Swivel - the primary element of the fishingtackle. Its main purpose is to prevent twisting of the line during the bait operation. It protects it from hooks and ruptures. To increase the life of the gear, every fisherman needs to know how to tie a swivel to the line.
Almost with any method of fishing, swivels are used to install bait and rigging. The right swivel rotates effortlessly around its axis in both directions, without twisting the tackle.
Swivels are made of high-grade steelstrength, non-corrosive. They vary in size, design and strength, but have the same basic function: to prevent twisting of the line.
The smallest swivels can hold a load of up to 1 kg, averages up to 20 kg, and large ones up to 100 kg.
The device is considered high-quality if it is perfectly polished, easily and quickly rotates around the axis.
Where do they use it?
Going on fishing, anglers with experience in advance prepare several gears, where the swivels have different sizes and designs:
- in the float fishing tackle, the main and fishing lines are connected by one double swivel;
- without a float on the buckwheat make two fastenings: the main tackle is combined with the sinker and the leash;
- when catching fry of a carnivorous fish, two swivels are needed: one connects the leash to the live bait, the other - to the float;
- on the "path" involves using a triple swivel, so that the light bait could sink into the pond.
In the rigging of the fishing rod, the swivel is significantelement, and with certain techniques of catching - the main one. Movable attachments improve the quality of the line to 40%, if you understand how to tie a swivel to the line.
Factors that affect catch:
- the amount of the mobile device;
- feature of the work;
- reliability of the node;
- ease of tying.
How to tie a swivel to the line?
Because how tightly connected the mobiledevice with a fishing line or other fishing tackle, the technique of fishing depends. There are many different ways to do this, using special nodes:
- "clinch";
- "Palomar";
- "Greenwich";
- "eight";
- "executioner";
- "Jensen".
These most popular and quality nodes are easy to use. When knitting any of them, the material must be wetted before tightening.
The knot is simple and reliable, ideal formonofilament. On a large diameter fishing line, it is undesirable to use it - it can untie. How to tie a swivel to the line? The sequence of actions is as follows:
- in the ear swivel insert fishing line;
- Extend the end by 10 cm;
- leaving a small loop, wrap the end 8 times around the tackle;
- end the line in a loop around the swivel hood and pull it into the loop that formed when the line was returned to the small loop;
- knot to tighten.
Universal technology allows you to tie this knot on the line, monofilament and braided cord:
- cut the line doubly;
- loop, which was received, pull in the ear swivel;
- tie a simple knot with the bent end;
- On top of the loop put on the swivel;
- tighten the knot, trim the ends.
Who knows how to knit a swivel to a fishing line with a “palomar” knot, constantly uses it.
Very solid and stable knot. In addition to attaching the swivel, it is used for tying baits, leads and various baits:
- push the working end of the fishing line through the ear and pull it out 15 cm;
- send it along the main line;
- 5 cm from the swivel, turn it back to the eyelet, making a loop;
- wrap 5 turns around the double line;
- knot knock off.
Connection by this knot turns out reliable, strong. When tying does not deform the fishing line. The compound never fails with use.
- double bend the line to form a loop;
- overlap the ends of the loop at the base. The lower part of the plant for the top, forming a figure eight;
- push the ends into the loop. Got a knot-eight;
- tighten the knot, trim the ends.
Knot "executioner"
Durable and simple knot tied like this:
- the end of the line, which is 15 cm long, put a swivel in the hole;
- send it along the main line, getting a loop near the hole of the swivel;
- return the end of the fishing line back by making a large loop;
- wind the twisted part of the large loop with seven turns;
- fishing line to pass through the loop near the ear swivel and tighten.
A simple node that has long been used. It can be performed by any novice angler, if he understands how to tie a swivel to a fishing line:
- part of the 15 cm line to swivel a swivel in the hole;
- make a loop near the ear and re-insert it again;
- form a second loop of the same size as the first. Work the end of the line again in the ear;
- when forming the third loop, wrap the end of the line 3 times around the loops;
- tighten the knot.
How to tie the swivel to the braid?
Attach the swivel to the braided fishing line with the help of several well-known nodes.
Consider how to do this with the help of a hardened “clinch” node:
- working end of the line to scoop in the ear, leaving 15 cm;
- cut the line doubly;
- twist the end around the main line seven times;
- stretch it into the resulting loop;
- pull the end of the fishing line back into the large loop that just turned out;
- wetted knot pull off.
The disadvantage of this method is that it is not suitable for thick woods and is used for swivels, which have a medium-sized eyelet made of thin wire.
Популярный узел «паломар» безукоризненно годится for tying fishing line braided to swivel. It is not untied, if necessary it is cut or torn. How to tie the swivel knot "palomar", was discussed above.
A variety of methods of tying fishing line toa great many swivels. It is not necessary to know and be able to tie each of them. It is enough to pick up a few reliable and uncomplicated ones, so that fishing always pleases with luck.