/ / Mysterious inclinations and abilities of a person

Mysterious inclinations and abilities of man

By the beginning of the XXI century, human civilizationhas reached just incredible heights in development. People with all their might tame nature, using not only the strength of wind and water, but also the power of the sun, nuclear and atomic energy. A person penetrates into inaccessible depths, goes into space and studies distant galaxies. We are looking for life in the universe, building skyscrapers and moving at the speed of light. And in this age of high technologies, the faith of people in the supernatural develops parallel to them.

All of us almost every day we hear about the uniquemakings and abilities of a person. Someone believes in them, someone thinks nothing more than fiction and charlatanry. In various publications, there are many examples of such abilities, thousands of quite reasonable and adequate people devote whole lives to their study. Is all this just a fiction?

What paranormal inclinations and human abilities are known to us?

The most often mentioned ability istelepathy. People endowed with it, supposedly can read the thoughts of another person who is close or far away, depending on the degree of development of this ability. Specialists who study such individuals have come up with a huge number of tests designed to identify liars and pretenders. While it was not heard of the appearance of any nuggets. However, interested people always find an excuse for such a state of affairs. Many of them assert that the telepathic inclinations and abilities of people use for their purposes the country's leadership, military and other departments. Of course, they hide their "assistants" and protect them as the apple of their eye. That's why we never saw them. Of course, there is a certain amount of logic in this statement. But who then explains why in our cities there is such a huge number of all psychics who sell their "unique" services to everyone? Are they not needed by the military? Or they already have an excess of staff?

In addition to telepathy, there are other typesabilities. For example, telekinesis. Those who possess this gift can move objects without touching them. They only need one glance, and often the power of thought. Very convenient skill. And it is very strange, if we admit its existence, that no one has started using it on a more global scale than flying a handle or a spoon.

Specialists in telekinesis and telepathy,that these abilities can be developed through diligent practical exercises. Some even believe that the ability to read minds is inherent in all people, but is "blocked." If this is so, then nature has acted very sensibly and it is hardly worth arguing with her. However, those who wish are always there. And many even argue that they are doing something. Examples of telekinesis is difficult to bring, but with telepathy - another matter. There are people in the world who are naturally very attentive. This is what their special talents and abilities are. On the barely perceptible movements of the interlocutor, reactions to certain words, they easily read almost the whole of his biography. And a person seems to read his thoughts.

Еще одна интересная способность – умение видеть prophetic dreams. Examples of prophetic dreams are a mass in history. Many famous generals saw their victories or losses. The famous scientist in a dream was the answers to the puzzles that tormented them. You can continue indefinitely. But is it worth believing that the above was a consequence of the manifestation of some special abilities? It should be borne in mind that a man's mental abilities are endless. The brain, tuned to solve a specific problem, continues to function in a dream. It happens that it is in a dream that he finds the answer. And, of course, his shocked master decides that some higher forces have interfered.

To believe or not in paranormal abilities is a private matter for everyone. However, in many situations it is enough to use ordinary, mental, so as not to be deceived.