/ / Diagnosis of suicidal behavior of adolescents: testing. Prevention of suicidal behavior of adolescents at school

Diagnosis of suicidal behavior of adolescents: testing. Prevention of suicidal behavior of adolescents in school

Today, the problem of teen suicide is inour society is very keen. There are many reasons, for example, the increasing load on the unformed psyche of the child from society and the media. On the one hand, they are under constant pressure in the form of high expectations of parents and school teachers. On the other hand, adolescents form their own world of relationships and feelings.

Складывается ощущение, что каждый ребенок должен to be a genius in the field of mathematics and computer science, to be able to sing and dance beautifully, to draw, to speak several languages ​​and much more. But what about a happy and carefree childhood? That is, the diagnosis of suicidal behavior of a teenager is actually secondary - you need to provide him with normal conditions for life, and then the risk will noticeably decrease.

diagnosis of suicidal behavior of adolescents

Growing up

Это второй фактор, который нельзя сбрасывать со accounts. Just yesterday, the child meekly fulfilled all your requirements, and today he suddenly realized that his life is completely controlled by adults, and there is almost no place left for his “want”. A riot breaks out, and the way you deal with it, again depends on the level of anxiety and depression, and hence the risk of suicidal thoughts.

These are the basics for parents who need to be awarehow much depends on our understanding, tolerance and sensitivity. Diagnosing the suicidal behavior of adolescents is not the task of school psychologists as ours. After all, the child spends a lot of time at home. Careful observation of him is a guarantee that you will not miss the alarm bells and will be able to react in time.

prevention of suicidal behavior of adolescents in school

Symptoms that should not be ignored

In fact, they are visible to the naked eye,only because of our employment, we usually ignore them. Peers, teachers and parents - they should all notice the change with the child. Diagnosis of suicidal behavior of a teenager begins with the observed oddities. It:

  • General depression, lack of interest in anything. The teenager hardly gets up in the mornings, with visible effort is going to school and at the section, ready to spend all his free time in his room.
  • Emotional statements on the topic “I wish I had never been born.”
  • Strong preoccupation with death, watching movies with a given theme.
  • Pronounced inferiority complex. "I am not good for anything," "It would be better without me."
  • The state of depression, the expression “Leave me all alone” is also a disturbing bell, to which attention cannot be ignored.

Thus, the diagnosis of suicidalTeen behavior begins in the family. If the parents have suspicions, he can come to the consultation of the school psychologist in order to agree on a deeper diagnosis and solution of the problem.

adolescent suicidal behavior diagnostics prevention correction

Step One: Testing

Конечно, психолог не может в большинстве случаев call a student and ask a direct question, for example, "do you want to commit suicide?" Therefore, even seeing clear signs of change in behavior, it is necessary to get the ground for a careful conversation. For this purpose, prevention of suicidal behavior of adolescents at school is introduced. These are special classes in which art therapy techniques are used. Children are asked to draw death, and then disassemble the data in small groups. In this case, the psychologist is primarily interested in what feelings each of the participants puts into his drawing. In most cases, dark colors, sharp lines, ornate drawing of parts can tell a lot.

Профилактика суицидального поведения подростков в The school also includes a debate in which children are invited to break up into several groups and discuss all the pros and cons of this option of death. Let one group try to prove that everyone has the right to personal choice, and the second - to find arguments against this (responsibility, religiosity, and much more). Of course, the general conclusion of the lesson should be that the deprivation of one’s life is a thoughtless act, childishness, that the solution of problems lies on a completely different plane. Such lessons will give excellent material for the observation of the school psychologist.

Individual approach

After the thematicopen lessons, it is possible to back up the conclusions made about the degree of risk of suicide committed by various schoolchildren using special techniques. Offering them is worth veiled, in the form of general testing. At the same time, offer the guys, each individually, to come up with the results. And be sure to set the time, indicating it on the leaves. So you can make a personal conversation with each of them.

diagnosis of suicidal behavior of adolescents techniques

Choosing techniques

How is the diagnosis of suicidalteen behavior? Testing may involve the use of a variety of techniques, each of which directly or indirectly indicates that it is necessary to work individually with the child. The first large group - projective techniques:

  • drawing tests;
  • Luscher color tests;
  • pictograms;
  • Rorschach stains.

Each of them is quite difficult to handle, butgives great material for the researcher. The only drawback is that after testing you will definitely need an individual conversation with each subject to confirm your guesses. After all, the choice of color or shape can affect well-being or momentary mood, an experience of some event.

diagnosis of suicidal behavior of adolescents testing

Structured techniques

They are easier to process and understand, but toUnfortunately, you can get socially desirable answers. When diagnosing the suicidal behavior of adolescents, it is advisable to use the techniques without direct reference to what they are researching. For example, the questionnaire of suicidal risk can be called a test Razuvaeva, on behalf of the author. It allows you to identify the degree of formation of suicidal intentions. In addition, a number of tests are used:

  • To determine the level of self-esteem.
  • 18-factor questionnaire Kettela.
  • Questionnaire accentuation and psychopathy Schmishek.
  • Bass-Darky aggressiveness questionnaire.
  • Scale anxiety.
  • Depression level scale.

Психологическая диагностика суицидального behavior in adolescents should be individualized. If a specialist sees that there are prerequisites for committing violent acts on himself, then it must be translated into individual form. A teenager needs help and will be glad to reach out.

psychological diagnosis of suicidal behavior in adolescents


This is an important and large unit for whichinvestigated the suicidal behavior of adolescents. Diagnosis, prevention, correction - these are three consecutive steps, which should not be forgotten by the school psychologist. So, corrective measures should be carried out in both individual and group mode. And the specialist will need to work with parents as well. They need to convey simple truths that a prickly and stubborn teenager needs love no less, and even more. Therefore, hugs and kisses, joint trips to the cinema and theater, to the café and to the stadium are the best way to restore the shine to the eyes and the joy of life. The more often he will hear from his parents such phrases as “what would we do without you”, “you are the best”, “I am near”, “I will help”, the easier this difficult age will pass.