/ / Strength training program - basics, recommendations and tips

Strength training program - basics, recommendations and tips

The strength training program is different fromthe rest primarily by their intensity and huge weights (90-100% of the maximum). The main principle in this approach is the inclusion in the work of fast and explosive muscle fibers. The first step is to be psychologically ready for such a training. It is necessary to have in mind a clear strategy of "attack", which would combine the most necessary exercises, an acceptable number of repetitions, a short break between approaches, the presence of a partner who will help and insure a difficult moment and so on. Training for strength, a person increases his physical strength indicators of muscles, which gives him the opportunity to raise ever larger working weight.

strength training program

Basic approach to training

The strength training program should includea small number of basic exercises involving the maximum possible number of muscle groups. The number of repetitions in this case should not exceed 5, the ideal is to perform 2-4 repetitions. In force training, neurons of the central nervous system also develop. Below are the following recommendations, the implementation of which will greatly affect the growth of physical strength:

  • train at least one day;
  • between training you need to rest well;
  • each training must be carried out to failure;
  • 70% of the program should be basic exercises.

training with weights for strength

The training program for strength should be dividedfor several working days, in each of which two muscle groups should be involved. For example, on the first day the emphasis is on the pectoral muscles and triceps, in the second on the back and shoulders, and on the last day the legs and biceps are pumped. This is only an approximate composition of the program. You can change groups by day, identify problem areas of your body and focus on their training. Training with kettlebells can also be included in the program. For example, it can be included as one of the exercises on the shoulders. Special attention should be paid to supersets - approaches consisting of two different exercises that are performed one after another without stopping. This is an excellent way of pumping and intensive training of various muscle groups, for example, hands (pumping biceps and triceps). The strength training program should be carried out with the maximum level of concentration and determination.

bodybuilding training on strength
Each approach, every repetition shouldrun as if they were the last. Among other things, such an approach to the case obviously provides for the fact that you have sufficiently strengthened your ligaments and joints to raise large weights. Otherwise, injuries and damage will not take long. This is the basic principle of sport, this is real bodybuilding. Training for strength should be carried out correctly, that is, there should be no flaws in the technique of performing exercises. Here you can give a fairly common example - the cheating. Swinging the biceps, many throw on the bar so many pancakes that during the performance begin to connect in motion their back, thereby transferring the precious load to other muscle groups. In other words, such a thing will not bring a result, but time will still take it. Do not chase the scales, work correctly and rationally, and then the training program for strength will give its results.