/ / Minus 60 diet is an effective way to lose weight once and for all

Minus 60 diet is an effective way to lose weight once and for all

The problem of losing weight today worries about the significantpart of our humanity. Especially from the fullness of suffering women, because you want to have a slim figure, beautiful legs and a thin waist. Yeah, about the lack of ways to lose weight today do not have to say what are the only diets! True, most methods of combating excess kilograms are doomed to failure, because it is important not only to lose weight, but to keep at the same time health and not to allow another set of weight. Why next? Yes, because every slimming person will try dozens of ways, before he finds something that really helps.

Do you need a diet?Need, however, only those that do not harm the body. Today I will acquaint you with the already sensational diet that developed, and thanks to which Ekaterina Miromanova, the owner of the once impressive weight - 120 kg, lost weight! The diet system is minus 60, so it is called because that Margarita managed to lose in just 1.5 years 60 kilograms. Having become acquainted with the diet closer, I realized that a diet is difficult to call it. The food system will be more appropriate here, but it's even more pleasant that you can eat your favorite foods and at the same time lose weight. I have intrigued you. Then read on.


So, what is so attractive minus 60 diet?I'll start with the menu. There are no restrictions in the choice of products. There is everything, however, at different times of the day. Breakfast is the most pleasant - it is behind him that you can afford to eat whatever your soul desires. It does not matter if it's sweet, fatty or smoked. By the way, you also can not limit the amount of servings. In a word, how much will fit, so much and eat. For lunch, there are already some restrictions on nutrition, you have to forget about sweet, floury, too fatty, salty and smoked. For dinner, restrictions are even more severe: you can not eat what was allowed during breakfast and lunch. The best thing is to limit yourself to a light snack, for example, to eat fat-free cottage cheese or two apples. The main thing is that the dinner should be no later than 18.00. More detailed information on the menu you can on the personal website of Ekaterina Miromanova. As you can see, this is not a diet, but a fairy tale. Now the question arises, is it possible to lose weight in this way? Well, of course, losing weight to the creator of the diet is proof of this.

Principle of the diet

Minus 60 diet absorbed the properties of the bodydifferently digest food at different times of the day. For those who do not know, I will say that in the first half of the day all the metabolic processes are "the most alive", the food is digested with great speed and, thus, the fats do not have time to be deposited on our sides. During lunch, these processes slow down significantly, and in the evening food digestion is very slow. Thus, eating at dinner all fat and sweet, we begin to get fat. That's why you can eat everything by diet on the diet, and in the evening - only harmless and useful.

Additional resources

In her weight loss, Mironova was notonly diet, but also did a set of physical exercises, and also watched the state of his life. She chose the exercises that she could easily perform, and she made them every day. In parallel with this, every time after the shower, she rubbed into the problem areas of the body a coffee scrub. This helped her get rid of cellulite, tighten the skin and minimize the number and visibility of stretch marks. From this it follows that the minus 60 diet is in fact an integral system, without observing which it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

Do not expect a minus 60 diet to help youlose weight in the shortest time. I note that, first of all, the diet is effective in those cases where the extra are not 2-5 kg, but 10 kg and more. Those. The more excess weight, the faster the kilograms are lost. Do not throw started, if the weight will rise at one point. Through this pass all who tried the diet. Weight can be a month, and maybe all six months. I'll have to be patient and wait until he moves from the dead center.

I hope I could interest you in this diet.Simply, she really works, she tried it. And in order not to think what to cook, I recommend that you buy or download a book. Diet minus 60 recipes. They will help you quickly cook delicious healthy food, which in addition will help you lose weight. Good luck!