/ How to lose weight in the chest. Exercise and diet or lift?

How to lose weight in the chest. Exercise and diet or lift?

Most men admire women's breastshuge sizes. However, the owners of magnificent forms are hard. After all, a bust larger than the 4th size delivers a considerable number of problems. The girl with huge breasts have difficulties with well-being - back pain, a curve of posture. In addition, the bra straps are very strongly pressed onto the skin. On such a girl they often concentrate attention, which she does not really want. It is difficult for her to choose comfortable sweaters, dresses, coats and other items of women's wardrobe.

How to lose weight in the chest? Currently there are a number of methods.


Following a diet for weight loss in the chest, you can get rid of fat. But it is worth considering that when the weight is added 1 kilogram, then the breast increases by only 20 grams. Same with losing weight.

how to lose weight in the chest

If you lose 1 kilogram of weight, the breast is reduced by20 grams. In addition, it is worth remembering that if weight loss, when the breast becomes smaller, the skin becomes decrepit, stretch marks may appear. To exclude this, it is necessary to massage the breast.

When choosing a diet, you need to pay attention to the fact that the ration necessarily included vegetables, nuts, bran, berries, fruits, mushrooms. These products are quickly broken down and removed from the body.

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Breast massage should be performed by a professional.It is possible and independently after the passed training course. When massaging, the skin of the chest is pulled upward. When pressing, all movements should be gentle and careful. For the massage, there are also contraindications - hypertension and liposuction.


It is possible to make compresses that strengthen the skinand improve blood circulation. To make it, you will need: 50 grams of small poppy heads and half a liter of water. Shredded heads are poured hot water and put on a quiet fire for 15 minutes. Then this mixture is set and cooled. Water is moistened with gauze, which is applied to the bust for half an hour. These compresses need to be done every day for a week 2-3 times a day.

Physical exercises

How to lose weight in the chest? What exercises will help? Now we will find out.

  • Lifting dumbbells. It is necessary to lift dumbbells from 1.5 to 2 kilograms on the sides and forward in one approach.
  • Reducing of the hands in the elbow joints. It is necessary to sit down on a chair, to spread hands on the sides and to bring them by elbows to each other. So repeat 20 times, and you should feel the tension of the muscles in your chest.
  • Push ups.Exercise is performed on the floor in a lying position. Women with weak hands can push themselves from their knees. In order to lose weight in the chest, it is recommended to do an exercise with closely set palms. When push-ups should be felt the load that is on the muscles of the chest.

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A successful result depends only on your efforts in training.

How to lose weight in the chest with dumbbells? It is necessary to perform the following complex:

  1. Take the emphasis lying down, knees slightly bend. Hand with dumbbells to draw to the sides. Without hurrying, raise your arms up in front of your chest, without bending, and in the same way return them to their original position.
  2. Stand up on feet. Carry out your hands as if you are going on skis, and in the hands are not dumbbells, but ski poles. It is necessary to do everything at a very slow pace.
  3. Stand up so that the legs are at shoulder level, hands with dumbbells pull out in front of him. The first movement - hands to squeeze and squeeze to the bust, the second - straighten, then again return to the original pose.

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Will the chest lose weight after doing these exercises? Of course, yes, if you repeat them every day, increasing the number of approaches with each time.


Large breasts after birth lead to her sagging. In order to prevent this process, it is necessary to take care of it.

First, you need to wear a bra. You can not have him pulling the organ somewhere. You do not need to buy a bra on bones. He should have thick straps and an adjustable clasp.

Secondly, the skin of the breast should be taken care of, apply special creams on it, take a contrast shower.

After childbirth, do not empty the entire breast of milk, andonly to the state of lightness. Pumping should be done carefully, trying not to stretch the chest. Wear a specialized bra for nursing moms.

After childbirth, difficulties can arise not only with the breast, but also with the body as a whole. Then many women resort to diets. But there are other ways.


Lose weight after giving birth with the help of physical exertion. How to do it? Pay attention to:

  1. Swimming. It is allowed, by the way, both at the stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
  2. Sports Hall. If you are a nursing mother, then it is not advisable to overwork during workouts, as breast milk can become sour.
  3. Aerobics, dance, step. But moms who breastfeed, these methods are prohibited for the reason that you can damage your breasts.

Lose weight after childbirth with the help of yoga, meditation

Experienced experts for weight loss after childbirth recommend yoga.

It is known that such techniques can significantly change the body at any stage of life. In addition, there are no contraindications.

What is especially important: relaxing and deepening in yourself can help reduce the tension that can appear with a child.

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A huge plus in this way is that meditationsYou can spend without leaving home, and, as you know, young mothers have almost no time to visit gyms and specialized clubs, and the money is mainly spent on child care.


Some women, in order to achieve a beautiful bust, decide on an operation. For example, breast lift, the price of which is very rather big.

For such surgery there are contraindications, which include: high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, diabetes, blood diseases.

The operational process is carried out under the generalanesthesia and lasts about 3 hours. During this period, the doctor removes the stretched skin, reconstructs the elegant shape of the breast, shifting the areola and nipple to the right place.

Already after the operation at the seams will bebandage bandages attached by bandage. In the first month should wear special clothes to support the breast. After surgery, usually discharged after a couple of days.

During the rehabilitation period, one should not raise his hands up, lift heavy objects, play sports. Also, for the first time, doctors must prescribe painkillers.

big breasts after childbirth

The result can be assessed 4 months aftersuspender. Finally, the breast will be formed one year after the operation. This is how the breast lift is performed, its price ranges from 75 thousand rubles and up to 350 000 (sometimes more). It all depends on the country, region, clinic, surgeon and methods by which the operation will be performed.

Non-surgical breast lift

What if you have big breasts? What to do? And is it possible to solve this problem without surgical intervention? You can apply non-surgical breast lift.

  1. Myostimulation. Effect on the chest muscles with electric current. Due to the contraction of the pectoral muscles, the shape of the bust becomes better. To achieve the effect will require several of these procedures.
  2. Microcurrent treatment. It is used in conjunction with special serums.
  3. Filament breast lift. It is done under local anesthesia. In most cases, gold wire is used. It is fixed on the clavicle and runs under the breast, making it taut.


Now you know how to lose weight in the chest. There are many options. When choosing a method, weigh all the pros and cons, especially if you decide to resort to surgery.