/ / Types of pull-ups on the bar with different hooks The program is tightening the bar

Types of pulling on the bar with different grips. The program of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar - one of the mostaffordable, yet effective exercises for working with your own weight. When performing pull-ups, it is possible not only to work out the muscles qualitatively, but also to stretch the spine, which is very important, especially for professional athletes.

You can do pull-ups anywhere,where there is a crossbar: on the sports field, in his own apartment, in the gym, and with special enthusiasm even on the branch of the nearest tree. Frankly, to greatly increase muscle mass with the help of pull-ups can not. But you can well emphasize the relief of the back and arms, as well as increase the power performance of these muscle groups. Pull-ups are different. It is the types of pull-ups on the bar that determine which muscles will work to a greater extent. All existing types of pull-ups differ in the way and the width of the grip. Today we will find out what are the types of pull-ups on the bar. Photos of each of them will help us in this.

Medium top

Types of pull-ups on the bar

The traditional option, which is popular with both domestic fizrukov and American special forces. The main burden in this case falls on the back muscles and biceps.

Техника выполнения довольно проста:grasp the horizontal bar grip equal to the width of the shoulders. Hang, dumb back and cross-legged (in this case, the body will be less loose). Now you can pull up, reducing the shoulder blades. At the end point, try to touch the crossbar with your upper chest. In the lowest point, in order to stretch the muscles better, you need to straighten your arms completely.

Medium bottom grip

Types of pull-ups on the bar and muscle groups

The lower hooks on the horizontal bar is always easier, and thisoption proves it. It is simpler than the previous one, since it has more pressure on the biceps, and they do a better job than the back, especially among beginners.

The grip is made the same width as in the past.once, only now hands turn with palms to the body. When performing pull-ups, it is worth adhering to the same principles, only now at the very beginning of the movement you need to move your shoulders back and down. Then the forearms will remain perpendicular to the floor throughout the movement.

Wide grip to the chest

Pulling up on the horizontal bar: types of grip

Different types of pull-ups on the bar havedifferent effect on our muscles. This option is the most useful. But, as is usually the case, all the best is given only by hard work. This is the most difficult version of pull-ups, which among newbies causes panic. Moreover, even among the regulars of the gyms, there is not always a person who can catch up with a wide grip correctly. In this case, several spinal muscles enter at once: paired, trapezoidal and latissimus pairs.

Take the crossbar to top, grip, bythe width is approximately equal to the grip for the bench press. An important caveat - the thumb should be wrapped around the bar on top, like all other fingers. Such a small trick allows you to better stretch the dorsal muscles. Without straining the biceps, rising due to the information of the shoulder blades, you need to pull up until the upper chest touches the crossbar. When this position is close, you need to bend backwards and look up. Ideally, at the top point you need to linger for a few seconds.

Wide grip on the head

Different types of pull-ups on the bar

Продолжая рассматривать виды подтягиваний на horizontal bar, dwell on the popular, but quite traumatic option - pull-up wide grip on the head. With insufficient mobility of the shoulder joints, as well as improper performance, you can get a serious injury.

In this way of pulling up, the samemuscles as in the previous, but the broadest muscles of the back are more carefully worked out. The width of the grip is also no different. When stretching, in this case you should not bend your back, the body together with the legs should create one straight line. Elbows during movement should be directed strictly down, not back. At the top of the back of the neck in contact with the crossbar. Before you can make a move in full amplitude, it’s likely to take some time. This is normal, and even good, because during this time you will learn the correct technique. If you suddenly feel pain in your shoulders or back during the pull-ups, immediately stop the exercise and carefully lower yourself to the starting position!

Narrow grip on top

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar: 3 types

It's time to look at the kinds of pull-upshorizontal bar with a narrow grip. Let's start with the grip "on top". This exercise option is well suited for people suffering from insufficient mobility of the wrist joints. He works well on the lower part of the latissimus, serrated and to some extent the shoulder muscles.

It is necessary to take up the crossbar as narrow as possible (so that the thumbs are almost touching). Having arched in a back it is necessary to execute tightening, aspiring to touch a shell of the lower part of a breast.

Narrow grip bottom

Types of pull-ups on the bar: photo

This option is usually performed as a lightweight alternative to the previous one or in order to pull the latissimus muscles of the back downwards. In addition to the bottom of the broadest, the load also receive the biceps.

Like last time, the projectile is taken as much as possible.narrow grip, only now palms are turning towards themselves. Hanging on straight arms, you need to bend your back and look at the hand. During the pull-up, you need to focus on the best possible mixing of the shoulder blades and shoulder retraction. Approaching the top point, try to bend more in the back and touch the bar at the bottom of the chest.

Neutral grip along the crossbar

Having considered the classic types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, we turn to the more specific. This type allows you to work out the lower part of the latissimus, serrated and partially shoulder muscles.

Take the crossbar in such a way thatone fist was in front of the other. When slinging, you need to actively bend over your back and try to touch the horizontal bar with the lower part of the pectoral muscles. At the top of the head starts to turn aside from the horizontal bar. With each repetition, this side changes. And in each new approach the position of the hands changes. If possible, you can hang a V-shaped handle on the horizontal bar that allows you to make the exercise more comfortable.

Grab on the horizontal bar

Partial pull-up bottom grip

Упражнение направлено на максимально качественную elaboration of the biceps. It uses the principle of concentration load. Holding the crossbar with the average reverse grip, you need to pull up exactly to half (when there is a right angle between the shoulder and forearm). This will be the starting position. Having fixed the body in a vertical position, you need to pull yourself up, trying to reach the crossbar of the clavicle. Small amplitude, as well as the absence of points of stretching and resting the biceps allows you to achieve maximum load.

Training program

Having discussed the types of pull-ups on the bar and groupthe muscles that are involved in them, let's talk a little about the training program that allows you to achieve success. Before committing to training, you need to determine your maximum in one form or another of pull-ups. Then you need to see which group you belong to, and carry out the specified complex at least twice a week. After a month, you need to re-test your capabilities and, in the event of an increase in strength, proceed to the next level of difficulty.

The first category: the best attempt - 1-2 times

Those people who fall into this categorytoo weak for their own weight. Therefore, we must start with the passive part of the pull-ups. That is, you need to climb with the help of the legs, becoming on the bench, and lowering already under your weight. The first two weeks you need to do 3 sets of 5 repetitions, dropping for 5-6 seconds. Then you can increase the time of lowering to 8-10 seconds, and reduce the number of approaches to two.

The second category: the best attempt - 2-4 times

Those who belong to this group are recommendedmake more approaches with fewer reps. In this case, the first pull-ups should be as intense as possible. This will allow you to load a large number of muscle fibers and improve neuromuscular communication. The first two weeks: 8 sets of 50% for the best attempt and 60-90 seconds of rest between sets. The rest of the time: 8 approaches in the number of the best attempts, with the same interruption as earlier.

The third category: the best attempt - 5-7 times

Those people who fall into this categorystrong enough but not hardy enough. So people need to do more repetitions, not counting the sets. You can rest as you like, as long as in each set you squeeze the maximum amount of pull-ups. 3-4 sets will be quite enough.

The fourth category: the best attempt - 8-12 times

If you belong to this category, then youtoo strong for its own weight. Use in your workout burden. It should be up to 10% of your weight. Such a load will reduce the number of repetitions by 3-4.

Types of pull-ups on the bar


So, today we have considered in some detailpulling up on the horizontal bar, types of grip and work of target muscle groups. This seemingly simple exercise involves a lot of nuances, ignorance of which can turn training into a waste of time. If you want to keep your body in shape, but at the same time you can not thoroughly engage, choose such a universal exercise as pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3 types of the above are quite enough). And if you add to the plan for training push-ups from the floor and push-ups on the bars, your body will always be in good shape. But do not forget about caution during sports!