/ / Dietary supplement "Omeganol": instructions for use

Biologically active supplement "Omeganol": instructions for use

omeganol instructions for use
Complex "Omeganol" instructions for usecharacterizes as a dietary supplement with a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect. Regular use of this tool stimulates physical and mental development, stabilizes pressure, ensures proper absorption of fats, boosts immunity and enhances the body's defense against the negative effects of free radicals. Besides all this, the drug "Omeganol" effectively prevents the development of atherosclerosis, ischemia and dyscirculatory encephalopathy, compensates for the deficiency of omega acids and vitamins, dilates blood vessels, and also prevents the development of skin diseases, arthritis and atherosclerotic plaques, thickening of the blood.

This active additive is produced in the formgelatin capsules. At the same time, each dragee contains omega-6 and omega-3 acids as the main active ingredient. Allicin, red palm oil is also contained in the drug "Omeganol". The composition of this tool is supplemented with a small amount of tissue fish oil.

omeganol composition

Use this biologically active complexexperts mainly recommend for the prevention and complex treatment of ischemia and atherosclerosis. In addition, the drug "Omeganol" (the instructions for use confirms this) helps to prevent and treat encephalopathy of the circulatory type. Also, the reception of these capsules is indicated for people suffering from omega-3 or 6 acid deficiency, vitamins of groups E and A. Younger patients should take the Omeganol capsules instructions for use in order to stimulate their mental and physical development and maintain immunity.

Take this drug to adults and childrenreached fourteen years of age, should be three times a day, strictly one dragee each. In this case, the duration of admission should be at least twenty days. If necessary, the course of therapy with the use of capsules "Omeganol" can be repeated. However, it is recommended to do this no earlier than ten days. On average, experts advise taking this complex three or four times a year.


As for the list of main contraindicationsfor the purpose, then first of all it is necessary to distinguish between the age of fourteen years and the period of bearing the child. In addition, the use of biologically active supplement "Omeganol" instructions for use does not recommend to women who are breastfeeding.

Finally, if we talk about possible side effectsreactions and undesirable effects that may occur as a result of taking this tool, then you should highlight a rather high risk of skin rash. In addition, some patients using this complex may experience itching and hyperemia. Angioedema and urticaria can also develop due to the patient's increased sensitivity to the components contained in the composition.