/ / Pulling on a low crossbar from a supine position - one of the best exercises for back muscles

Pulling on a low crossbar from a lying prone is one of the best exercises for the muscles of the back

Pull-ups on a low crossbar from a supine position -This is a very simple and at the same time sufficiently effective exercise to improve the condition of the muscle mass of the back and arms. To perform it, you do not need any simulators or training in performing techniques together with a trainer, which makes this exercise very convenient for beginners. Pull-ups on a low crossbar from vis lying down develops such muscles as:

  • The widest, large round and rhomboid muscles of the back. They do the bulk of the work of pulling up the body to the crossbar.
  • The biceps flex the arms at the elbows, and the triceps are responsible for their stabilization.

General description of the exercise and the technique

To perform pull-ups at lowa crossbar from a lying position, you need the crossbar itself. Also, of course, you need to learn a technique of doing the exercise in general, so that it has the maximum effect.

To get started is to do the installation of the crossbar.Its height should correspond approximately to the level of your solar plexus. In this case, the exercise will be as effective as possible. With a higher position of the bar, the exercise will be too easy. If, on the contrary, the crossbar is set too low, it will not be very convenient to pull up on it. If you do not have the opportunity to independently adjust the height of the crossbar, try to find a slat or pipe of optimum height.

pull-ups on a low crossbar

Grasp the crossbar with a grip of such widthso that at the upper point of the forearm's rise were perpendicular to the crossbar. The grip should be straight, the thumb closed in the lock. Rest your feet on any surface. It is important to know here: the farther away the legs are from the crossbar and, accordingly, the smaller the angle between the body and the ground, the harder it is to perform the exercise. Therefore, the angle of inclination should be chosen depending on your level of fitness. Keep the buttocks and press tight so that the body is absolutely straight. Using isolated efforts of the back muscles, tighten the body to the bar and touch it with the breast. At the top point, linger for a second or two, keep the shoulder blades as low as possible, and then, with a slow movement, return to the starting position.

Types of pull-ups

Pulling up on a low crossbar from vis lyinghas several modifications. If you want to place more emphasis on the very bottom of the broadest muscles, do the exercise with a reverse grip. If, in your case, the biceps are lagging behind the muscle group, try to throw a towel over the crossbar and take hold of the ends with a reverse grip. While lifting, slightly spread the ends of the towel to the side.

Pull-ups for those who want to learn how to pull up

pull-ups on a low crossbar from a VIS lying bent

If your goal is to learn to pull up, youhelp with this pull-ups on a low crossbar from a hanging lying bent. They are performed this way - instead of keeping the body level, you bend the pelvis so that it falls just under the crossbar. The result will be something like a lightweight version of the pull-ups. If necessary, you can even slightly help your legs to complete the most difficult part of the exercise for you. As soon as you thoroughly master this technique of pull-ups and they will be easy for you, try gradually moving to classic pull-ups.