/ / The Tabata system: description, reviews

Tabata system: description, reviews

Training on the Tabata system is an intervalhigh-intensity training, the purpose of which is to achieve the maximum number of movements in the minimum time. If you want to lose weight effectively and quickly, then such regular classes will be a great way to achieve the goal. We offer you a complete guide to these exercises with a description of their advantages and features, and a ready-made selection of exercises.

Training on the system of tobacco

A bit of history

Izumi Tabata, a Japanese doctor of science and a physiologist, in1996 conducted research, searching for an effective way to increase the endurance of athletes. He chose 2 groups of trainees, after which he conducted a 6-week experiment. At the same time, the average intensity group was engaged for an hour 5 days a week, a high intensity group - 4 minutes 4 days a week.

After 6 weeks, scientists compared the results.The system of Tabata simply amazed them. So, the first group improved its aerobic indices (cardiovascular system), while anaerobic (muscle) remained completely unchanged. The second group showed more serious improvements in both indicators. The experiment demonstrated clearly that intensive interval training on this method has a huge impact on the anaerobic and aerobic systems of the human body.

The protocol of Tabat was tested in a strict scientific setting, which was one of the most serious evidence of the effectiveness of this training.

It should be noted that Izumi Tabata is a co-author andauthor of more than a hundred scientific articles in sports popular publications around the world. Today his name is a household name due to the invention of this method of training, which is very popular on the whole planet.

What is the essence of training?

This fat burning training has thisstructure: 20 seconds limit load, then 10 seconds rest, this cycle is repeated 8 times. This is only 1 round of Tabata, which lasts only 4 minutes, though it will just be a crazy 4 minutes. At this time, you will give 100%, if you want to get a result from a short training. The load must be explosive and sharp. In fact, this is a special case of interval high-intensity training.

So let's repeat the structure of the Tabata round for 4 minutes:

  • intense load of 20 seconds;
  • rest 10 seconds;
  • repeat 8 cycles.

At the same time such rounds can be set independing on the duration of the entire workout. Between rounds is supposed to do a rest, which is 1-2 minutes. In case if you are engaged on the limit, then basically 3-4 rounds are enough for maximum load. In this case, the duration of the entire training will be about 15-20 minutes.

Slimming Tabata System

Difference Tabata from cardio workouts

You need to understand that during cardio workoutsoxygen is sufficient and the only source of energy. This type of load is called aerobic. With the Tabata system, there is not enough oxygen, after which the body switches to the anaerobic oxygen-free mode. In the anaerobic zone for a long time to train will not work.

But it is precisely short anaerobic workouts forfat loss is very effective during and after exercise. They are also suitable for the development of endurance, growth and strengthen muscles. This is a real test of strength and stress, but as a result they make you stronger and more enduring.

Who is suitable for training?

This fat burning workout is suitable for everyone.people who have training experience (not less than the average level of training), and also has no contraindications. In particular, it is useful to regularly perform such exercises for those who want:

  • get rid of the plateau and shift the weight;
  • put yourself in great shape and lose weight fast;
  • from training get new sensations;
  • in training to avoid stagnation, as well as accelerate the growth of muscles;
  • improve physical fitness and develop your stamina.

If you are just beginning to train, then do not immediately rush to Tabata. They should be approached only after a couple of months of regular strength and cardio training.

To Tabata training is not suitable?

We repeat that training on the Tabata system is not suitable for everyone. In case you have planned to proceed to them, make sure that you have no contraindications.

Tabata does not suit people:

  • with heart disease;
  • physically unprepared, no training experience;
  • sticking to mono diets or low carb diets;
  • having problems with joints and the musculoskeletal system;
  • having low stamina.
Fat burning exercise

Exercises for the Tabata System

For Tabata training is mainly usedPlyometric exercises, as well as strength exercises with low weight and the weight of your body. For example, berpie, jumps, squats, pushups, jumps, lunges, kicks and hands, sharp acceleration, sprint, etc. In principle, you can use all the exercises for training, the main condition - they must be performed at a fast pace at the maximum.

Let's take a look at the approximate execution schemes for the Tabata round for beginners:

  • 2 exercises alternate with each other;
  • all 4 minutes you need to repeat one exercise in eight sets (the most common option);
  • 4 approaches to do one exercise, then 4 approaches - the second exercise;
  • 2 exercises alternate in pairs;
  • 4 exercises alternate in pairs;
  • 4 exercises alternate with each other;
  • 8 approaches need to do different exercises.

In case you do not like to repeatthe same exercises, you can take a workout in which several exercises alternate. And vice versa - if you do not like to change exercises during the lesson, then give preference to the variant with one or two exercises.

Workout duration

In the Tabata system, one round lasts 4 minutes,Then a minute of rest follows and the round begins again. At the same time, how much you can endure rounds depends only on your endurance. Typically, a full workout lasts 3-5 rounds, which takes 15-25 minutes.

Moreover, if you are a fan of long programs, thenYou can do this training for 50 minutes. Build a lesson in this case so that 1 very intense round alternates more calmly. For example, 4 minutes you can do explosive beperi, then 4 minutes - power pushups or a calm bar. In the process of such exercises, you can recover your breath in order to give everything to the maximum in the next round.

Regularity of lessons

Here you need to understand that if you want to lose weight,then work on the Tabata system 4-5 times a week. You should not engage in intense workouts every day, as this significantly depletes the nervous system and will easily lead to overtraining.

Tabata system reviews

In case you maintain the existing formor just want to add Tabata to your strength training, you can do it twice a week. You will be able to do HIIT programs instead of traditional cardio. Exercises from the Tabata system are best performed immediately after the power load in case you do them in 1 day. By the way, according to the Tabata protocol, it is useful to carry out intensive loads if you have stagnation in the growth of muscle mass during strength training. With these exercises, you increase it, while improving the strength indicators such programs are also very well suited.

Exercise variations

Try to change a set of exercises, oneprogram, without repeating more than 3 times in a row. You need to understand that your body quickly gets used to the loads, therefore, the effectiveness of the same workouts gradually decreases. At the same time, change the order of the exercises. For example:

  • Week 1: horizontal running, berpie, 180 ° C jumps, squats;
  • Week 2: running with the rise of the knees, sumo squats, jumps in lunges, pushups;
  • 3rd week: squats, horizontal jogging, berpie, jogging;
  • Week 4: 180 ° C jumps, knee jogging, spider strip, jumping in lunges.

In this case, the old schemes can be returned, but try to change their order, as well as add new exercises. Below we look at a few ready-made plans.

What you need to know about

Нужно понимать, что, если тренировка выполняется like 20 seconds of work for 10 seconds rest, it does not mean that it is actually Tabata. For her, you need to perform exercises at the maximum of your own capabilities so that the training is anaerobic. The goal is the maximum number of repetitions in a small amount of time.

Нагрузка при этом должна быть очень интенсивной и explosive, therefore, training can not be long. Basically, an average of 20 minutes is enough, but only if you train with full dedication. You can practice at an average tempo on the Tabata timer, but for perfect results, the session should be very intense, quick and short. If you prefer a long workout, you should alternate between low and high intensity.


Below we offer you a training plan forbeginners with an emphasis on the lower and upper body region, abdomen. We will consider 4 exercises for the 1st training session: the 1st exercise for each round. Accordingly, the lesson itself will last about 20 minutes without a hitch and a warm-up.

Can increase or decrease the durationworkouts and replace exercises with those that suit you best. You can also change the scheme of execution, in other words, one exercise not to repeat 4 minutes, but to alternate 2 or 4 exercises in a round. At the same time, it does not matter at all how exactly you build the training session, the main thing here is that you follow each approach at your maximum.

Tabata Exercises

Tabata training

Option 1:

  • spider strap;
  • knee jogging;
  • bepery;
  • jump into a squat.

Option 2:

  • push ups;
  • plyometric jump;
  • in the plank lifting legs;
  • 180 ° jumps.

Training with the use of dumbbells:

  • squatting with a dumbbell;
  • Berpie with the burden;
  • traction in the bar;
  • chest press.

Tabata with an emphasis on the buttocks and hips:

  • jumping in lunges;
  • sumo squatting with jumping;
  • lateral plyometric lunge;
  • jumping squats

Work on the press on the Tabata system:

  • hand touching the foot;
  • horizontal running;
  • jump in the plank to the stomach;
  • crab.

Training with the study of the arms, chest and shoulders:

  • strap with a touch to the shoulders;
  • berpie with further dilution of the legs;
  • push-ups left and right;
  • push-ups for triceps.
Tabata Press

Efficacy for weight loss

This is a very intense workout that dramaticallyincrease the pulse, and also maintain it at a consistently high level throughout the entire session. Consequently, even for such a short session you can burn a large number of calories. So, the Tabata system for weight loss is the best fit. In general, more experienced calorie burners burn less than beginners do. In 10 minutes of exercise, you can burn an average of 150 calories.

Но главным достоинством Табата-тренировок It is considered not a big consumption of calories, but "burned out". In other words, your body will burn fat actively for another 48 hours, and this is also an excellent indicator of the Tabata slimming system. For example, simple cardio-training does not give such an effect, therefore, to engage in this method for the result is much more productive.

Tabata system for beginners

Табата – это анаэробные нагрузки, следовательно, they do not have a negative effect on muscle tissue, in contrast to cardio workouts. They are great at the same time increase endurance and train the heart muscle. In addition, such high-intensity interval occupations increase the sensitivity of the tissue to insulin, thereby simplifying the process of fat loss.

Reviews of the Tabata system

Of course, unequivocal reviews about the system is not foundwill succeed. Someone declares with confidence that it is impossible in principle to work on this system, since it affects the work of the heart too negatively and only brings harm instead of benefit. Others with the same confidence declare that it is almost the only way to quickly and painlessly bring the body back to normal. Still others would like to study, but they lack the strength.

Find a middle ground and be healthy.