters.

Types of seals

There are 2 types of seals:from the manufacturer and from the supplier. The first confirms the functioning of the device and its integrity. The device is checked for compliance with specifications and accuracy. Checking the counter is confirmed by documentation.

sealing of the electricity meter

The second sealing of the electricity meterThe power supply is put into operation when the device is registered. The employee of the supervising organization performs this work before switching on the device. Without seals, they can not be used.

Features of the device selection

The meter is filled with electricityonly after acquiring the appropriate device. For home and industrial purposes, you can buy a device with an accuracy class of 2-1. The counter is necessarily entered in the register, and the seal is stamped and the date of verification.

order of sealing the electricity meter

During the purchase, the buyer is issued a passportproducts, where there is a date of manufacture, accuracy class, verification time. You can use only those devices, since the release of which has passed no more than 2 years, if the device is single-phase, and no more than 1 year, if it is three-phase. If more time has passed since the purchase, the counter is checked by a special institution. After the control is performed, an act is issued, and then a sealing is performed.

What should I do if I need a replacement?

If you need to replace the instrument, then you need:

  • Apply to a distribution company: this can be done using a phone call or by personal visit;
  • when 3 days have passed, an invoice for payment has to be received;
  • for 10 days the work on the replacement of the device must be carried out.

The wizard issues a document about the work done, checks the device for serviceability. After that, it should work without interruptions.

Legislative standards

The meter is filled with electricityfree executive authorities, if this is required for the first time. Subsequent work will be chargeable. This rule is regulated by the law on the sealing of electricity meters.

rules for sealing energy meters

Sealing is performed before signing the receptiondevice in operation. The cost of installation work is compensated by the service provider. The consumer pays for everything only when the device is damaged. Checking the counter is free.

Reasons for sealing

The meter is sealed for the following reasons:

  • primary installation;
  • replacement of the device due to damage.

Device change due to inconsistencyaccuracy class, long work, change of the tariff plan day / night. When the installation is to be carried out free of charge, but charges are paid to the landlord, the following actions are necessary:

  • you need to request details for payment: in the receipt there is information about the services and their price;
  • It is necessary to familiarize with the price list, and also to be convinced of presence of the signature and a seal of the chief
  • You can file a grievance complaint;
  • a lawsuit is filed with the documentation;
  • you need to submit a request to the antitrust committee of the Russian Federation.

law on sealing electricity meters


If the device has already worked, but the seal is damaged, thenrecovery will be paid. In each region and all vendors prices are different. For example, the meter was installed in the corridor, and then the consumer wanted to put it in an apartment.

In order to do everything correctly, the landlord must notify the supplier of the work performed. Then installation is carried out, after which the device will function properly.

Substitution Principles

If counter sealing is requiredelectricity, the instruction will do it right. You must first purchase a new device. It is advisable to install the work to trust professionals who know how to seal the meter correctly. Usually, the procedure is performed by masters from the public service, but some owners do it themselves.

The device should not have deformed wires, burnt contacts. If the device meets the safety requirements, the wizard performs the installation and sealing.

how to seal the meter

Installation order

There is a generally accepted procedure for sealing.electricity meter. It is installed after the circuit breakers connected to the power line. In order for everything to be performed correctly, the master must have 3-4 electrical safety groups.

If a working device is being replaced, its readings should be recorded. At the end, the engineer checks the quality of the installation, fixes the serial number. Then issued a document on the implementation of the procedure.

If the seal is broken

Damage to seals is often observed.To eliminate this, it is necessary to photograph and inspect the item. Be sure to report the problem to the supplier. For this purpose, a statement is made in 2 copies, where the indications of the instruments are indicated.

One document should be attributed to the management company, and the other should be kept. Then a commission of inquiry is created, which determines further actions.

Multitariff counters

Installation principles do not differ from installationstandard appliances. The difference lies in the need to program the device on the tariff plan, which is different for each region. The owner provides the project documentation, without which the operation is prohibited.

Replacement and sealing should be done in 3billing period. During this time, the fee is calculated as the average daily. To perform the recalculation, a meter is given to the subscriber department, where the expertise of the device is detected with the help of expertise.

sealing electricity meter instruction

Cost of services

Prices for the installation of devices are determined by the management organization. If the first procedure to pay money is not required, then the subsequent work is paid.

The cost of the secondary sealing is not more than 500 rubles. The fee is taken by the management company or the energy saving organization, depending on who performs the work.

Sealing Tips

The seal must be protected from damage.It is desirable that the device was placed in the shield. It is necessary to regularly check its integrity (at least once a month). In case of damage, you must immediately report to the management company.

Although the damage does not have serious consequences,these situations are suspicious. Usually the defect is eliminated in a short time, after which you can again use the meter legally.