/ / Tabata workout - what is it in fitness?

Training Tabata - what is it in fitness?

"Interval training" is widely practiced bythe whole world. Its other name is the Tabata method. What it is? What is its feature? The coach of the Japanese speed skating team Izumi Tabata wanted to achieve a complex effect. Observing the wards, he made a revolutionary discovery: he understood at what training the greatest effect was achieved.

As a result of such occupations not only is burned.fat, but blood circulation improves, muscles strengthen and endurance increases. This discovery pleased all those who need a visible effect. What is the essence of this wonderful workout?

A bit of history

tabata what is it in fitness

Tabata method - what is it in fitness?The fundamentals of the method were published in 1996 in the journal Medicine and Sports in Sports & Exercise. Dr. Tabata and a group of scientists from the Institute of Fitness and Sport in Tokyo have provided evidence of the benefits of interval training. While training his athletes using this method, Tabata noted that their aerobic capacity increased by 28%. At the same time increased the ability to consume oxygen by 14%.

Good results were noted in trainedathletes, not newcomers. In the course of observations and research, it was concluded that a four-minute Tabata workout increases aerobic and anaerobic power more than an endurance training for one hour. Regarding fat burning, observations showed that athletes practicing at taba intervals lost 9 times more body fat than a group during prolonged cardio training.

In fact, many experiments have shownthat the aerobic load itself does not burn too much excess fat. There is a way out - this is an interval training, as in Tabata. What is it in fitness? Interval training is the alternation of aerobic and power loads. Take a break and start the exercises again. Another name for interval training is circular. The result - at least 1 kg of weight per week is lost.

The essence of the Tabata method

training tabata

Studies have shown that Tabata Protocol 20-10loads the body's energy supply system like no other. This means that training takes place at this pace: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds - rest. During exercise, the body uses both glycolysis and fat oxidation as an energy source. At maximum power in aerobic mode, muscles can work for exactly 20 seconds, and 10 seconds is enough for them to recover.

How to build a training Tabata

Tabata system: 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest is one set, repeating 8 times, that is 4 minutes. One minute break is made between sets:

  1. 20 seconds to do the exercise with the intensity that you are capable of.
  2. 10 seconds - rest. Restore completely breath and continue exercises. There should be 8 such approaches (20 seconds of work + 10 seconds of rest). But at the initial stage, 4–5 approaches are enough.
  3. Rest - 1 minute. This is the end of one cycle lasting 4 minutes.

When performing exercises, do not hold your breath.To breathe intensively so that more oxygen is supplied to the muscles, this is the essence of the Tabata system. What is it in fitness? The more oxygen is supplied, the more fatty tissues are oxidized and, accordingly, more energy is released.

Training to start with a warm-up - 10 minutes,the end of the class is required to hitch - 3-5 minutes. Mandatory stretching and easy walking. The first few workouts to perform no more than 3 exercises. The main thing - to withstand 4 minutes. Over time, 4-minute cycles to add. Training time can be brought up to 30 minutes. The most effective workout 3 times a week.

tabata system

Features of the method

  • Minor training time.
  • No special equipment required. Exercises are performed with its own weight.
  • The Tabata protocol is suitable for training “lagging behind” muscles, that is, if any muscles respond poorly to training, they will start working according to this method.
  • Any exercises that involve duringtraining not less than 50% of muscles, well develop their energy abilities. In addition, it is a good load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • High-intensity load at intervals force the body to expend energy to the maximum.


Training according to the Tabata method is limited due to its high intensity. The method is contraindicated for those who:

  • heart and vascular disease;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • poor physical development.

Before you start training on the Tabata method, make sure that you do not have excess weight and health problems. The system is effective, but very stressful. Consult with your doctor.

crossfit tabata

Exercises for training

What exercises will do?It can be squats and pushups, a bicycle and an exercise bike, pull-ups and jumps up, walking on skis, a berpie and jump rope. Exercises can be any, you must adhere to several rules:

  • they must use at least 50% of the muscles;
  • should be simple, since the load is very high;
  • The complexity of the exercises should be such that in 20 seconds no more than 8-10 repetitions are performed. If the athlete does not get tired or there is no burning sensation in the muscles, the exercise is chosen incorrectly.

Для тренировки Табата не подходят упражнения с large weight - deadlift, push, jerk. Ideal with crossfit workouts. Tabata follows the principles of this system. Ideally, 1 to 4 exercises are performed during class. The most difficult training Tabata consists of one exercise.

tabata protocol

Advantages of the Tabata Method

What is it in fitness, the benefits of suchWhat are the systems? What does it matter how to train? Of course, the basic principles of fitness - a combination of cardiovascular and strength exercises, and a balanced diet for getting rid of excess fat. In addition, fitness increases stamina and strength, improves metabolism and well-being in general.

This is the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.Fitness classes improve the work of all organs. These are undeniable facts. The advantages of fitness are that you can practice at home, practically without additional equipment. But the Tabata method brings here additional and very tangible benefits:

  • accelerated fat burning;
  • minimum of time for training (it is much easier to make 1 lap of Tabata in 4 minutes than to set yourself up for an hour of training or jogging);
  • the method accelerates the metabolism, which activates all metabolic processes of the body. The effect lasts 48 hours after training.

Потренировались 4 минуты и занимаетесь обычными affairs, and the process of losing weight continues to "work." And, of course, in just 4 minutes of training, you become more enduring, faster, better coordination of movements, strengthen the respiratory system and heart.

In training, remember that the optimal frequencypulse rate - from 144 to 180 beats / min. Beginners and older people, it is desirable to adhere to 120 beats./min and not exceed this threshold. The Tabata method is a godsend for those who need a visible result.