/ / How to learn to pull up for the minimum time?

How to learn to pull yourself up for the minimum period?

Pulling up on a horizontal bar is a great exercise forstrengthen your back and arms. Pulling up develops biceps, triceps and delta muscles, without requiring any special simulators. Now anyone has the opportunity to install a horizontal bar at home. Or, in extreme cases, go to train in the yard. But many beginners who have never been friends with sports do not know how to perform such an effective exercise. If you can pull up 5 times, it will not be very difficult for you to learn to pull up 10 times. It is much more difficult to master this exercise from scratch. How to learn to pull up at least once?

Today guys and men around the world performa variety of options for this exercise. Someone pulls up the upper grip, and some bottom (palms up), someone chooses a narrow set of hands, and someone - wide, some pull the chin to the crossbar, and others - the back of the head. Different types of pull-ups strengthen different muscles, so experts recommend mastering different ways to perform this common exercise. However, beginners should not complicate their training. Here it will be described in detail how to learn to catch up with the classic upper grip, and you, having mastered this simplest exercise, will be able to improve further.

The first exercise, strengthening the hands andtendon, invites you to just hang on the bar the maximum possible time. With this you need to start your classes. If you are interested in how to learn to pull up for a minimum period, do not be lazy to work on your own endurance, this is one of the main problems of most beginners.

The second exercise will be somewhat more difficult, butwill give you a great result. With the help of a chair, take an end position, holding the chin over the bar. Then, straighten your arms as slowly as possible, dropping to the starting position. Many guys and men realized how to learn to pull themselves up, taking a lot of time to complete this exercise.

Having mastered the previous task to perfection, begin to work on half-pulls. Do the previous exercise, dropping halfway down, and then try to climb back.

The second part of the pull-up will seem to you somewhatmore difficult. Hanging on the horizontal bar with straight arms, try as slowly as possible to rise to half the desired height. Your hands should be at a 90 degree angle. Taking this position, slowly go down, working through all the affected muscles.

And only now, having gone through all the stages of suchdifficult exercise, begin to pull up completely, slowly bending his arms from the initial to the final position. First of all, you should take care of the quality of the exercise. Do not think about how to learn a lot to pull up, the maximum result gives only a technically correct training. Do not help yourself with your body, you should pull up due to the strength of your arms and back. Do not swing or jerk when performing an exercise. You should pull up slowly and clearly, keeping your body in a straight position. The first time you can be helped by a partner who supports your legs and monitors the quality of your pull-ups.

This challenging exercise is recommended.two to three times a week. The number of repetitions depends on your physical abilities. Learning how to quickly learn to pull up on the bar, and applying your knowledge in practice, you will achieve excellent results. You will pump up the core muscles of the arms, form a beautiful wide back. And for this you do not need to go to the gym and spend money on classes with a trainer. Install a small crossbar in your apartment. Your beauty and health is in your hands!