/ / Cardio training is the path to good health.

Cardio training is the way to good health

Cardio training is a set of exercisesaimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing the volume of the lungs. The main methods of such activities are intensive walking, running, swimming, cycling, skiing.

cardio training this

Take care of your health

Cardio workouts help strengthen notonly the heart and blood vessels, but also all body systems, improve the overall well-being of a person, relieve stress. They are good prevention of diabetes and hypertension. In addition, cardio training is a great way to lose weight.

Is this right for you?

Before you decide to start training,consult your doctor. He will assess your state of health and help determine the choice of the method of training. The best technique for training this type is walking. It can be practiced anywhere, at any time of the day, and special equipment is not needed. If the place of your residence has a cycle track, a swimming pool, a fitness club, then such methods as cycling, swimming, and aerobics will be a great start for cardio workouts.

cardio and strength training


Cardio and weight training spend 2-3 times aa week It should start with a warm-up, gradually increasing the intensity and load. Ends training session exercises stretching muscles and breathing exercises. Every day, gradually increase the time so that by the end of the month the workout takes you 30-35 minutes. And after 2 months, you can add another day a week for classes. In addition, gradually introduce new exercises into training and increase the intensity of their implementation.

Lose weight wisely

As a rule, cardio training includesstrength exercises. But if you want to pay more attention to the development of the muscles of the body, then you can alternate these exercises with the power ones. If you decide to use cardio training for weight loss, then it is recommended to do it in the morning. It is at this time of day that metabolic processes undergo the most intensively and fat is burned. Cardio training is a very effective way to lose weight, if you approach it correctly.

The note

Важно знать, что нельзя начинать тренировку сразу after waking up and on an empty stomach. 15 minutes before the start of classes, it is advisable to eat a product rich in carbohydrates, such as grapes or banana. After a workout, the intake of protein-carbohydrate food is recommended: chicken meat, boiled egg, rice porridge.

cardio training for weight loss

Everything should be in the complex

In pursuit of a slim figure do not overdo itwith workouts. Properly chosen exercises, class time plus a balanced diet - this is a guarantee of fast and high-quality weight loss. And if you think that in order to lose weight, you need to do more and eat less, you are deeply mistaken. In this case, you will not lose fat mass, and muscle. The body will leave calories "in reserve" and fat will not go anywhere. Therefore, remember that cardio training for weight loss is a complex of exercises and proper nutrition.


If you wish to remain beautiful, blooming, young and body and soul for many years, then cardio training is exactly what you need. Engage in your pleasure and be healthy!