/ / What is physical development. Sport and physical development

What is physical development. Sport and physical development

Sport and physical development is an important parthuman values, which provides the highest level of health promotion, affecting the spiritual world. Exercises - this is the main means of development of physical culture. They can be performed at any age, strong and weak, healthy and sick, disabled and people with developmental disabilities.

what is physical development

The foundations of development are laid from birth,therefore, when assessing the health of a growing nation, formation indicators are mandatory. The study of physical health is conducted in newborns, adolescents, and the adult population. It is important to determine the characteristics of generations of different ages.

Basic concepts

What is physical development?One of the most important indicators of health. These are the patterns of age development, which determine the level of health and the functioning of all systems in the body. At each age, a person grows according to certain laws, and deviations from the norms indicate problems in health. The physical development is influenced by the neuropsychic, intellectual state, a complex of medico-social, climatic, organizational and socio-biological factors.

Throughout a person’s life, there are changes in functional properties in the body:

  • length and body weight;
  • lung capacity;
  • chest circumference;
  • endurance and flexibility;
  • dexterity and strength.

The strengthening of the body is either spontaneous (natural age), or targeted, for which a special program is created physical development.It includes exercise, nutrition, proper rest and work. The level of development is influenced by heredity, individual characteristics and capabilities of the human body, living conditions and geographical environment.

development of physical culture

Body weight, height and proportions are programmed by genetic mechanisms, and with the correct formation of their change will go in a certain sequence. But there are factors that violate it:

1. External:

  • abnormalities in intrauterine development;
  • adverse social conditions;
  • poor nutrition;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • environmental factors.

2. Internal:

  • heredity;
  • chronic diseases.

The influence of external factors

Physical developmental indicators are subject to change.under the influence of external factors. The violation of the activity of the internal secretion leads to gigantism, dwarf growth, uneven growth. Rickets, hypotrophy, tuberculosis, dysentery are the causes of slower growth, poor weight gain, weakening of muscle tone, poor posture, flatfoot. This means that physical development and health are closely linked.

Для получения норм у детей выводятся определенные standards for each geographic latitude separately. For this, large groups of babies are examined for the same age, sex and national characteristics. Standards may change under the influence of the material and cultural standard of living of the population.

These standards are essential for assessing the developmentchild as an individual, as well as children's and teenage groups. Human life is a permanent process of change, which consists of the following successive stages: maturation, maturity, old age.

What is sport?

Sport is an integral part of physicalculture, which includes exercises to strengthen the body. This is a competitive, gaming and organizational activities aimed at holding such events. Sport is development, health, life. Every day there are more of his supporters, which certainly pleases. The need for movement and competition accompanied a person at all stages of evolution, therefore, the development of physical culture and sports begins in ancient times.

sport and physical development

The basis of the formation of physical activity is the need for physical training and recreational activities and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Sports education

What is physical development and why do we need sportman? Its value in a person's life is difficult to overestimate, so love for this activity must be instilled from childhood. Harmful effects of the environment, poor nutrition and psycho-emotional stress parents can compensate for sports. In addition, special exercises will help correct violations in the physical development of children, in particular problems with the locomotor system and flatfoot. Workouts also help:

  • gain the missing muscle mass;
  • reduce weight;
  • fight spinal curvature;
  • correct posture;
  • increase stamina and strength;
  • develop flexibility.

Adolescent development

What is the physical development of a teenager? Невооруженным глазом можно заметить некую awkwardness in their behavior and inconsistency of the figure. This is a feature of physical development - tubular bones grow quickly, and muscles slowly. Therefore, adolescents are so sharp in their movements: they do not know how to coordinate them, thereby bringing a lot of inconvenience to themselves. They do not notice excessive gesticulation and waving their arms while walking.

Awkwardness, carelessness and impulsemovements increase when overexcited. Exercise and regular workouts effectively deal with this deficiency. Also, a teenager is able to control his psychological state and movements, which means that it is important to pay great attention to physical development.

physical development health

A teenager can withstand heavy loads and prolonged stress, which seems impossible. This is due to great enthusiasm and interest in the work, when fatigue and time are not noticed.

Features of development:

  • rapid growth of the heart does not match the growth of body weight;
  • changes in the vascular systems lead to a lack of blood flow to the brain, so the adolescent feels frequent dizziness and quickly gets tired;
  • slow lung development;
  • development of the nervous system is the cause of irritability, lethargy or strong arousal.

Physical education

Что такое физическое развитие и воспитание?It consists in a complex of health-improving exercises and measures affecting the strengthening of the body and spirit. The main task of education is rehabilitation, the formation of economical movements, the accumulation of motor experience by a person from early childhood and its transfer to life.

Aspects of physical education:

  • feasible load;
  • outdoor games;
  • competent mode of the day, balanced diet;
  • personal hygiene and hardening.

Why is physical education necessary for a child?

Results from physical exertion can bevisible immediately and after some time. Education has a positive effect on the child’s body, developing its natural data so that in the future it will more easily endure stressful situations and a change of environment:

  • personal qualities develop, character tempered;
  • a positive attitude towards life is formed, active people always feel happier;
  • formed a negative attitude to bad habits.

physical development program

Физическое воспитание, физическое развитие necessary for the improvement of man, his personal qualities and harmonious development. This is an important component of each stage of education and training. The system of physical education is referred to the category of social systems, because it achieves socially important goals necessary for the development of not only an individual, but the whole society.

Health and Sport

Физическое развитие, здоровье тесно взаимосвязаны.An active lifestyle will save you from problems with blood pressure. Without exercise, bones lose their elasticity and become brittle, a fatty layer appears, which with age gains mass and causes many health problems. A passively living person is depressed and emotionally unstable.

physical education physical development

Занятия спортом должны быть умеренными, а The program of physical exercises is made taking into account individual features, possibilities of an organism and age. Moderate exercise leads to the development of muscle mass, dexterity, endurance and flexibility, and excessive loads - to overwork and exhaustion. The cult of health is introduced in many countries, and the development of physical culture is quite well encouraged by the state financially and morally.

Development groups

Развитие и здоровье человека – это не только the presence or absence of any disease, but also a harmonious physical development, age appropriate. To determine these criteria, there are special groups of physical development, which are based on health status, functional disorders, morphological disorders and chronic diseases. The methodology of anthropometric research is applied:

  1. Morphological signs. Height, weight, chest circumference.
  2. Functional features. Muscle strength of the hands, lung capacity, chest excursion.
  3. Somatoscopic signs. The shape of the chest, spine, legs, the degree of fatty deposits.

physical development groups

Physical development of children is also determined by biological characteristics: motility, formation of the dental system, growth and speech processes, puberty in adolescents.

Survey methods

Program developed by the International Committeeon standardization of tests of physical readiness, determines the health and physical development of a person. For this, a medical examination is carried out, the response of the body and its various systems to physical activity is determined, the body composition is studied according to the correlation with working capacity.

Two methods are used in the examination - somatoscopy (external examination), anthropometry (measurements).