There is a huge variety of methods.weight loss. But it is proved that the treadmill is the most effective way to correct the figure in a short time. Moreover, training on the simulator has a positive effect on health, mood and able to charge energy for the whole day.
The benefits of the simulator
One cannot hope that the lack of physicalloads in everyday life will not affect your figure or general well-being. Weight loss on a treadmill can not only bring your figure in order, but also have a positive effect on the overall condition of the body.
- The simulator belongs to the category of sports equipment, which can not only tighten the hips and buttocks, but also increase the endurance of the body as a whole.
- In the rain or in the cold season, you will not miss a workout, as you can do exercises on the treadmill in the gym and at home.
- Load is excellent preventioncardiovascular diseases, as the heart muscle is strengthened during physical activity. Moreover, after regular exercises, you will notice the normalization of cholesterol in the blood and the stabilization of blood pressure.
- Interesting fact! Classes on the treadmill for weight loss not only reduce the overall weight, but also contribute to the elimination of the hated "orange peel" and tighten the silhouette.
What is better - running on the street or on the track
What is better - losing weight on a treadmill or runningon the street? Not counting the convenience, namely the ability to engage at any time of the day. Regardless of the weather outside the window, you can always conduct a training session, as well as install a program and see the number of calories burned and the distance covered.
A great way to lose weight is to walktreadmill for weight loss. Reviews of classes confirm that the training is much more comfortable than jogging on the street in snowy and rainy weather. And not only in terms of improving the outlines of your own body, but also in the possibility of doing mental activity in parallel - watching webinars on topics of interest, learning a foreign language, or just relaxing in the process of studying and watching your favorite movie. And nice and useful!
If you are aiming at getting a certainresult in the parameters of the figure, it is enough to install a specific training program and practice. And remember, the more you put in the effort, the sooner you will see the first positive results.
Slimming on a treadmill hascontraindications. People who have problems with the cardiovascular system, varicose veins, diseases of the musculoskeletal system or respiratory system, should be required to consult a doctor before classes. Walking on a treadmill for weight loss has no contraindications. Moreover, this kind of physical activity is recommended for many people to maintain overall tone and good health.
Воздержаться от занятия на тренажере желательно и girls who are soon preparing to become mothers. And also women in labor who need time to recover. With natural delivery, you should wait a period of 2 to 4 months, and after cesarean - at least six months.
Mechanics or electrics
Несмотря на то что тренажеры механического и electrical class belong to the same group. There is a significant difference between them. Mechanical canvas works thanks to your efforts; if you slow down, the canvas begins to move more slowly. Due to the constant use of force exercising creates the effect of strength training and pumped muscles of the lower body: thighs, buttocks and legs. And the excess fat present on your body will simply be clogged with muscle tissue. Which, by the way, will add you visual volumes.
Running on a treadmill for weight loss canbe carried out exclusively on the electrical construction, running on the network. You install the program yourself, depending on the goal you are pursuing, and regularly practice. Even if you are overwhelmed by fatigue, the canvas will still continue to move at an automated, specified pace.
Of course, the electric track, whose workaimed at reducing weight, there are drawbacks, mainly related to the dimensions of sports equipment. Put the simulator must be next to the outlet, in contrast to the mechanics, which not only eliminates the connection to the network, but also takes much less space.
Most sellers in sports shopsgoods are not advised to purchase an electric track with a motor less than 2 hp Since such a product does not serve long, and people with a large weight will not be able to do it because of the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer on the maximum permissible load on the simulator. So, in spite of which simulator you prefer, consider all the features and requirements of the mechanism.
The right training program for beginners.
Walking on a treadmill.Reviews that leave novices, focused on interval walking. Of course, this kind of training is not as effective as running. Nevertheless, with the right and regular approach to training, you can achieve very positive results.
Consider a few schemes, following the rules of which you will succeed on the way to the ideal figure.
The first scheme:
- Easy warm-up for 10-15 minutes. Set the speed to about 4 km / h.
- Change the angle of inclination of the canvas by 6 degrees and continue for some time to move at a given pace.
- You can remove the slope and continue driving at a speed of 7-9 km / h.
- Finish the workout by walking at a fast pace for 2 minutes.
Scheme two:
- We start driving at a speed of 4 km / h.
- After a couple of minutes, increase the angle of inclination.
- Then after 10 minutes of intensive training, we lower it.
- Repeat the sequence at least 4 times.
For greater effect from the workout recommendedcomplete the interval walk at an average pace for half an hour. In the future, you can increase the load, the duration of classes and the number of approaches.
How many calories are burned
One of the best cardiovascular machines isTreadmill. The results of losing weight, which we can see in various blogs, are impressive. The number of calories burned during training depends on the initial mass of the person, the duration and intensity of the activity.
When walking at medium speed, you can lose about 300 calories, while running about 500, and when jogging at high speed, all 800 calories. And all this for 1 hour classes on the treadmill.
If you read the reviews, the results are amazing. They are all positive.
Занимаясь на дорожке ежедневно и дополнительно doing exercises for pumping abdominal abdominal muscles or doing strength training no more than 3-5 times a week, you can lose 2 to 4 kg in 2 weeks. What a very good result.
Of course, to observe proper nutrition is imperative. It is best to eat in small portions about 5 times a day.
Интервальная ходьба тоже пользуется огромной popular, it not only works on weight loss, but also stimulates a person to continue training. And this is an excellent basis for regular workouts on the treadmill.
An excellent cardio trainer for body shaping andheart training - a treadmill for weight loss. Feedback and results from people are impressive. And if you continue to train further, then you can forget about excess weight.
Effective classes: the main nuances
Training on a treadmill for weight loss can be a very boring exercise, and can bring incredible pleasure. It all depends on your mood and the right choice of training techniques.
Walking on the electric canvas is able to createmiracles. The simultaneous process of fat loss with stress relief not only affects all muscle groups, but also contributes to the relaxation of the body as a whole. At least half an hour of energetic walking along the path will regularly help to maintain good health and mood.
Самый популярный вид тренировок на дорожке – это run. Most beginners after the start of training on the simulator noticed the effect of addiction. If the first trainings caused an internal struggle with yourself, laziness and unwillingness to engage, then after a while you will love such a sport so much that you yourself will rush to another run, which gives an incredible charge of cheerfulness and energy.
Sprint is the most powerful training on highspeed, giving unsurpassed results for weight loss and body shaping in a short time. Very time-consuming exercise, at the limit of the human body. The choice of this type of training should be treated with extreme caution!
Чтобы сделать тренировки эффективнее, можно change the angle of inclination of the running belt. Today, the method of alternating running on a flat horizontal surface, alternating jogging under an incline, is gaining incredible popularity. This is argued by the fact that this approach gives excellent results in reducing weight in a fairly short time.
Avoid monotonous walking on the canvas."Running companion", this approach will not give a good result. A workout in the near future will not begin to bring pleasure, and this is fraught with the fact that you just give up classes.
Slimming training
Particular attention should be paid to beginners.They are most interested in the question of whether a treadmill is effective for losing weight or not. Of course, regular exercises on the simulator give excellent results. Having mastered one of the training schemes proposed below, you will begin to achieve positive results:
Scheme 1.
- Running at an average pace for 1 minute.
- 4 minutes of moderate walking.
- Alternate positions for half an hour.
Such a gentle approach to the first training will allow you to adapt to new activities and not get discomfort.
Scheme 2.
- Quick run for 2 minutes.
- Walking at a moderate pace for 4 minutes.
- Alternate for 30 minutes.
Scheme 3.
- 2 minutes walking at a moderate pace.
- 2 minutes of running in enhanced mode.
- Alternate for 20 minutes.
The above training programs are builton the interval running, which is considered effective in the process of losing weight, as it allows you to expend more energy, leaving you a small amount of time to recover during the whole workout.
What does success depend on
Как известно, один из лучших способов сбросить weight and weight loss - treadmill. No matter how sad it may sound, but you can spend a huge amount of time on exercise, but do not lose weight.
Remember! Nutrition - is the basis of weight loss, and if you do not plan the right diet, all your efforts will be in vain.
Eat an hour before classcarbohydrate product, it can be porridge, fruit or vegetable salad. The optimal rate to start the process of burning fat is contained in 4 tablespoons of heat-treated cereals. Do not worry, you completely destroy them for 40-50 minutes of training.
For weight loss, there are two most popular options:
- Lesson should last at least 40 minutes or an hour.It can be an easy run or walk. But it is very important to monitor the level of the pulse. There is the concept of effective training based on heart beats. The calculation is quite simple: 220 minus the number of years, or 200 minus the number of years (if you are over 20). The result is multiplied by a factor of 0.65 (lower threshold under load) and 0.85 (a high value that cannot be exceeded). If you keep the pulse, according to this calculation, within the normal range, you are effectively engaged. Example: you are 30 years old, then 200-30 = 170. 170 * 0.65 = 110 and 170 * 0.85 = 144. Accordingly, training at a pulse level of around 120-130 beats / minute will be effective for you.
- Popular interval walk, which should be alternated with regular workouts. For example, for about 3 weeks you will train in a reinforced mode and 1 week in moderate mode.
In addition to the regularity of classes, there is anothersignificant rule. If you run about 60 minutes daily and do not complicate the workout, the body gets used to this mode and stops working on burning fat. Of course, the health benefits remain. But for weight loss, it is necessary to periodically complicate classes, in other words, work and work!
Before you start running on a treadmilltrack, do not forget to prepare the muscles. The warm-up should consist of turns, bends and waving hands. After such stretching, you can begin to walk slowly. Begin at a speed of no more than 4 km / h. With a gradual increase to 8 km / h.
Try not to do workouts monotonous onover a long time. You can periodically change the angle of inclination, add weighting, putting them on your arms or legs. Do not let your muscles get used to the monotony.
Complete the run is always moderate walking.Do not jump off at high speed, ending the session. You can complete the workout with a delay of at least 15-20 minutes. This is a variety of exercises aimed at stretching the muscles. And remember, regularity is the key to success!
If it's hard for you to make your training schedule,it would be better to purchase a subscription to the gym with an instructor. He will bring you up to date and select the optimal load, based on your wishes. After that, you will be able to continue to practice and achieve results.
Do not forget that the weight loss program on the treadmilltrack must be supplemented with proper nutrition to achieve excellent results. You should always stick to a healthy diet in small portions 4 to 5 times a day. Take care of yourself, because only a healthy body can achieve the perfect result!