/ / Mechanical treadmill: reviews, instructions. Which treadmill is better - mechanical or electric?

Mechanical treadmill: reviews, instructions. Which treadmill is better - mechanical or electrical?

The presence in your own home or apartment simulatorfor sports activities today, few people are surprised. Manufacturers of such equipment tend to develop small-sized, mobile and easy-to-use models that can be used independently without outside help. At the same time, despite the active entry into the segment of innovative technologies, traditional solutions remain relevant. These include the mechanical treadmill, reviews of which emphasize its reliability and efficiency. Of course, the usual principle of the simulator on the background of more modern analogues has some disadvantages, which should also be taken into account when buying equipment.

mechanical treadmill reviews

General information about the mechanical treadmill

The fundamental difference between models of this typeis to get rid of the power drive mechanisms, including the electric motor. This means that the movement of the running belt will be actuated directly by the user. This method of operation causes the pros and cons of a mechanical treadmill. Reviews, for example, note that the mechanical principle of work contributes to increased stress on the joints. And on the other hand, eliminating the need to connect to the mains allows you to use the equipment offline.

The main parameters to consider whenthe choice of models of this type will be reduced to the size of the canvas and the configuration of the handles. Despite the extensive possibilities of adjustments, the question of compliance with a particular model of the user's configuration always remains relevant. The brake with which the simulator is supplied also matters. The treadmill is mechanically controlled by the force applied by the user, but the brake mechanism can also adjust the movement of the canvas in accordance with the optimal predetermined rhythm.

manual treadmill

Instructions for maintenance of the simulator

Equipment installation should be done ona flat surface so that around the classroom the radius of free space is kept at least 50 cm. The treadmill should be securely fixed - if possible, it should be placed on gymnastic mats that will minimize noise and vibrations in the process. As the operation proceeds, it is necessary to periodically check the reliability of the connections of individual parts of the equipment and the quality of the main attachment to the floor covering. The unit must be cleaned regularly. On how correctly selected care products, depends on the operational period, which will serve without repair mechanical treadmill. Reviews emphasize that it is best to use a soft cloth, pre-moistened with a neutral mixture of washing liquid for the care of surfaces. Manufacturers themselves do not recommend the use of aggressive and abrasive solutions based on white spirit, benzene, acetone, etc.

treadmill atemi

User's manual

Classes should begin after a light workout andat a slow pace, which should gradually build up. It is desirable to refuse free clothing, since some of its parts can be drawn into moving equipment mechanisms. During the run, the simulator should not be rocked on the sides - despite the fixation, excessive fluctuations contribute to the wear of the equipment. The exercises themselves must be performed in accordance with the previously thought out program. This applies to the time classes, and the pace of running. A generic manual for a mechanical treadmill cautions against practicing with approaches for more than one hour and notes that the simulator is not intended for medical purposes. Complete the session should be smooth, focusing on the rate of reduction of the speed of the canvas.

which treadmill is better mechanical or electric

Torneo Model Reviews

The Italian brand Torneo is if notleader, then one of the leaders in the sports equipment segment. Fans of the manufacturer in this case, pay special attention to the treadmill Sprint T-115, which will suit even the owners of small apartments. According to users, the unit is compact, easy to use and mobile. Most importantly, this is not a classic mechanical type simulator. It connects to the mains, but not for an electric motor that is not in the design, but to provide additional functionality. Measuring the pulse, tracking the time of classes and speed is only a part of the indicators that this mechanical treadmill reflects on the display. Reviews note the wealth of training programs, among which there are pulse-dependent.

HouseFit Model Reviews

In the line of the American manufacturer HouseFitalso a lot of interesting suggestions. Model HT-9147HP can be attributed to the most modern and attractive. Again, this is an example of a combined solution that combines both touch sensors and a traditional mechanical simulator. The treadmill receives positive feedback for a long and wide canvas, ergonomic handles and ease of assembly. This option is especially convenient for people of large build, although if desired, the design can be adjusted to the needs of low and thin users.

trainer treadmill

This simulator also has negative sides.Thus, in the course of the training, many owners note the noisy work of the commercials, which can be eliminated only by updating the system for fixing work items. However, this disadvantage is compensated by an acceptable price tag. On the market, the mechanical treadmill HouseFit is available on average for 12-13 thousand rubles.

Model Reviews Atemi

Worthy competition to the simulators described abovemake a model AT-605 from the manufacturer Atemi. It is also a compact version with extensive features for measuring various parameters, but it also has several original features. In particular, users note the adjustment of the inclination of the canvas and the increased sensitivity of the brake to a given pace. In terms of physical interaction with a person, the Atemi treadmill can be considered one of the best in class. However, these benefits are overshadowed by the slow response of the cardio sensor. Still, the software stuffing is not the most successful in this model. Also, the owners do not recommend this simulator for large people.

Which treadmill is better - mechanical or electric?

mechanical treadmills for home

Both types of treadmills are attractive in their own way.and each one will be the best in certain conditions. For example, it is necessary to give preference to mechanics in a situation if there are no serious health problems, a little space is given for the installation of the simulator and the question of finances is not the last. That is, it is a compact and inexpensive unit, which at the same time will provide additional stress on the joints and back. But, the question of which treadmill is better, mechanical or electrical, cannot be solved without comparing the working properties of the equipment. And in this part reveals the strengths of models with an electric motor. The user of such a simulator receives a lot of adjustments to the movement of the web, the ability to customize the individual characteristics of the run, etc. But these advantages will have to be paid for with energy costs.


housefit mechanical treadmill

Not so often modern drive systemsinferior in working qualities to the more familiar and morally obsolete inertial technique with bearings and rollers. However, mechanical treadmills for the home, according to some selection criteria, are more attractive than counterparts with an electric motor. Another thing is that within this segment there are proposals of different quality. For example, budget models of treadmills are often criticized for their noisy work and low working life of elements. In the same expensive aggregates from leading manufacturers such flaws are almost never encountered.