/ / Child development at 3 months

Child development in 3 months

Development of a child under 1 year is veryquickly, and in the first three months - especially. Many unconditioned reflexes are lost, movements practically cease to be spontaneous and unconscious. The child as though studies the body, observes movements of extremities, makes opening and receives new knowledge practically every day.

К 12 неделе у ребенка в полной мере формируется "A complex of animation", when he reacts with a smile and vigorous movements of the hands and feet at the approach of the parents. This indicates his normal psychophysical development. At this time the crumb quite confidently holds the head in an upright position and rests on the feet if it is supported under the arms. Also on the hands of an adult, the baby can follow the motionless and moving objects and behind the faces of the parents, but eye movements are not yet coordinated.

Development of a child at 3 months is characterized byincreased motor and emotional activity - he can turn from the back to the abdomen, raise his head, chest and upper body, lying on his stomach, squeeze and unclench the cams, pull the legs and push them. The kid grabs toys and suspended objects, brings the handles to his mouth. Visual and auditory perception develops, the child learns familiar people and objects, watches his hands, smiles, hearing the voice of parents, focuses on sound, turning his head in his direction. There are first signs of speech - the so-called "walking" and imitation of some sounds.

The development of the child at 3 months differs also in that,that he not only begins to react emotionally to others, but he himself already quite consciously signals his condition with cries and voice. The child also needs to know the world beyond his own bed. To do this, it is necessary to take him in his arms and walk with him around the room, let him touch the objects, along with informing him of their names. It is also important to train tactile sensations - speech development depends on them, and in the future it will be easier for the child to learn how to write and own any instruments. To do this, you need to hang at the level of the outstretched arm comfortable for grasping toys, different in shape and size.

On how the child develops in 3month, depends on its development in the future. If the child does not know at least part of what was described above, that is, if there is no motor activity and reaction to the environment, you need to turn to the pediatrician. However, the development of the infant can be slowed down, provided that it was born prematurely. In this case, the time of appearance of the corresponding skills is counted from the prospective moment of birth.

The development of a child in 3 months largely depends on theproper feeding. At one time, the child needs to eat about 130-150 grams, and for a day the amount of food should be one-sixth of his weight. Part of this rule should occupy breast milk, no matter how little it is, then you can supplement the mixture from the bottle (if the milk is not enough). Cooking mixture should be strictly according to the instruction, which is attached to it, observing the temperature regime. To understand how much mixture needs to be added, the baby needs to be weighed before and after feeding. In the early days of complementary feeding the mixture should be 15-20 grams less than normal, and within a week you can reach the full number. If you have a lot of milk, then in 3 months it will be enough to meet all the needs of the baby. A little later you can enter into the menu fruit sauce, first by a quarter teaspoon, then gradually increasing the norm. Although with lure it is quite possible to wait (on the recommendation of WHO and many progressive pediatricians - up to 5-6 months).

At 3 months, it is especially important to closely monitorchild, do not let out of sight for a second - it is very active and can roll off the couch or changing table. In all that the kid is able to learn, the interrelation of physical and mental components is manifested - interest in the surrounding world contributes to the motor activity, and the development of movements allows, in turn, to develop the psyche of the carapace. Playing with the child and doing developmental exercises with him, you can significantly improve his physical condition, and paying more attention to hygiene and rational feeding, contribute to the development of character and psyche.