/ / Thin legs: what to do to give them seduction?

Thin legs: what can I do to give them seduction?

Most modern girls very carefullywatches the figure, because the extra pounds, of course, do not paint anyone. However, there are some who are worried about excessive leanness, for example, too thin legs. What to do in this case, and is it possible to give them a more seductive form?

Special diet

thin legs what to do
Многие считают, что чрезмерная худоба не может be a disadvantage, and even strive for it. However, it can bring no less problems than completeness. Most girls grieve too thin legs. What to do with this problem? First, it is necessary to completely revise the diet and, most likely, radically change it. Do not assume that in order for very thin legs to increase in volume, just eating a lot is enough. An important role is played by the quality of food consumed. The legs should increase due to muscle mass, and not fat, because in the latter case, cellulite, laxity and ugly appearance are threatened. Increasing muscle volume for girls is not an easy task. Therefore, in this case, one cannot do without special nutrition. How to make a menu in this case? The basis of the diet should be low-fat protein foods: chicken breast, cottage cheese, fish, seafood, eggs. Cellulose: vegetables, bread. Complex carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Sometimes you can eat fast carbohydrates in the form of fruits or harmless sweets. It is necessary to eat fractionally (every 3 - 4 hours) in order to maximize the metabolism.

very thin legs

Безусловно, одно питание не поможет решить the problem of thinness of the legs. It is necessary to connect physical loads, and with the burden. This kind of sport will help to radically transform skinny legs. What do girls who have always been far from the sport and do not know where to start? Of course, the best solution would be to contact a trainer who will promptly suggest options for pumping thin legs. But if there is no such possibility, you can choose the exercises yourself. Why do we need power exercises? The answer is simple: it is they who build muscle. Cardio exercises such as jogging and cycling are aimed at fat burning. They will make legs more thin! Therefore, the emphasis is on lessons with weights. Many girls are afraid to "pump", doing with dumbbells and a barbell. They have absolutely nothing to fear, since the female endocrine system is designed in such a way that the muscle mass is very difficult to increase, so it does not threaten to become a mountain of muscles, especially if they have excessively thin legs. What to do with sports equipment and where to start training?

how to pump up thin legs
To increase the muscles of the legs fit various attacks.and squats. You can do them with dumbbells, and with a barbell. It is worth starting with the weight in which it is comfortable to make approaches, gradually increasing. The most important thing is to do the exercises on the technique, otherwise they will not be useful. To learn how to squat technically, for starters, you can practice doing it without burdening. The basic principles: with a squat knees should not go beyond the socks, and the back should always be straight. These exercises will not only help to increase the volume of the hips, but also will work the gluteal muscles, which is also important for a beautiful and toned body.