/ How to Lose Weight in Hips and Buttocks?

How to Lose Weight in Hips and Buttocks?

Change the proportions of the body, laid by nature, is almost impossible, but to build up where you need muscle mass or remove excess fat in our power.

Many young girls and women care about oneThe question is how to lose weight in the thighs and buttocks? It is known that the thighs and buttocks are the most problematic areas of our body, the so-called "fat traps", in which fat is stored, which is not assimilated. The reasons for the deposition of fat in these areas are somewhat - it is, first of all, genetic predisposition, eating disorders, slowing down metabolic processes and sedentary lifestyle.

There are several ways to lose weight in these places.Doing sports, aerobics, special gymnastics and strength exercises help start the process of burning fat. In fitness, special exercises have been developed, with the help of which you can lose weight in these places. In order to lose weight in the hips, simple but very effective exercises are performed. For their implementation, you need a special rug, a desire and quite a bit of time. Some physical exercises are best done in pull-down underwear, for example, in breeches or leggings for weight loss.

After doing the exercises you need to take a shower,during which the surface of the thighs is treated with an anti-cellulite washcloth, you can apply water massage, which is also an effective anti-fat. It is necessary to direct strong jets of water with massage movements on problem zones. But some training and exercises alone are not enough - everyday workouts should be combined with proper nutrition, observe the regime of the day, more out in the open air, drink more water, and use special pulling underwear. Only applying all these methods in a complex, you can count on the result and learn from your own experience how to lose weight in the hips and buttocks.

Many representatives of the weaker sex lowerpart of the figure resembles a pear, that is, in this area all the extra calories are deposited. But there are no such diets, in which only the lower part of the body loses weight. When playing sports and starvation or a strict diet, the volumes go everywhere, and especially from above, where fat is the least.

When overeating is produced in largeamount of insulin, responsible for the accumulation of fat in the body, which is likely to be deposited in the thighs and buttocks. When you take a small amount of food, thighs will not be threatened. Therefore, for slimming - both general and in the field of the hips, fractional food is applied - 5 times a day, not less. It is very important to choose foods that contain high amounts of protein, fiber, minimum carbohydrates and fats for proper nutrition. It is useful to eat raw vegetables, and from fruit, you should give citrus fruits, which promote the utilization of fat.

Carbonated drinks, juices, fruit drinks, seeds andNuts, as well as fatty meat - must be excluded altogether. We will have to give up not only fat, but also sweet, as well as various flour products. After six o'clock in the evening you can not "snack". To lose weight in the hips will help book "Diet for the hips," written by R. Conley.

You still do not know how to lose weight in the buttock area,what is better to choose a diet? If you do not want your buttocks to remain unchanged, choose one that contains few carbohydrates. After all, the body is designed in such a way that in the beginning it burns calories, which it receives from carbohydrates, and only then it breaks down the fat.

Теперь вы знаете, как похудеть в бедрах и buttocks, do not delay for tomorrow, start right now. A very interesting way to reduce local fat deposits, how to lose weight in the area of ​​the buttocks - the use of transdermal patches. The substances contained in the patch for weight loss, penetrate the skin and contribute to the burning of fat exactly in the place where the patch is pasted. Transdermal patch can not be called a panacea, but it can also be quite effective.

Применение многочисленных чаёв для похудения, especially uncontrolled, can lead to serious health problems. The effect of their use is very noticeable, but it can only be temporary and is achieved only through strong dehydration of the body. The use of new-fangled "fat burners" can also cause damage to health - this should also not be forgotten.

Now we know how to lose weight in the hips and buttocks. But it is equally important to get a beautiful shape of the buttocks. This can be done with the help of special exercises.