/ / Which treadmill is better for the home: a review of the model, characteristics, firms and reviews

What is the best treadmill for the house: a review of the model, characteristics, firms and reviews

How can you put your figure in order, notlosing a lot of time? One option is to purchase a simulator. You will not need to allocate minutes and hours on the way to the fitness center. This raises the question of which treadmill is better for home. Right now, this will be discussed. The solution to this problem must be approached seriously, because the equipment is not cheap. There are two types of treadmills.

which treadmill is better for home


From the name it is already clear that the device is set in motion by human effort.

The entire range of simulators of this type is equipped with counters: speed, distance, calories burned and pulse. The intensity of running and training program, the user sets himself.

Magnetic mechanical track is different fromnormal smoothness. Thanks to the use of a strong magnet, it is much higher. Trying to determine which treadmill is best for the home, be sure to consider feedback from the owners of the simulator. Many of them boil down to the fact that the minus of the mechanical device is the inability to adjust the angle of inclination of the web. This is the only drawback of this type of equipment.

If we talk about the benefits, then they should include:

  • low price;
  • small size;
  • energy saving.

Mechanical treadmills are designed for minimum loads and do not have a depreciation system.

which treadmill is better for home reviews


This type of simulator has an engine runningfrom electricity. Thanks to him, the canvas is set in motion, its angle of inclination changes (range up to 22 degrees). And if suddenly there is a question about which treadmill for the house is better in terms of the variety of workouts, then, without thinking, give preference to a device with an engine.

The equipment has all those counters thatequipped with mechanical simulators. But besides this, the user can choose the program that is suitable for him. For example, you can create a simulation of running in hilly terrain.

Speaking about the advantages of this simulator, it is impossible to ignore him:

  • high functionality;
  • smoothness of the course.

And one more important moment.Many devices of this type have a security key. It is located on the control panel. During training, the edge of the lace, on which it holds, is attached to the user's belt. If a person falls, the key is pulled out, the treadmill stops. This way injuries can be avoided.

Maximum load, intensity and duration of classes depend on engine power.

what firm treadmill for home is better

What does an electric simulator consist of?

Recently, consumers often give awaypreference to exercise equipment with the engine. That is why we will talk about them in more detail. After all, before you decide which treadmill is best for your home, you should familiarize yourself with its structure.

The electric trainer consists of four main parts:

  • electric motor;
  • running cloths;
  • control panels;
  • decks.

The electric motor influences the speed of rotation of the web, it depends on its power, what is the maximum weight of a person permissible for practicing on the device.

The cloth represents the tape which is put on a shaft and rotating on a ring. The sizes of a cloth can be different. The best option - 50 centimeters width and 120 length.

Control Panel.On it are a variety of counters. One model of equipment may differ from another in that the pulse meter for some is located on the panel itself, while for others it clings to the earlobe. A person acquires the option that suits him best.

When choosing which treadmill is better for your home, do not forget about the deck. Thanks to it, the blows of the foot on the canvas are softened, the load on the spine and joints is reduced.

Choose a device

At first glance it seems that to get a simulatorsimply and easily. But this opinion is deceptive. It is best to go shopping with someone who understands this issue. If there is no such friend, you will have to decide for yourself which treadmill is right for you at home. The most important criteria to pay attention to:

treadmill for home what better price

  • Determine what size device you need. Above human height - the length and width of the canvas more. If the simulator is purchased for the whole family, then the size of the canvas is chosen for the largest.
  • Decide which functions you need.If you will be engaged from time to time, then the device is suitable mechanical type. With constant training on the simulator, give preference to electric, with a choice of programs.
  • Pay attention to engine power. The greater the weight of the person and the desired speed for training, the higher the power should be.
  • Do not forget about the depreciation and pulse measurement function.

What do consumers say about choosing a simulator?

They will help determine which treadmill is best for the home, reviews of the lucky owners of this simulator. From their own experience they know what to look for.

  • Как и все устройства, это тоже может сломаться.That's why, before you buy a product, ask the seller about the warranty, the work of the service department and in the event of a breakdown, how soon it will be repaired.
  • There is an opinion, and it is not just onceconfirmed in practice that the simulator should be tested in the store. Tip: choose to test several options. Test start with the most expensive device. Moving from one simulator to another, you will feel all the pros and cons.
  • An important advice to which you should listen: the best thing to buy goods in specialized stores. Only here will help you find answers to all your questions.
    which treadmill is best for your home
  • Be sure to pay attention to the area of ​​the room where the simulator will be located. For those who have it small, you can buy folding models.

A little more about what you should pay attention

When deciding which treadmill is best for home, users are advised to pay attention to the thickness of the canvas. It must be at least two and a half centimeters, and the tape itself consists of two layers.

It is desirable that the frame was made of special aluminum. This achieves the necessary shock absorption, and the frame does not corrode.

Do not forget about the additional elements, we are talking about the security key.

Choose a path with double-sided canvas. You will increase the life of the simulator, turning the canvas, thereby saving money.

The simulator should not create a lot of noise and, of course, should like you.

Pay attention to the movement of the canvas. It should be smooth, without jerks.

Equally important is such a moment as ease of operation. The equipment should be easy to turn on, and the program to switch without problems.

Which manufacturer is better

So you decided to purchase a simulator. They learned how to choose a treadmill for the house. Manufacturing companies offer the following options for purchase:

home treadmill most important criteria

  • Italy’s most famous equipment isTorneo. It is characterized by high quality, the price corresponding to it. Engine power from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of the practitioner is not more than one hundred and thirty kilograms, you can change the angle of the blade, the number of programs from one to eight.
  • Taiwanese manufacturer boastssimulator AeroFit. You can use the device not only for simple training, but for medical purposes. The engine has a power of one and a half to five horsepower, the weight of an athlete is not more than two hundred kilograms, the number of programs is about twenty. The angle of inclination can be changed only with expensive models.
  • The simulator has a wide range of functions.made in Germany - Bremshey. The equipment of this brand is used not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. The engine power is from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of a practitioner is no more than one hundred and fifty kilograms, you can change the angle of the blade, the number of programs from six to twenty-three. In the presence of sensors and sensory breast.
  • American manufacturers are proud of the simulatorChampion. This brand attracts consumers with a thoughtful appearance and a large number of training programs. The engine has a capacity of two to three horsepower, in the presence of sensory sensors and chest. The maximum weight of the practitioner is no more than one hundred and forty kilograms.

Как видите, разнообразие тренажеров велико.What firm of a treadmill for the house is better, you decide, based on the above characteristics. Just do not forget to test the equipment before you buy.

Another important criterion

And this, of course, cost.This measure in many cases is the main one when choosing a product. That is why it is worthwhile to dwell on this issue more seriously. Sometimes you can buy an expensive device, but you will not be comfortable working on it, while on a cheaper one you can train with pleasure. So is a running track for the house any better? Is price a quality criterion or not?

To the most expensive simulators include brandAeroFit. Its cost is within two thousand dollars. Although the product has a high price, there are also disadvantages. It takes a lot of space, it can not be folded, besides the angle of inclination of the canvas will not change. Exceptions are models that cost much higher than this.

The most budget option is the product - Torneo. Its cost is about six hundred conventional units. It is functional and inexpensive.

The price of models Bremshey and Champion varies within one and a half thousand dollars.

how to choose a treadmill for home


The range of simulators is great.Each manufacturer of this equipment is trying to create a product that meets human needs. Choose from a large number of models is quite difficult. By following all the recommendations given above, you will do everything right. The question of how to choose the right treadmill for the house, will not put you in a dead end.